Dril Archive top likedtop retweeted@drilDownloadGitHub
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@ARHassing 1) i dont claim to be an actual person. 2) im not good
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@realDonaldTrump my car has a beehive somewhere inside of it and i think "the donald" should fire it
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@BAKKOOONN why isnt this on the news
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just because i havent been seen in public for 7 years is no excuse not to wear a suit and tie before sitting down and eliminating trolls
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unfollow me if you hav e ever done or thought about doing war crimes. i dont want war criminals shitting my feed up
aroonareej avatar
dril avatar
this is the national health advisory board issuing a safe reminder not to touch your dick for one hour after handling pets
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@NBCSports thank you for making the sports
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Thank you for the follow, @NBCSports .
dril avatar
big bird was obviously just a man in a suit. but the other ones were too small to contain men. so what the fuck
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yo Aesop... these fuckin "fables" of yours? Not up to snuff. Some weak fables over here. Go back to writing college. #TheThursdayNiteRant
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the much anticipated photographic evidence that i take good care of my gumline has been postponed due to drama and agony
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Had it up to here witht the chuckle crew. If you think my posts are bullshit I challenge you to come waterboard me and destroy me perfectly.
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i'm really good at reciting my favorite quotes because my voice sounds like a cool movie character and isn't all fucked up and high pitched
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can any of you hook me up with some sports
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@Yelix Absolutely not.
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@the_A_factor i live in the atlantic ocean
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my previous tweet was not the thursday nite rant. first off, it doesn't contain the hashtag. secondly, it's wednesday afternoon right now
dril avatar
unverified accounts are fucking disgusting. they often contain base, lewd "humor", and i have mini-strokes whenever one of them retweets me
dril avatar
please respect the sanctity of UFO chat
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@Poopy_Pizza_Pal no i am not talking about my post
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@Poopy_Pizza_Pal yoiu got some shit on your monitor
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***pisses all over shower faucets, wife's luffa, candles, knocks shampoo bottles off shelf with piss stream** it's fine because its sterile
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be sure to check out my repulsively athletic legs & thighs featured on the shitty offbrand bag version of wheaties at your local supermarket
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@NotCoolOrFunny Fuck U citizen
dril avatar
if the state ordered me to wear one of those shitty lapel cams i'd say "No SIR" & crush the camera under my cop boot while the public cheers
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woah. you can say "Houston we have a problem" in messy situations that have nothing to do with astronauts or texas? this changes everthing
dril avatar
i think "mario and sonic at the munich massacre" could work if they did it respectfully & didn;t fuck with the formulas from the retro games
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@BevisSimpson the integrity of Fav Star is at stake . I Deserve death
dril avatar
if i ever subconsciously steal your tweets DM me for a frree 8x10 glossy of my horrible fucking face and a good ass arby's coupon
kanwetwitty avatar
Most of my body is real but my ass is a cartoon in the style of Archie comics and my dick is barts dick from the Simpsons movie
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@BevisSimpson oh that actually is way too similar and now i look and feel like Shit
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@jakefogelnest i might cancel this week's rant due to crippling dread and other real life bull shit. we'll see
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There is a widespread campaign of fear being devised and perpetuated against me just because my dick looks like a cartoon character
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My dick looks like a cartoon character's
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huge tub of au jus sauce with bottles of beer floating around in it is lowered into the room before the big game. "now that's, a power play"
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atticus quiznos, cornelius pepboys, baron von sega; distinguished luminaries who voluntarily castrated themselves for the sake of the #Brand
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the heinous y2k bug will bow to me and my glorious rifle
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you little online fucks who sit in mammas basement and finger your puds cannot conceive of the #HELL that is pushing fresh, invigorating SEO
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@speedthemovie I thought this one w as really good, actually
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nobody told me that" doing donuts" was some car technique. up until now i thought that it was just another way to say you're eating donuts
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im the man who got banned from the gym for trying to bring a mattress inside, and i have gotten significantly weaker since the incident
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@ObligatoryFuck thanks for putting your failure opinoin that i didn't even want to read.
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@diaper_wolf i feel like posting some more good ass posts is what i feel like
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the desert has never helped any one and i am going to go throw poison at it
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to the fine folks who kicked my bare ass while i was trapped in the automatic door at walmart: why do you people insist on punishing success
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U are the cancer that is killing http://IncestMemes.org
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its the weekend baby. youknow what that means. its time to drink precisely one beer and call 911
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to potential employer: when i said i jerk the dogs off at the zoo, that was a joke. the zoo doesnt even have dogs. theyre domestic creatures
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if youre a healthy young male or female with blood type O, please consider donating a kidney to me. my goal is 22 kidney 's
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you must face the mirror daily and ask your self: "which brands will i touch base with today". you have to ask it out loud or it won't work.
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i do understand that it's halloween and it's only natural to want to get up to a bit of mischief, but paws off my hash tag please.
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There's no greater television program than The News. The News is the only show on TV that I like, and it's smart. #TheThursdayNiteRant
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this next dip of chaw is dedicated to the pursuit of muscles, and also my jeep
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@shoegays the aliasing in the ps4 shot is a little tighter. xb1 has better contrast, though. both of them wreck the current gen, regardless.
dril avatar
i gotta say both of these are looking pretty sharp. can't wait to go next-gen http://i.imgur.com/Svw8n1x.jpg
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cops should have two guns to get rid of crime faster . cops should be dual wielding by 2016
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"And th mark...theyst fhall beckon..bearers of the Mask.. doth verily, andth post really good shit, online" nostradamus predicting Anonymous
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@JoseCanseco Im going to throw all of your baseballs and baseball bats into the garbage
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@JakeKomara thusday nite rant No.4 Uncut is currently scheduled to be released on Thursday, October 31st.
