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dril avatar
Bad news folks! i waited in line for 16 hours to see the queen. But by the time i got there she was fuckin DEAD!!!!!!
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dril avatar
age 0 (baby): I want my Dada .
age 25 (Millennial): I want my Data
Do you see how fucked this is?
dril avatar
Food $200
Data $150
Rent $800
Candles $3,600
Utility $150
someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying
dril avatar
absolutely block on sight
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its fucked up how there are like 1000 christmas songs but only 1 song aboutr the boys being back in town
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now that i have the baneful blue mark, I undertand the pain ive wrought. i was wrong to torment dog coin guys. im jealous of their million's
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dont worry i reviewed my profile myself and its still really good. please let me change my name back to normal now
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if you ask me many of Americans have been wearing the mask even before from covid 19. the mask i refer to is of course the clown's mask.
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in real life yoda would get eaten by a dog
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i think if dogs could talk they would have the most racist opinions in the world, stuff that just blows normal human racism out of the water
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you can disaggrree with Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislane Maxwells politics while still hanging out with them in photographs. Its totally fine
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my friend the only crypto currency you wanna get your hands on is this: bird seed. There is a lot of birds and they all gotta eat
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everyone less mentally ill than me is Privileged, everyone more mentally ill than me is Toxic, everyone equally mentally ill to me is Cool
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so long suckers! i rev up my motorcylce and create a huge cloud of smoke. when the cloud dissipates im lying completely dead on the pavement
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go ahead. keep screaming "Shut The Fuck Up " at me. it only makes my opinions Worse
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( me after seeing two guys in any context whatsoever) Well well well if it isnt the Blowjob Brothers
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its ok he fired the people in charge of telling him its illegal
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every generation deserves at least 5 movies named "Spider Man 2"
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i truly believe that i will usher in a new era of peace and prosperity when i get every single post on hthis fucking website deleted by 2022
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revealing the gender of my baby by eating a whole bunch of food dye and taking a huge pink shit in front of my relatives. ah!! its a girl !!
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the entire time youre watching the movie 101 Dalmatians, youre just thinking, This is so many more dalmations than usual. It is just fucked
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getting brain damage from pissing my self off
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building a pressurized 3000 mile long tube across the desert instead of a normal train is actually a really good idea. Always has been
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Having a bad one; First my Lockheed Martin investment tanks after the ceo posts his penis. Now Cold stone Creamery just called me the N-Word
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the wise man bowed his head solemnly and spoke: "theres actually zero difference between good & bad things. you imbecile. you fucking moron"
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if your grave doesnt say "rest in peace" on it you are automatically drafted into the skeleton war
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Buffalo wild wing gets $0 tip for serving "Bones" to me in chicken, if i had wanted to eat bones i would take my Ass to the grave yard
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if you "clap back" someone with a PhD on here, you should be allowed to have their PhD. Its just common sense people. Oh that's tea
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i deserve th e most mentally ill president imaginable. 99 year old babbling doofus. Send us into the volcano sir
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"This Whole Thing Smacks Of Gender," i holler as i overturn my uncle's barbeque grill and turn the 4th of July into the 4th of Shit
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"im not owned! im not owned!!", i continue to insist as i slowly shrink and transform into a corn cob
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i really dont care what Yankee Doodle did when he went to town. His toxic fanbase tells me everything I need to know about him .
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the list of white boy's with fat Dicks just dropped
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wife is sad because we had to remove all doorknobs from our dreamhome since they were at the exact perfect hieght to go up my ass by mistake
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wife is no longer permitting me to jack off in the car during her book club meetings. where am i supposed to jack off then? fucking EGYPT???
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just found out about Object Permanence... why didnt any one tell me about this shit
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thank you . this will make it way easier to block them all
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issuing correction on a previous post of mine, regarding the terror group ISIL. you do not, under any circumstances, "gotta hand it to them"
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Im the guy who asked them to remove Sex from only fans!!! I thought It would be nice!!! I didnt know it woiuld make people mad!!! Im sorry!!