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it was cool when they yanked saddam out of the spider hole becausr i was like "haha that guys me before i had my coffee. thats me on monday"
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the professor said our assignment is to make.. a MEme?? i've got this shit on lockdown. i pump my fist and hop on my hideous adult tricycle
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@Dads_Secret government thugs
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@Buff_Wizard this ones real
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hello newsweek? yeah im not gonna make it for that interview. some schmuck just pissed all over me. im covered head to toe in schmuck piss.
dril avatar
@Donlad_Duck go ask a sex account . keep your paws off of me
brandlord avatar
better not to tweet the latest but tweet the hottest-brandlord
simpsonsboy avatar
low quality site
GoodLiker avatar
@AnonymousWiki hi can u say for me how u did to know and lesson to be a the best hacker in the world?
dril avatar
what if you took jethro tull "aqualung" & replace the parts where he says aqualung with "octomom" #BeyondFuckedUp #Sponsored @sheratonhotels
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my dick is a beak now
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@_Hermit_Thrush_ i regret engaging witht my clientele
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@_Hermit_Thrush_ theyre dead. they dont have any nutrients
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whos gonna rake all these leaves up?? the police? #TheThursdayNiteRant
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@wmdhn some facebook bull shit
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you aall act nice to me on this site but if i needed $60,000 for saline injections all over my entire body none of you would give a SHIT
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@Bro_Pair @dogboner @DinkMagic @Lowenaffchen my thoery is that the book is only being delayed due to stressful constraints from the trolls
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@iainyoungfans theyre murderers. all of them
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i believe labels are pointlessly divisive and have no proper place in our society but i'm pretty much basically a jock and not a nerd at all
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i tried to throw a molotov cocktail at a bird but he was too high up
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reminder to all of my female cop followers that i worship female cops daily
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@Number1TCOT have you ever had your hat fucked by a dick
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@bug_deal truth be told— i only like the good ones
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heres my halloween costume. im going as a bumblebee http://i.imgur.com/De9jdDo.jpg
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@Mega_Turd im sorry?? i was under the impression that these accounts are good????
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it's really messed up that im the only normal person on this entire site, considering millions of people use it daily
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my name id yogi. greetings from albania. i would like to put the new i pad in jail. thank you for reading to my message.
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looked at a newspaper today. looks like we're getting taxed out the wazoo, with this president. anyone else see this shit? tax out the wazoo
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in 1998 donald j. trump sr taught me how to use a Scythe and it sickens me to see people besmirch his good name
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@crushingbort i am attempting to enter the mind of otis in order to destroy him
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@Weishampel phew for a second i thought i was the worst, least funny thing on the internet
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the brief period in high school when DigimonOtis changed his name to BurgerKingOtis in an attempt to improve his image
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@wikileaks "harpo" from harpo productIons is oprah spelled backwards. bam. welcome to the matrix
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you wanna come to my church & post about me sucking tiny ladybug dicks on the bulletin board? mm nope. that ain't me pal. That ain't my life
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@frat_father the real shit.
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*pushes a mini-fridge over* Fuck U
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please stop adding flintstone chewable vitamin commercials to the episode list. they are not real flintstone episodes.
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i bought one of those craigslist peacocks. this fucking thing wont eat and its loud
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ktxl fox affiliate just showed a pregnant woman on th simpsons #pregwatch
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@jakefogelnest if this is part of some elaborate mindgame i swear to god i will write some letters & i will get you fired from your pod cast
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@AgileTablet ievery thing i have ever posted is intentionally good
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and the award for best banksy tweet goes to.. "egg_dad_ebooks" *seven grown men rise from their seats and push their way towards the podium*
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@TheBossPop it didnt work
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theory postulated by known troll "Zentai_Gary" states that i, @dril, go to the zoo every weekend to , in his words, "fuck the apes", and i w
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@four_eels watch "The Mentalist" on cbs and learn how to manipulate human minds like putty then use this info to make severe fucked up posts
dril avatar
@leyawn now were talkin
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@Hawthornee_ meme 's encompass all art forms you street rat
dril avatar
most important art movements in human history?? three way tie between impressionism, cubism, and Bullet Time
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bad news: were all helpless cogs doomed to ceaselessly perpetuate a machine
good news: the machine is a Sega and were all sonic the hegehog
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@luciferiano_ i rolled out some denim content last night and it was really good actually. ..
dril avatar
my new quote: "That's some good ass Hulu" (to be spoken after, viewing exceptional content on the hulu streaming site )
dril avatar
holy shit. holy shit. you can order loaves of kfc. you can order kfc in loaf form. you can order kfc by the loaf #ByTheLoaf
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phew. im out of breath from looking at blades online all day
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me & khryler are drawing up plans for a family restaurant with damn good jeans nailed to the walls. we will call it the hard rock jeans cafe
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accidentally printing out 20 ascii wayne gretzky nudes on the really loud printer in the school's computer lab #90sHell #DecadeOfTorment
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@ebrawley TheThursdayNiteRanter@twitter.com . its not up yet. i will post an announcement when it is up
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@average__joel i cannot reveal the subject of next week's thursday nite rant. my competitors will use this information against me
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@ebrawley if the event occurs wherein i misspell the official thursday nite rant hashtag, please let me know via email and i will correct it
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@Nick09 the official hashtag of the thursday nite rant is #TheThursdayN*teRant, with the asterisk removed. only i am allowed to use it.
dril avatar
if i make a rant-like post on thursday night and it dosnt contain the hashtag, it is not officially a thursday nite rant. its normal content
dril avatar
please allow me to explain the mechanics of the thursday nite rant. its not officially thursday nite rant if it does not contain the hashtag
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@Grzeg the popular tursday night rant feature has concluded for today. check out the new one next thursday. it will appear on this feed.
dril avatar
@trillbin the rant was already posted. read it before the mods get all emotional and tear it down.
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hey uh, it's just the thursday nite rant. if youre offended i dont give a shit. Thats whats to be expected from the thurdsay night rant.
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alright shit for brain listen up. i dont want this guacamole stuff youre peddling. its green and it looks sick. go home #TheThursdayNiteRant
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as far as im concerned the best revenge is ordering wolf piss online & pouring it into soneones car. "living well" is too hard
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he lived a rich, meme-filled life
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ONCE A MARINE, ALWAYS A MARINE. Celebrate and salute America’s 911 Force in the MONOPOLY: U.S. Marines Edition.
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haha this vitter has probably gotten all sorts of boners on the Senate floor cause of the diapers. eyes buggin out, classic looneytunes shit
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if i learned anything in business school its that you can disarm any competitor by insinuating he carries his turds around in his briefcase
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scuse me i gotta check this...ah, looks like my retweet was reblogged bty chief tech editor of Reader's Digest (yea hes verified). solid mag
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can anyone confirm or deny that the "spooky dicks" they sell around halloween each year aren't just rebranded dildos
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@brendlewhat too late im already engaged to him
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@SexCarl im not about to dignify that with a respone. really fucked up of you to joke about the gross malfunctioning boner disease
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outta all the users on all the sites on this big wide web of ours.. why would PriapismHaver777 want to chat with little old me....
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wearing my lab coat and analyzing an array of my own nudes in order to determine which one most effectively highlights my fatigued genitals
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oh yeah buddy... i eat birdseed... and i ain't a FUCKIN bird!! #JustTheGuys #DamnMenTweets
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the onion AV club boldly assigns a letter grade to each phase of the moon while dozens of readers chant incantation into the comment section
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just to clarify: "the studio" is a room I rent for $800 a month. i use it to compose all of the posts i type here.