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the cdc requires that every bag of nuts has one that tastes like absolute shit for some reason
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"your posts suck ass now " my posts have always sucked Ass . You are just mad at me for some reason
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only gamers know whats this is
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oi guv the old bird pissed it. I will miss her . Fuck
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scientology brain. paint huffing used car dealer brain. pillhead grandma brain. shit stained herman miller brain #BlockTheBlueChecks
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what combo of substances can i take to give myself PTSD during Avatar premier(IMAX). i wanna come out of there screaming like a vietnam vet
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cant wait for this Cunt to take us to mars; no Sjw, no Girls, just us boys sitting around in 55.9m sq miles of waste land, swapping MEMES !!
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If your grave doesn't say "rest in peace" on it you are automatically drafted into the skeleton war . Like and retweet
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i cannot stress enough that my new song "Good town road" is not influenced by any other songs whatsoever
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DUMBASS: SHut the fuck up
THE WISE MAN: No you shut the fuck up
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inventing new character "George X. Bush" the most fucked george bush yet
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now that elon has disposed of the left wing woke brigade I can finally post pictures of my COCK!!!
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sorry im wrong. please dont block twitter blue users. please continue letting guys like this fill your time line
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Its impossible for me to respect someone who is wearing an arm cast. UYou look like a mummy from egypt. Remove it
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in a world where big data threatens to commodify our lives,. telling online surveys that i "Dont know" what pringles are constitutes Heroism
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just got word from a trusted source: the guy who said he would fuck his daughter on "The View" is in hot water for spelling hamburger wrong
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big bird was obviously just a man in a suit. but the other ones were too small to contain men. so what the fuck
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the coolest thing the police ever did was invent their own flag thats just a desecrated version of the american flag
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oh no i accidentlally changed my name and lost my blue checkmark again. now people will think im a Virgin
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im afraid i must say that i do not find the mysteries featured on "scooby-doo" challenging enough .
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the only time isaid the "N word" i said it with perfect frequency/timing to intercept & cancel out the sound waves of another guy saying it,
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looking at the data and simply laughing
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i shou;ld be allowed on the roof of any building
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ive flattened the curve over 100 times. what have you pricks been doing
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they are inventing a new type of Lesbian in 2023 they just said it on CNN
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reminder to the girls of this page that I will soon have $ 1400
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Im thinking 2k20 is the year of "Shut the fuck up" . All repliers blocked. Absolute God mode
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200k/yr media job where we all wear sweater vests, kiss each other & try to convince people biden is technically a "Molester" not a "Rapist"
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wife wants to get the word "winefreak" tattooed, in the disney font. i told her she cannot join me in the kingdom of heaven if she does this
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i regret to inform you, that by resorting to Swear language, you have forfeit this debate. Farewell my bitch
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i just need to say, to anyone reading this.. You are Important, You are loved, and You belong in this world, if you have over 5000 followers
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well its not working bitch. my numbers are still " SHIT "

dril avatar
you say you smoke two packs a day? two packs of what, pal? shit?
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#RespectThePolice alright done. what should I respect next. bugs? urine? im taking requests
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beanie babies are just bit coins in real life
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CHIEF: dracula is in our sights. Take the shot!
SNIPER: I can't, Sir. I'm Woke!
ME (watching through binoculars): He's woke! He wont do it!
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i love saiyng shit like "Yow! This kittens got Claws!" whenever a woman stabs me 38 times in the neck and chest
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did it hurt when you fell from heaven and kissed my stupid ass you mother fucker
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Oops! another $50000 worth of nft ape shit got stolen from me some how. Weird!!! good thing i still have all 200 of my iq points
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(hearing about a guy who died) wow thats like 0.0003 9/11s
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children should learn Gambling basically asap aand fix the economy by winning big
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w'ere leaving it in 2019...
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i pray my IQ forever remains in the "Sweet Spot" wherein its high enough to call out the BS but too low to recognize the Futility of Posting
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stainless steel? my ass. ill stain that mother fucker good
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need to find out if the eagle tattooed to my sons chest is racist or normal
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you know what wo uld be fun, would be if twitter hq just dumped a truck full of wet turds on my front lawn every day "In case I missed it"
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the only nfts i deal in are nerds in the Fucking trashcan. suck my Dick
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my tweets bring people together, and unite this country even more than 9/11 did. every time i post its like 9/11 happening again
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it is with a heavy heart that i must announce that the celebs are at it again
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a man asks God, how am i supposed to live, without George H.W. Bush
God simply said "That is why I made 2 george bushs"
The man just smiled.
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who the fuck is scraeming "LOG OFF" at my house. show yourself, coward. i will never log off
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@AlanDersh Hello Alan this is your lawer speaking. I am advising you today to please keep posting this shit
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urine is not sterile. it has piss in it
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"we dont deserve dogs" of course we deserve dogs shit head. before we bred the evil out of them they were basically giant rats
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the year is 2043, men have gotten too much therapy and are now Masters of Deceit, using their supernatural mental health to get insane head
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INSPIRING: After 20 Years-- Local Waitress Reunited With "78 I.Q." Police Officer Who Used Her As A Human Shield At The Age Of 11
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guys who get off on being humiliated used to expose themselves at the grocery store or something. now they pretend to be journalists on here
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bashing my skull against the steering wheel while screaming in my car for an hour; then coming on here pretending to be a Mental Health Guru
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oh you dont like my AI generated crap? ill just AI generate some people who do. then ill AI generate $1000000 and a wife who likes my posts
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peoplr would rather see macDonald's, than macbeth. and that's why all of this is going on
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decades of jacking off "The stupid way" has got my whole dick looking crazy
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Clean Ass , Clean Mind
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saying "Looks like I struck a nerve ." in the gorup dm after posting "Pringles is white people doritos" and locking my account
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my mouth feels very dry and my dick got a liuttle bit smaller last night. i think they started rolling out 6G
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ME: please show me the posts in the order that they were made
COMPUTER: thats too hard. heres some tweets i think are good. Do you like this
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theres a popular nursery rhyme in which the singer claims to be a teapot. this, for many children, is their first experience with "Trolling"
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dogs love barking at me like 1000ft from their house. what are you a land surveyor. you don't know what a property line is bitch shutup
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gorilla glue paid that woman to fuck up her hair and go viral and youre all pawns in gorilla glues game. not me though im a 200IQ journalist
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just clicking my mouse a bit. having a look at my files
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your mission is to get laid on gmail. delete all other apps, do not talk to me until you fuck. your mission is to fuck and suck on gmail
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Can we stop the posts please guys. Can we all cool it with the gags, riffs, spoofs, and epic shit. People are trying to do mental health
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should i learn Letters first? or choose the path of Numbers? a queston every baby must ask it self
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your meltdown is worse than my melt down. you're spiraling harder than me bitch. im barely even showing my ass compared to you
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JACKING OFF and committing FRAUD
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hear this trolls: ive been secretly respecting the flag in the privacy of my garage for 12 hrs a day , maxing out its power to insane levels
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listeing to the updated version of the "baby its cold outside" song where the guy's trying to convince the woman to leave so he can jack off
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trying to convince my dying son to ask the make of wish foundation for a credit card with 0% APR
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getting pissed off at the idea of someone going on to wiki pedia and changing the name of the japanese suicide forest to "Warios Woods"
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venus sucks shit. if they find life there it's going to be a very small man curled into the fetal position yelling "FUCK THIS"
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The Fact Remains That Your A Guy From Reddit, And Im A Guy Who Posts On A Website Thats Somewhat More Prestigious Than Reddit
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(saying to group. of 7 girls) the lore surrounding the Addams family is actually quite a bit darker than you might think..and fairly Leftist