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the accident was not my fault. the speed bag installed in the roof of my car was obscuring my view. also the driver was a fake version of me
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verizon wireless usa promotes an nfl tweet but refuses to support indie sports like hockey and soccer. meanwhile, my life is in the garbage
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@wetmom well i hate it. fuck chefs
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list of casinos I need to burn down in order to prevent my credit score from going to the dogs: ceaser palace, trump cube, chuck e cheese,
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i changed my mind. fuck cash for moms online. fuck it all. its nonsense that moms are given allthis good cash while I make $0.003 per tweet
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@kanye you forgot to retweet my good-ass post mr west
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i walked in on two cops touching each other's badges in the unisex bathroom at saladworks and got a coupon from complaining about the ordeal
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everyrtfhing I say and do is owned hereforth by the fine individuals of the Cash For Moms Online corporation. i beLieve in cash for moms. ..
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thinking i could bring my laptop to people who never saw computers, like some black tribe in africa. let them watch me game for a few hours.
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thanks for telling me what " amore " is you dumb ass hole. i totally had no idea before i listened to this insipid song #TheThursdayNiteRant
dril avatar
"When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie that's amore" nope. not true "When the world seems to shine like you'v" thats bullshit too
jaden avatar
When I Die. Then You Will Realize
dril avatar
@FootLockerJapan you owe me one million dollars
dril avatar
just as Christ was nailed to the cross to rescue his brand, i will be nailed to a Meme. my shit & blood will drip upon the funny impact font
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Login: SewerLad
Pass: FuckTheMods666
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im role-playing as a piece of trash on the corner of market & 5th. in need of 2nd player to lift me into the garbage please. i wont pay you.
dril avatar
the ceo of cash4gold just called me, crying. he tells me this—he says people arent respecting his brand on twitter. i fucking hate this site
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i am skeptical of the concept "Too Big To Fail" mainly because i am extremely big and i fail constantly
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and to the guy who said i have shit for brains: youre right. i do have... four brains..........
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jesus christ. this man at the library is looking at the lowes,com homepagr instead of gaining knowledge. im gonna upload a pic of this clown
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*hangs political cartoon of obama eating The Jobs with a fork and knife up on the office billboard* you see that? ?? hes esating the jobs.
dril avatar
christ washed the feet of his disciples but not the ass. never the ass
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my opinion on politics: my opinion on politics is that politidcs is extremely good, but sometimes it is bad
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#SingleBecause self-sabotaging loud mouth with a hook dick who worsks with men twice my age at a vomit processing plant and has rabies
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were you surprised to see me, gaming in the bathtub?? i am a man of infinite pleasure. come, hand me my robe. i write my own mr. bean skits
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my trolls & detractors all have gross mental issues. they love drama and are all jealous of my precious army man blood #truth #SorryNotSorry
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God Bless the United States of America and the Constitution that this Country was built on. Grab yourself a Mud Jug and KEEP PACKIN’ HAMMERS
dril avatar
http://www.mudjug.com/collections/mud-jugs/products/don-t-tread-on-me-mud-jug-free-black-mud-jug buuy me this if oyu love my content and want to rescue me from eternal misery
dril avatar
another cheap N' easy halloween spook: sculpt a giant skull out of ground beef and splash blood on it and drive it around on top of your car
dril avatar
a nice tip for halloween: fill up a jar with piss and say that it is a jar of frankenstein piss. display it on the porch with a strobe light
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@Skn0t I Found One Here
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hackers are finding ways to inject jokes underneath my posts and i ask my subscribers to remain calm unti;l ive sorted this all out with 911
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i finally beat the Guinness record of "most karate chops absorbed by a man" but it doesnt count because i was unconscious during parts of it
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it warms my heart when i see people of every race and creed, setting aside their differences in order to spew piss into my cage and scare me
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#TagABeautifulGirl im good. im really good and normal. i want to take a women to the shooting range and discuss guns culture. i love humor
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#TagABeautifulGirl i demand a date. i need constant help with my bullshit. i am tired of girls making me sick. i want to like the good girls
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my name is WhiteMadeaFan55 and i demand ansers.
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i wear the oj simpson glove while i post . thats just a small example of how fucked up i am. Dont make me tell u more
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my opponent thinks hes hot shit releasing photos of me walking an iguana on a leash., but little does he know that iguana is Gentle creature
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@BigBlackBurger please leave my ass to the toilet
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STEROID and CIGAR levels must remain equal . otherwise my organs will completely shut down and the quality of my posts will suffer immensely
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@extranapkins @WeedCoffin you can even give money to it if you want to
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choppy vhs footage of me jacking off in a guarded prison cell and yelling "THE SYSTEM WORKS" upon climax
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"i hope they serve dumpsters in hell " me, eviscerating a dumpster diver verballym, before closing the dumpster lid on top of him
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bigmouth fake priest telling me to "drink a shitload of holy water and kill yourself" as penance? this has happened at three churches now
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@ShanusMcAnus itts also not funny or good. Cheers
dril avatar
my fav star? it's the sun. because the earth would be a cold piece of shit without it. i also like the website called "fav star" a lot.
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after another day of getting Owned by #HateMail and #DeathThreats nothing beats coming home to my policeman wife and getting shot & arrested
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alright. so we narrowed the name of our band down to either Traces of Mondo or Pepsigasm. and i already printed out 90,000 Pepsigasm tshirts
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please do not send any pictures of your legs to LegNut64. he is not a real leg cop
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*sees another discarded poland spring bottle on the side of the road filled with piss* haha. hell yes
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the reason it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars to incarcerate people is that jail is really good and i like going there. Jail is good
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its govenrment shutdown time mother fuckers *steals a shitload of small eggs from a bird nest* ha ha ha
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i forgot to take off my joke shock ring before jerking off and the joke is on me because i flipped out and shot loads all over my curtains
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how many years did it take for moses to build the ark?? trick question. God built it
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@rigamarock @dogboner i am in no position to judge an ass. i do not deserve to judge an ass
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i judged a chili competition once, whcich would make it a very good idea to hire me, because i would be good at using judgement on things
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the guy who pretended to work at pathmark and handed out free samples of dog dicks to innocent shoppers technically didnt break a single law
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@Dads_Secret please dont flood this information channel with sports info
dril avatar
Food $200
Data $150
Rent $800
Candles $3,600
Utility $150
someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying
dril avatar
who will be brave enough to create a 3d motion picture about talking guns. who will let the guns tell their story
dril avatar
The reason the "Cars" movies have gained so much popularity is becuase the cars speak to one another. You don't get that with real life cars
dril avatar
god intended for the creatures of his likeness to wear good tuxedos all the time and to paint their cars to look like it's wearing a car tux
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i do print my posts out on index cards and dead drop them at city hall. you have to get your teeth in the game, other wise youre just shit
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@Bro_Pair it's horrible and i'm very close to calling the police
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@Muzzleland Give me some good memes and ill post them. Im sorry. Im just trying to please everyone
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@robdelaney the only thing real about me is my appreciation for the refreshing taste of #pepsi, #doritios, #hormel, #generalmills, et al,
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dril avatar
if you're ever wondering if im some other guy, the answer is yes, im him, unless it's bad to be him, then im not him, im a different person.