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turning a big dial taht says "Racism" on it and constantly looking back at the audience for approval like a contestant on the price is right
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i want to beat the shit out of a ufo
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We All Have That Friend Who Fucking Sucks
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a month ago everyone was scared thy were going to die so they immediately grabbed as much toilet paper as possible & wiped thier ass with it
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the jduge orders me to take off my anonymous v mask & im wearing the joker makeup underneath it. everyone in the courtroom groans at my shit
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there`s no job harder than that of the Media Personality. there are so many massive pedophiles who you have to not accidentally say are good
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wiping your ass is now officially Politics
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love when i lose aobut 100 followers immediately after making a beautiful post. the weak shriveling up into dust. Thats called darwin
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today i saluted the afghanistan vet who lives on my floor and said "Suck My Dick Sir! Mission Failed" then went home and dead lifted 300lbs
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when you reply to a womans selfy with a picture of invader zim saying "Epic Need" it never fails. i have cheated on my wife over 400 times
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drunk driving may kill a lot of people, but it also helps a lot of people get to work on time, so, it;s impossible to say if its bad or not,
dril avatar
blocked. blocked. blocked. youre all blocked. none of you are free of sin
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"gamer cock is in demand" Girls are saying this
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thinking of inventing a new type of person to get mad at on here. maybe people who carry too many keys around.. i dont know yet
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whats everyones favorite gas price? mine is $3.29
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i hate it when doctors say Shit like "Take two and call me in the morning" . why dont yoy take two kisses of the butt crack of my ass
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i do not appreciate twitter putting a satire warning underneath all of the posts where i say i am jacking off right now. it is NOT satire
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I am their Father. I would burn my penis off with a lighter to make them even 1% happier. Onl y a Parent understand… https://t.co/RKZ4pKYRF7
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its the weekend baby. youknow what that means. its time to drink precisely one beer and call 911
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having to spell the word "lunch" instead of saying it so the boys don't get too excited
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"oh youre sad because a judge died? thats so adorable" i say as i effortlessly list off 100 dead judges from simply my memory
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enjoying some fairly darkweb shit
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my heart goes out to people waking up from comas today & not believing the date actually is the number 2 repeated an insane amount of times
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to the pyramid on the $1 bill calling itself the "all seeing eye" Fuck you. the only thing you can see from my wallet is the jeans of my ass
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girls love rolling around in their sleep with long nails and waking up thinking every scratch on their body was caused by their dead grandma
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my favorite feature of this site is absolutely no consequences for my opinions sucking ffucking ass and me being 100% wrong about everything
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arms folded, back turned to the television, refusing to "Meet the flintstones" despite the theme song's pleas
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i despise the toilet. id love nothing more than to kick it through the wall and shatter it into 100 shards of wet porcelain. But i need it
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shut the fuck yp
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scrolling on autopilot, mouth agape, clicking fav on all tweets with at least 1 or 2 funny words in them. zero human consciousness, perfect,
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its apparent people arent taking these social distancing measures seriously. on my way to the gym i had 2 people suck my shit completely off
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the nerve of this fucking mom and pop pizza joint hanging a framed $1 bill up. alright pal you're rich, we get it
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pretty much like 80% of the cats in that movie are fake
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id rather use it to buy food and shit but thank you
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i hate i t when girls think im proposing whenever i take the knee at them in protest
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you just paid $8 to eat my ass stupid #BlockTheBlue
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bill gates' dog is too dumb to even know his owner is a celeb. thats why i should be bill gates' dog. crawling around his mansion for treats
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another blissfful day ignoring the fact that 75% of my peers on this site have been rejected from offline society for pretty good reasons
dril avatar
seems to me, life is aoubt "STICKS"
Age: 1-20 : Selfie Stick
Age 21-90: Walking stick
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ok so twitter can just freeze all the verified accounts at once but when someone says my yard looks like shit theyre Suddenl;y powerless...