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http://i.imgur.com/SgEKkNJ.jpg you will never defeat me mother fucker
dril avatar
vvvvvvvvvv bullshit vvvvvvvvvv
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When Jordache designer diapers were manufctured in 1994, they "seemed to symbolize Jordache's descent in the marketplace to discount outlets
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@Insane_Cultist I foudned buzz feed and it was my idea to take all of that sweet Koch Bro Cash and put bad gifs on the site
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ah! ah! i welcome the trolls, the haters, the knuckleheads, the rudeboys, i welcome them to shit on my fucking worthless grave and kill me
dril avatar
let us discuss the recent unveiling of user "@TurdBozo " and how that affects our creative collaborative efforts like, artistically and shit
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the straight truth. im richard simmons, rofl. i love kissing Monsanto Mwah Mwah. HOw's your twitter immersion now?? i also believe in God
dril avatar
@samir Im a dunce who needs faves and retweets to live
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anyone else see that full sail university masters in new media promo-tweet which offers us the opportunity to "learn blogging"? Look's legit
dril avatar
@FullSail well i doubt you would have paid twitter good money to promote this program if it wasn't really good and also useful
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@spif_ does brazil have any excotic PC games i can play
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@BAKKOOONN please dont let the pharaoh see this
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i have evolved byeond the need for "furniture" and i enjoy resting on the floor like an animal while counting all the cool cash im saving
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i put a firefly and a ladybug into a mason jar and have been closely monitoring their activities for 4 days. they have not fucked yet
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@ahuj9 @robdelaney i was explicitly banned from them because i am a loser and a jackass
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alright now. just checking to see if there's any interest in a livestream of me speed running this entire bottle of hunts tomato ketchup
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@diaper_wolf i will not back down, i will never stop yelling online, tear down this post
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my grave is just a huge tv displaying videos of me doing parkour in hell and it makes all the other graves look like shit
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the conflicted supersoldier stares over the horizon as he smokes a cigarette. "war is the most fucked up thing ever." he takes a sip of beer
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kissing pictures of guns online is one of the most honorable ways to get strong
dril avatar
@_fackelmann my mind is normal
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if you see a man in a fawkes mask walking down the highway with a sign that says "Gamestop: Power to the Players" that's me and i need water
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let me tell you exactly why this t-shirt design of the tasmanian devil with angel wings is bullshit. first off, taz is not dead
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dril avatar
"stuart little 2" isn;t funny. somebody had to say it
dril avatar
All Young Men Must Own A Spittoon At Some Point In Their Lives
dril avatar
it is generally agreed upon that my posts are considered to be the worst aspect of my twitter presence
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if all the girls and women in this town want to secretly film me taking a huge piss, then that's their right and god bless em
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i have paid my son's school bully over $50000 to detsroy me psychologically .
dril avatar
dril avatar
i have been secretly collecting my roommate's piss for 7 years. i dont know what to do with all of these jars of piss. i am extremely scared
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i'm truly thankful towards Irritable Bowel Syndrome for becoming an integral component of my identity and shaping me into the man i am today
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@cool_pond thats the fake wintco, my broken web page, is , the real one, thank you
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whoever sent me that vile picture of an undimpled necktie- congratulations for emotionally ruining a man and undoing years of therapy
dril avatar
huey lewis and the... PUBES?? haha. some things are too fucked up for even ME to submit on here...**backspace backspace backspace backspace*
dril avatar
a cool prank is to convince someone to join the Armed Forces and watch them get spooked by guns & missiles in exchange for hollow gratitude
dril avatar
the shithead principal cowers under his desk and uses a stethoscope on the floor to listen for my rough n' tumble boots and trademark Gait
dril avatar
the absolute best place to hide your nudes is in a file folder on your desktop labelled "Clothes"
dril avatar
@GitRDoneLarry i will raze every forest and devour each city in blood tribute for the crime of 9/11!! please nbring back blue collar TV
GitRDoneLarry avatar
Never forget today. I haven't! It appears some have.
dril avatar
@hehu42 thats my boy
dril avatar
@jitka adult who wrestles cops
dril avatar
adult cop wrestler
dril avatar
to the trolls: i just bought a 5-pack of Oral-B electric toothbrush heads using points from my Chase Freedom card. could a child do that? no
dril avatar
@snapbackfedora my accout is fucking good
dril avatar
@spacej_me only if you truly respect my posts
dril avatar
@spacej_me as long as that "anyone" is a Straight Jock
dril avatar
@crunkdumpster i do not want to have to read this shit at this current joncture .
dril avatar
If i catch U retweeting mainstream shit, like updates from The Weather Channel or pictures of food, youre finished. Go clean yourself up kid
dril avatar
Im Sucking Myself Off Right Now And I Hate It #Dateline
dril avatar
i have decided to forgo material pleasure so i can write about the experience and sell it to http://About.com for Two Hundred Dolalrs
dril avatar
someone has filled the Stanley Cup with... BLood?? my god. such a powerful statement. how could we have been so blind. Sports is cancelled
dril avatar
here's a list of touhou girls i want to have as a Mom someday & here is a copy of that list in case you accidentally throw it in the gabarge
dril avatar
judge refusses to award my criminal ex-wife ANY of my retweets or favs in the divorce proceedings #BLAMMO
dril avatar
huge disgusting man with extremely muscular fingers pokes at his tiny laptop while his emaciated servants groom him with squeegees #win
dril avatar
i will never allow myself to go to hell without finding a way to take my laptop and piss soaked mattress along with me
dril avatar
dril avatar
i hand the chipotle cashier my card. "i support indie" with a photograph of me winking. she looks up and sees me winking in real life also.