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that picture of all the construction workers sitting on a steel beam eating lunch except its me & the boys sitting on the floor at game stop
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fred flintstone does not Jack off ever, he works hard every day to provide for his family, fuck you for saying something like that
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thanks all. together weve raised over $63 for raytheon to develop a brand new ITAS that can shoot down enemy prayers before they reach God .
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me and the wife are discussing having me cryogenically frozen like autsin powers for a while, to close up our inappropriate 6 year age gap
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the worst part of nationalism is having to pretend the flag is really good, like "yeah the country looks exactly like that. they nailed it"
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ive decided that the idea of "Baths" sucks. yeah i really want to spend an hour laying down next to my toilet. stupid ass. Suck off me
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im not wishning you freaks a happy new year. you will all fuck up my 2019, like you have with all the other years. youre dopes
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its actually beautiful how half the posters here think its open mic night and the other half think theyre at some sort of permanent funeral
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yes i am a "HO"

dril avatar
ive done the research, ive looked at the facts, ive analyzed the hard data and my conclusion is that youre way more mad than i am right now,
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while every one was busy talking star wars this and star wars that, i have been mastering the Hands-Free orgasm .
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the gaming challenge: load up your video game of choice and play it until you reach the credits sequence. the gaming challenge
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when harry potter said"i solemnly swear to blow up this monsters penis w/ a fire ball" i had to put the book down & bow my head for a moment
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"To my unfollowers, I will strive to reexamine my content strategies, and do my best to earn back your follow."
NOt. Eat my Fuckin shit
dril avatar
Shut the fuck up . Christ
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repeating to my self in the mirror "Star wars is for adults" before seeing the final one & having a violent reaction like ingesting a poison
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i think it would be fucking stupid to be a fat ass caterpillar and have your entire body be made out of weak points
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nice sydney opera house you got here. would be a shame it if were to become the the sydney Gamer house...
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blocking every twitter blue subscriber has never been more good. they hate bieng blocked so much
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"multi verse" fuck your self. you`re only allowed to have one universe per costumed dipshit. absolutely none of this is my problem
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coke zero but for pringles. pringles zero
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"if theres a spicy brown mustard, why not a spicy brown ketchup?"
The wise man smiled.
"my friend, the condiment you seek is Barbecue Sauce"
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theres a 1000 dollars in front of you. youre free to take it but if you do every dead bug on earth comes back to life. Do you take it Yes No
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THERAPIST: your problem is, that youre perfect, and everyone is jealous of your good posts, and that makes you rightfully upset.
ME: I agree
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ive generated over 100,000 wordles in my head and completed them easily. what more can i say of it
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remove all of the bathrooms from churchs right now. you need to be doing that at home
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lord help me im aobut to ratio this bitch
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Boys are showing to much DICK on the time line... I come here to research Ethics and i am bombareded with 10000 human penis images daily
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"elmer fudd"is what happens when a mother fucker get's zero pussy in his whole damn life. drop a like on this
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the new view count is so nice that i officially forgive this web site for giving us 0% of the ad revenue it generates off of our slave labor
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my name is


and i was sent to FUCK all the gamers...
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the doctor reveals my blood pressure is 420 over 69. i hoot & holler outta the building while a bunch of losers try to tell me that im dying
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if you get popular on you tube you make $100000 a month. if you get popular on twitter you get your shit caved in by robbers every day
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https://linktr.ee/drilreal dont you dare click on this illegal list of web sites that are better than twitter
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if the mask from "the mask" was real it would be on the news.
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Not. All. Of. The. Wet. Spots. On. My. Jeans. Are. Piss. Stians.