dril avatar
@Mike_Bianchi those things are me
dril avatar
@darylsdixoff this is very bullshit
dril avatar
as an asmerican citizen i am entitled to the spookiest halloweens possible as required by the constitution of the united states
dril avatar
mean while, while you were "Gaming ", i tasted 100 different wines in a cave behind a waterfall and cried into a shaman's arms
dril avatar
this man just likened me to a group of masturbators because i believe in the importance of an ironed pair of slacks. how dare he
dril avatar
i'll just call every opinion i don't like a "Circle Jerk". i'll dominate everyone
dril avatar
@craigus12 Do it. Own me fully
dril avatar
ok. so apparently throwing knives at my car is A Thing now. apparently my Emphatic Capitalization is frowned upon by People Who Read Words
dril avatar
@zachakra i close my account and cool off in the bath tub
dril avatar
@Connor_Hickey94 some things are more important than the brand .
dril avatar
*kicks back and watches an algorithm remove all the circumcised people from my web ring* Huauha your fucked up dicks can't save you now
dril avatar
number 4. the last one. i will hold this, The Content Creator's Pledge, close to my soul, on this sickening day of nine eleven. God bless
dril avatar
number three. i will never take the advice of my lawyers, my loved-ones, and colleagues to #StopThePosts
dril avatar
Number two. I will never apologize for defending myself from the onslaughts of jealous swine
dril avatar
i will never apologize for being wild about apps and upgrades
dril avatar
@SidBeers christ yes. This shit fucking rules
dril avatar
today's the 2nd anniversary of the really good 9/11-related post I made two years ago #BetterWithAge #LikeAFineWine #MorePower
dril avatar
Looking To Be Jacked Off Into A Basin - m4w - 32 (Trenton, NJ)
dril avatar
@Pen15Fan Yoyu shut the fuck up right now
dril avatar
the neighborhood teens have left so many burning bags of garbage on my lawn that everyone thinks that this is the place you burn garbage now
dril avatar
i have absolutely zero interest in friendship, i have absolutely zero interest in jokes, i am simply here to collect data and earn respect
dril avatar
go ahead, son. fuck your life up by taking that job as an ostrich breeder instead of working at my really good law firm until youre disabled
dril avatar
dril avatar
@thafruitytaste i see nothting out of the ordinary here
dril avatar
yes i can confirm that george zimmerman just fashioned a cocoon from Monster Energy cans and metamorphosed into a gun with angel wings #cool
dril avatar
well im going to keep this brief. i overexerted myself while responding to emails and got put up in the hospital. i basically need lungs now
dril avatar
i am beginning to doubt that most of the subscribers to my feed are mature enough to handle sniper info.
dril avatar
perhaps by shooting a mam to the moon, NASA is the greatest sniper of all? nope. bull shit. it is solid snake
dril avatar
the sniper lifestyle requires perfect animal instincts and also smoking. dont join my sniper squad if u havent forsaken humanity& dont smoke
dril avatar
sniper flawlessly zaps the lid of my beer jar clean off. camera zooms in & out on my astonished face accompanied by buckwild cartoon soundFX
dril avatar
*wactches a sniper headshot a butterfly while its still inside of the cocoon* Hm, absolute Ownage. Ihave never seen anything that good.
dril avatar
i love to do bare knuckle brawls and my garage is adorned with various pornos
dril avatar
@jakefogelnest NASCAR Forums >> Odds & Ends >> Repost: A Man NAmed Jake Is Causing Me Endless Grief
dril avatar
NASCAR Forums >> Odds & Ends >> what are some good podcasts to listen to while listlessly fucking my wife
dril avatar
i plan on giving the olympics a right proper bollocking for lifting the tokyo 2020 setting straight from my cat girl novella
dril avatar
*covers up apartment's only window with a "Keep Calm And Enjoy The Posts" sign* yes!! mother fucking yes !! this shit is Perfect! god DAMN!!
dril avatar
@robocosby he blogs on the issues. 5 star
dril avatar
now for a joke. a man named "the turd coach" comes into my bathroom and blows the whislte at my toilet after i fill it with shit. Penalty
dril avatar
say what you will, but i truly believe that this man, this Adolf Hitler, was one of hte most buzzworthy racism-likers of the 20th centure.
dril avatar
a horrible mechanical abomination attaches itself to my skull and injects my latest Klout score directly into my brain every thirty seconds
dril avatar
@flannel_toilet yes. i believe you should get yelled at for misquoting film's
dril avatar
*sees Tarantino get misquoted* You Bitch Mother Fucker *sees war supported on flimsy pretenses* Wlel, that's his beliefs and I respect that
dril avatar
@wolfpupy im turning off until you remove it .
dril avatar
once they put out a unicode symbol depicting a tiny ass i anticipate that the jokers & miscreants on here will use it for criminal purpouse.
dril avatar
dril avatar
@turdslut it appears you dont actually follow me, Turd Slut. if thtis #FF is some how ironic. Then you are the most fucked up person alive.
dril avatar
i love wearing clothes with words on them. like a fucking caveman
dril avatar
brixon brings another round of buffalo chicken bagels into the abandoned office, placing them next to last weeks rotten batch. solemn ritual
dril avatar
i went to arizona accompanied by two desert goblins and smoked spirit leaf out of a human stomach
dril avatar
the truth is; a lot of these people making and laughing at shit and piss jokes are actually quite stoic when they're using the toilet
dril avatar
i take a vacation to hawaii to relieve myself of the Trolls. a group of hula girls begin beating me up & calling me shit as soon as i arrive
dril avatar
i finally worked up enough courage to cry in front of the pregnant woman who frequents my gym
dril avatar
i plan on working very hard to shrink my dick in the coming monmths. my goal dick is 2 inches erect
dril avatar
i habve been banned from over 200 dating services for being upfront and honest about my rotten, barbed dick
dril avatar
two men emerge from sensory deprivation tanks
"I just attained oneness with all living beings"
"I just fucked the Girl rabbit from SpaceJam"
dril avatar
@Xeno_Kid i will never apologize for being a stoogehead, especially not to a hitler liker
dril avatar
the most important thing to realize for a safe and healthy labor day is that lizardmen are hiding in the trash, in graves, and in coffins
dril avatar
Time to shit. I excuse myself from the dinner table and enter a square, marble room with an obelisk in the center. I lock the door behind me
dril avatar
Hitler mrudered over 9million people you numbskull

Moe uses the claw of a hammer to yank on Curly's nostrils

dril avatar
a teen approached me at the food court and said "I see you wore your clown costume today" and i spent the next 9 hours processing the insult
dril avatar
Laughs Right In The Home Depot Man's Face When He Says They Don't Have Any Bird Baths For Sale
dril avatar
the military industrial complex spent $99bil on dixie cups to ensure that not a single drop of our troops genetically superior cum is wasted
dril avatar
thius is not said nearly enough by all you ungrateful, unappreciative fucking jackals on here, but thank you @CNN. Thank you for the news
dril avatar
dont count the celebs out just yet, fellas.... i got the feeling theyre planning all sorts of those madcap stunts that drive all of us #WILD
dril avatar
http://i.imgur.com/T7gcPw0.jpg and to think ebert said this isnt art
dril avatar
.@ToiletHelper hasn't tweeted yet. @CumDragon hasn't tweeted yet. @ShitLad hasn't tweeted yet. @Fat666 hasn't tweeted yet. @CleanUncle hasn'
dril avatar
a football jersey with "BAD SON" as the player's name found in a dumpster
dril avatar
dril avatar
one of my avatars is a floating skull with a big dick and sometimes my other avatars suck the skull's dick
dril avatar
Police of reddit, what is the funniest thing someone you are arresting has said? (self.askreddit)
dril avatar
digmon otis once mistook a beached toilet for a dolphin egg
dril avatar
dril avatar
i will not hear any more talk of mars needing moms
dril avatar
@super_bugs favstar is an important brand outreach utility & the fact that some people will misuse it by putting jokes on there is pathetic
dril avatar
lets set some realistic goals here : jokes banned by 2016. sex banned by 2020. a cop in every household by 2025
dril avatar
im going to be very upset if I shell out a thousand big ones for google's glass only for it to be 100% legal for people to do jokes about it
dril avatar
This is more for the seasoned hookah smoker.
2 subscribers, a community for 2 months
dril avatar
This is realhookah, not /r/hookah. This isn't for posting pics of the same hookahs in different positions, with different shit in the base.
dril avatar
i had an actual good tweet to post tonight but a tower of filthy dog cages collapsed on top of me before i could write it
dril avatar
@Hermit_Thrush i fed them Lies
dril avatar
every animal in my house is dying for some reason and i can't handle bullshit right now
dril avatar
@JakeKomara yes because those are the funny words
dril avatar
dril avatar
i go online to learn which cartoon characters fuck each other and log right back off before the corruption sets in
dril avatar
@oopsspaghetti 1) KILL
2) MY
dril avatar
dril avatar
please get me the list of the dorks who have me blocked on this goddamned website so i can kick their lawn up with my cowboyboots
dril avatar
my dick and my ass are normal
dril avatar
dril avatar
every day i thank God for making it illegal for cops to kill and beat me
dril avatar
@VideoGameLoser no. the admins will ban you if you do this
dril avatar
im quitting my job as muscle beach lifeguard to achieve my dream of becoming the north korean secretary of teen moms
dril avatar
dril avatar
@awood78 nobody has suggested 14:88 yet. the hitler numbers.
dril avatar
plpease post suggestions for some wicked fucked up aspect ratios to help me trick my treacherous wife into thinking the tv is broken
dril avatar
moving pictures are a sin upon this earth
dril avatar
satan has his filthy little hand in my google serach priority and now when people look up my username they get pictures of dead camels
dril avatar
i woudl advise against "going commando", or wearing pants without underwear. the last time i did this i got a deep turd infection and died
dril avatar
dril avatar
dril avatar
buried in the center of stonehenge is a leather portfolio case filled with nude images of me. i consider these my most powerful nudes
dril avatar
@JakeKomara FUCK the brand
dril avatar
dril avatar
dril avatar
@MowtenDoo always absolutely
dril avatar
i just sucked my own dick and got poisoned. no podcast tonight
dril avatar
You know, from the tone of your posts, it seems as though you actually WANT the Jeff Dunham brand to fail .
dril avatar
suck 100 metal dicks for a 1/256 chance of viewing a lovely 3d cutscene
dril avatar
i am truly baffled that some people would rather watch amc's "Breaking Bad" than indulge themselves in the good shit i constantly post here.
dril avatar
im now aware of a vulgar & objectionable program named"Rocky & Bullwinkle". sign my blogtition to yank this disgusting shit off the airwaves
dril avatar
i just got an email asking me to join The Rat Pack. need to know if its real or not before i move to belarus to make textiles with my uncles
dril avatar
fourteen of my beautiful sons exploded in God's War and the army sent me a gorgeous mantlepiece of a wolf that I kiss everyday
dril avatar
something like 43% of our nations topsoil is actually cave man shit. fucked up
dril avatar
@frumpy_fuu @zrok_ you have destroyed a powerful networking opportunity with this horse shit
dril avatar
@Maaever this is false. i have never made jokes
dril avatar
Damn. Egypt's in trouble. Hold on im coming *DRops anonymous mask on patio and hoses it off real quick*
dril avatar
running a search for "fuck church" every sunday morning and scrolling through the assortment of wild teen yells is my version of church
dril avatar
inbox full of people apologizing to me for their tweets. "Im Sorry Sir" "Ill Do Better Sir" i blow a shitload of cigar smoke onto the screen
dril avatar
srfulton22 avatar
srfulton22 avatar
dril avatar
#bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&fp=2dadce597fc84e2&q=%22blackface+for+gamers%22" target="_blank">https://www.google.com/#bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&fp=2dadce597fc84e2&q=%22blackface+for+gamers%22 Focus On The Issues
dril avatar
so what kind of Jeans shampoo do you use? paul mitchell's denim advantage?? good luck with that you fucking cretin
dril avatar
requesting preorder status on "Def Comedy Jam Tennis" - PS4 - Release Date: 7/8/15 (JPN) , TBA (USA)
dril avatar
i just got word from cigarnet that the government has a secret vault full of #GUNS
dril avatar
bouncing my large mean ass on top of a shitload of stolen mannequin legs (girl)
dril avatar
@egg_dog Fuck this. I tried to be a good poster
dril avatar
if i ever find a sincere or heartfelt post on your feed im gonna take a SHIT ON YOu
dril avatar
thank you for emailing me the picture of the pillsbury doughboys dick while my dad and all my uncles were standing right behind me. Not
dril avatar
my name is Tony Turds and i demand for people to take me seriously everty time i talk and also for people to like me
dril avatar
i can in the year of our lord 2013 verify once and for all that shrimp are NOT baby birds
dril avatar
dril avatar
dril avatar
i spend the majority of my computer time #Frowning
dril avatar
The one thing that I am truly the most sick of dealing with online is Ignorance Likers .
dril avatar
need one of those janet jackson sun shaped nipple rings to protect my stupid-ass pud from hell cherubs
dril avatar
dril avatar
i'll be wrapping this hog in tinfoil to protect my dryrub from the NSA until all this bluster dies down
dril avatar
i cannot live in a world where OrgyPrince calls me an "Orgy Coward" just because i refuse to attend his disgusting orgy
dril avatar
the soldier yanks a perfect pair of blue jeans out from a pile of ashes while surveying a burned out truck. may god damn these perfect jeans
dril avatar
dril avatar
@losdrogas a jpg of a fish
dril avatar
Dear drigl,
An item you listed in the Community Market has been sold to Osama Bin Laden. Your Steam Wallet has been credited 0.27 USD.