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ive modified my phone to deliver electric shocks each time one of you unfollows me. The pain will make me kinder, humbler, and more powerful
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alan dershowitz once tried to defend me in court by pulling out a pocket pussy and insisting he would never fuck it. we lost the case
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we'd pour hot wax into the assholes of new marines yelling "Welcome to the CORPS!" cant do that anymore. this nation used to build railroads
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- pissed some body off
- got my ass kicked
- Pissed myself
- got piss kicked into my ass
- ANd its only 2:01 AM.
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dril avatar
Ah, Reddit ftw., Truly phenomenal, big fan of the memes, links, etc. Always been saying this. So whcih stock is making us rich today fellas
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thinking about a "Cock Ring" for the neck that strangles all the blood into your brain and gives you what is essentially a mental erection
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The holidays are a difficult time for many people. Please call everyone you know and tell them their dick is normal looking
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guy who invented Prayer: This is so sick. Im going to get so much free shit from god. This is the cleanest scam yet. So glad I invented this
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tj maxx stands for trader joes maxx.. But yotre not allowed to say that anymore!!! Oh!!!
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think i might quit my job and invent the Original chicken sandwich
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but who will advocate the Non-essential oils?? the oils my body could not give a shit about either way
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look at all these pitiful toads shamelessly seeking validation, unlike me, seeking validation in a cool, disaffected sort of way
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the next masked singer should be a dead guy
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all im saying it that this guy wore the mask before covid
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inventing a new type of cum by jacking off incorrectly
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david kock death hitting especially hard because of baby bird brain derangement that makes me think every rich person i see on tv is my Mom
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wouldve loved to make $10000000 but honestly seemed rude to fuck over hedgefunds since theyre the people who make like, our shirts, and food
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writing in "god Trumps racism" and walking out of the voting booth high-fiving the Good Cops with a visible load stain on my croch
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i am no longer the slave to Woke! I Hate woke now! Woke is stupid! Help!
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I Am Your Slave Madam President! I'll Always Protect You!
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neo pets cinematic universe
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you need to realize that when you make a joke about the queen dying it is the british version of 9/11. You are spitting in the face of 9 /11
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sad that the guy who raised $10000000 to produce the worlds first non-woke can opener tried escaping in a hot air balloon & hit a power line
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its time to destigmatize the Balls... and restigmatize the Ass
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might get really into chewing tobacco for some reason. might start calling it "Tobaccy" . Fuck you
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saying "WOW" out loud watching youtube guy's username spin around in 3d in the 20 second intro to his video, going Psycho watching this shit
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harvey weinsein in court w/ oversized diaper & fake arrow through his head: oohhh me so sorry ohhh
JUDGE: I will always protect you sir ,
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restaurants should bring back smoking sections but for jacking off, and if you don't like that idea yiou can just sit in the normal sections
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using street view; trapped in man's sandwich
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everyone please stop laughing immediately & explain the joke to me very carefully like i'm 2 years old so I can tell you if i like it or not
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if i ever catch you "Dabbing" , I will never hire you to work at my FORTUNE 500 Logistic's firm. You a re simply a liability I cannot afford
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i think every one with depression, anxieety, stomachaches, etc, should get a gold coin that lets them legally park in front of fire hydrants
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waking up in the middle of the night, gripped by blood curdling terror, yelling, sobbing, punching my pillows, because i forgot 9/11
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(sobbing like a fucking doofus) why isnt my feed good!! why dont these posts make me happy any more!! what is wrong with all of you!!!!!!!
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did they find any water on mars yet. what about catboys
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your post sucked so much shit so bad it just turned me from ESFP to INTJ in 2 seconds flat. your spinning my bitch wheel 99mph
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Going Very fucking hard on donald duck today. Saying i would never want to be him, or be any part of his life.
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i know a lot of women . and none of them would ever sleep with this clown Austin powers
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theres one teen that wont be invited to the teen choice awards this year. covid 19 #CanHeSayThat
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"breaking in" my new pair of jeans by tossing it onto the freeway and letting cars run over it while i observe it through a scope
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and another thing: im not mad. please dont put in the newspaper that i got mad.