dril avatar
i singlehandedly brought the OJ Simpson brand back from the brink of calamity and by God I will protect Yahoo. com from these online devils
dril avatar
@DrinkGrumpyCat this bullshit has clumps of PUBIC HAIR in it. tastes like someone attempted to mask ACRID PISS TASTE with CHEAP SOAP. No buy
dril avatar
@DrinkGrumpyCat send this entire misguided operation to the dumpster you vile urine peddler
dril avatar
#HowToResistSex meditate upon the untapped potential of The Cloud and crank off
dril avatar
i fully intend to topple the DigimonOtis empire via a coordinated campaign of viral folk songs bolstered by my partnership w/ Bob Evans Inc.
dril avatar
i had not felt emotion in over 20 yrs. not until baby crash bandicoot's reunion with regular crash bandicoot moved me to actual human tears
dril avatar
we're here to discuss the cultural merit of "Baby Crash Bandicoot RPG". please leave if you have nothing of value to add to the conversation
dril avatar
@mtraeg they fuckin STINK!!!!
dril avatar
and n9ow people are being abusive instead of helping me so i am just going to shut the monitor off and sit in the pitch blackness for awhile
dril avatar
some of my more savvy followesr are telling me they are called "trauma shears" but i need a pair specially formulated for a large mans needs
dril avatar
i want a medical expert to hook me up with those scissor that cut all your clothes off in like 2secs because im a large man & its a struggle
dril avatar
dril avatar
i dedicate this oscar to the caveman who invented electricity, because without him― Film would cease
dril avatar
i;m selling my piss and shit back to the grid
dril avatar
No results found for "i invented black borat"
AlexBrianWhite avatar
Dr. Who gives a fuck
Phil_NorrisFOO avatar
Dr who gives a shit
dril avatar
dril avatar
dippin my head out there for some hardball strapthug coplikes to handle my doofus and preg me down ,no wise guy shit #nerdland
dril avatar
i.. im gonna lose it!! im absolutely ready to crap all my damn cum out !!!
dril avatar
let me explain it to you fucking nerds one more time; this aaccount is Above Humor. You will not find jokes on it.
dril avatar
one thing my brand will never associate itself with is piles of filthy leaves
dril avatar
@cute_kyouko I will never post such info onto this bad website
dril avatar
@bugbucket2 HAHAHAHA!!! YES !! YES!!
dril avatar
HUNGRY-MAN™ was so impressed by my Content Flow & My Trademark 'Tude that they hired me as Asst.Toilet Boy and let me lick the factory floor
dril avatar
CRISIS: "TrueBloodGamer" just switched his steam handle to "TroubledGamer" and is NOt responding to ANY messages, we must bow in cyberprayer
dril avatar
Please Click On The Tiny, Burning Earth To Discover My Weblog
dril avatar
I am selling 10,000 of my followers to @CampBowWow for Nine Cents. Starting tomorrow you will be following @CampBowWow instead of me. Bye
dril avatar
@BenCravery not if you wrap a towel around yout head
dril avatar
" BLOOD CURSE " to all the terrible motorists who threw debris into my bathtub as i carried it along the highway and made it really heavy
dril avatar
what i need is one of my girl follower to shovel garbage off of my dick so i can jack off and post a numerical rating of the ordeal online
dril avatar
i can confirm that Somali pirates have intercepted my shipment of 20,000 glossy 8x10 headshots and are using them for vile purposes
dril avatar
damn!! heres one for ya: if the classic dancing 3d baby aged normally, he would be turning 6,270 years old today #Whoa #TimeGoesByMan
dril avatar
Perhaps the tier I aspire to achieve the most is that of the Milk Bone brand. Such flawless precisIon. Beauty; Grace. Truly awe inspiring .
dril avatar
im IP banned from this site in the usa but my Dubai account is good to go
dril avatar
https://twitter.com/search/realtime?q=%22the%20skeleton%20war%22&src=typd im seeing some real good shit on this website today
dril avatar
@_tbau It owuld be rude to eat you. Goal
dril avatar
@daniellegee Im already dead. Fuck u. Keep em comin
dril avatar
@france_xiii Piss on me, chief
dril avatar
@mcdaldno Im going to erase this you god damn loony tune
dril avatar
@LuckyStubbs youre a rodeo clown from the sewer
dril avatar
why won't anyone fight me on this site. i want to slam one of you smug motherfuckers to hell, with the good words that i type and post here.
dril avatar
if your grave doesnt say "rest in peace" on it you are automatically drafted into the skeleton war
dril avatar
everytime i click on the skull, a random dweeb's computer chair spins around at a million miles per hour and collapses underneath his ass
dril avatar
dril avatar
"big the cat" is the most compelling figure that has ever existed in any form of media, and that includes book `s .
dril avatar
#FreshmanAdvice i will demolish you with my perfect upper body forever because seniors rule the shit out of this school
dril avatar
you are treated to the serene visage of a waterfall cascading against the rocks. the camera pans out and its me vomiting all over my balls
dril avatar
@Rad_Bug those are all trolls who want only to terrify me
dril avatar
I GOt Fired From QVC For Describing A Pair Of Jeans As "EuroVamp"
dril avatar
im sensing some major bullshit coming from the graveyard
dril avatar
@TalesOfGames i want to live ther
dril avatar
i had a dream that Jared from subway followed me & we started discussing new media objectives over DM. when i woke up i was eating my pillow
dril avatar
dril avatar
my follower count decreases when i use these words: dick, cum, ass, turds. it goes up when i use these: brand, multimedia, sports, pepsicola
dril avatar
i just shot a wicked load across the hood of m y dad's monte carlo and i'm feeling hetero as all hell
dril avatar
@jocoly if you think anything I post is funny you're a piece of litter
dril avatar
all cops on twitter please help. i found this fuckin egg on a bus seat where a large man was just sitting. how do i properly dispose of it
dril avatar
hello 911 police? ? yeah the official pf changs twitter account just unfollowed me. please put this message in the Files. thank u officer.
dril avatar
The most fucked up possible thing has happened. Porno has returned to cyberspace.
dril avatar
@Rad_Bug i would click the print button a lot of times
dril avatar
CALLING ALL MUSCLEFREAX— a country named "Ethiopia"' severely lacks Muscles. let's hit the bench and get heavy in their honor. #MuscleCrisis
dril avatar
while you all dunce around here and kiss the stupid royal baby's dick; i'll be absorbing the scooby doo subreddit with a glass of #PaleAle .
dril avatar
@kanye stay home and Re Tweet me
dril avatar
dril avatar
@Ketherbound Drink my god Damn piss. Drink my my god Damn piss. Drink my piss mother fucvker. Drink my fucking god damned piss off
dril avatar
#RoyalBabyNames asshole doofus motherfucker from hell
dril avatar
@p3restroika dicks are only sold in cartons fuckface
dril avatar
@CNNSlowNewsDay @hair Hair put it therem, not me
dril avatar
.@Hair The cashier stood motionless, facing away from me while I attempted to purchase hair from your establishment in Galveston, TX. #Prank
dril avatar
@Hermit_Thrush Use Cappital Letters Please
dril avatar
Hrm. This is troubling. *loads another nude woman* This absolutely will not do. *loads pictures of Modern Architecture* Ah, now this is good
dril avatar
The Foundation For The Restoration Of American Honor Has Given President Barack Hussein Obama A Hitler Rating Of 34. This Is The Worst One.
dril avatar
i had a nightmare that i kept clicking the logout button and it just kept logging me into this website again and again
dril avatar
"Instead of regular jokes"
dril avatar
bone prank: drop pieces of your skeleton in strategic locations to spook nincompoops and lame-os
dril avatar
i overhear 2 social media experts discussing hardcore brand strats for 2015. Next Level. i immediately duck into a restroom & hyperventilate
dril avatar
web MD just told me I have "Fuckface Lymphoma" and that im an "Aids Man". in light of this humbling news id like to apologize for my posts
dril avatar
dril avatar
http://i.imgur.com/wBA1hSW.jpg christ. no wonder everyone is so worked up......
dril avatar
The Bayer corporation proved the link between Masturbation and Homosexuality in 1968. Thbe debate is over.
dril avatar
@KolThur @willystaley climb into the garbage you uneducated clown
dril avatar
nude bathing was invented by the vile criminal slave class of the byzantine empire and it drove the kind & decent noblemen absoutely bonkers
dril avatar
http://i.imgur.com/7vf4My2.jpg ths is the direction of the @Dril account & our vision of the future of media. This does not represent Final Product.
dril avatar
@PhillyPolice nothing i have ever done is Legal
dril avatar
*waches the Race War unfold in filthy computer chair, multiple tabs open, cnn msnbc, gawkrer, salon, milk duds** now THis is some good shit,
dril avatar
the classics(art carney, sid caesar) woud SHIT THEMSELVES if they saw these newer performers who INSIST on displaying their genitals always,
dril avatar
ENOUGH *Throws All My Jacking Off Books And Jacking Off Memorabilia Into The Garbage*
dril avatar
http://i.imgur.com/BdyYOEr.jpg im just going to post my ad here real quick
dril avatar
Kathleen Turner will star for director Herb Ross at MGM in the comedy feature "Cloak and Diaper,'' a Michael Lobell-Andrew Bergman productio
dril avatar
PigPissBen banning anyone who reposts the PigPissLou photos. PigPissWayne and PigPissEllis have already fallen victim to this PigPissTyranny
dril avatar
PigPissClyde hid in a bush for 2 hrs and took secret photos of PigPissLou wiping bird shit off his windshield with a chipotle bag. Pure win,
dril avatar
peeking into police station window, watching the cops Fuck each other. duane eddy's "Rebel Rouser" is playing and im nodding my head in tune
dril avatar
simpsons marches onward into season 394. characters morph into grotesque mockeries over 100s of years. homer advocates cock and ball torture
dril avatar
i lure a group of newly hatched baby turtles into an abandoned warehouse using a photo of the ocean and turn them into moths #GOthicOrder
dril avatar
Where were u when I was being mouthed off at. Where were u when my brand was tarnished by Mockers. Where were u when i got called a "Prick".
dril avatar
arms begin to glow & expand. "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for True Gamers." yes!! yes! im feeling more power tha
dril avatar
i just cracked into aCiDnEt and got my grubby mitts on BigCasper's [No_Incest] edit of the spike lee oldboy remake and im sippin #DraftBeer
dril avatar
dril avatar
dril avatar
@DinkMagic @extranapkins my turds and brain fucking suck and my toilet smells like a god damn turd and it also sucks
dril avatar
@extranapkins I hate this fucking bunkum you put to my page. Get a grip on life
dril avatar
@Estebandagreat Fuck Digimon Otis
dril avatar
@twoheadedpug only the good ones
dril avatar
@drymangobird thbe NSA is really good. but it could be bad? please dont write any opinions about it until ive solved this
dril avatar
nobody's allowed to criticize anytyhing or talk about anything or like anything until my shitty terrible account gives the official go-ahead
dril avatar
i hold hands w ith my teen son *spikes the microphone*
dril avatar
hm? whats that? my dick looks like bozo the clown's dick? listen punk. i know for a fact you have never seen bozo the clown's dick
dril avatar
my dick sucks balls. pray for my dick
dril avatar
dril avatar
http://i.imgur.com/NAzAOOu.jpg this is how to fuck on craigslist
dril avatar
my disrespectful teen son somehow got hold of a gluten product and now he wants to become a cat girl
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my crippling fear of Hell makes me post really good things on my timeline #blessed
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i suppport LGBT... and GBLT ((photo montage of me sinking my teeth into a Good BLT)) #DaringJokes #HeWentThere
ImWaste avatar
shitter 实在太牛了
dril avatar
posing next to a jeep and handing out business cards at the high school i graduated from 8 years ago, explicitly stating i do NOT followback
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a mudslide engulfs a small village as I obliviously powerwash my bluejeans uphill
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i will pay a jpeg specialist up to $500 to put a black bar over the ass & pussy of my beloved rottweiler before i send the pic to my father.
dril avatar
i've been spat upon. i've been dragged through the streets. i've been pissed on to the Nth degree. all for the sake of making good ass posts
dril avatar
I have decided to officially unfollow "@Budweiser", on account of their complete lack of original, informative, or compelling content.
dril avatar
@AaronCampsoup @Budweiser im going to strangle the turds out of your ass
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Nudity is perverse. Nudity is an act of war
dril avatar
i'm absolutely covered head to toe in lotion and i am ready to sign on. you all have the privilege of interacting with a fully lotioned man
dril avatar
as we speak, RickGameCube, Bradley_X, GodlyWalter17 and myself are planning an attack on the terrorist organization known as "Al-Qaeda"
dril avatar
due to the actions of bastards and human slime, my agent has advised me to deactivate my account for 18 hrs, to punish my disloyal followers
dril avatar
you are all too concerned wih your fucking "Brands" to help a mman who was absolutely in hell for 4 hours you turncoat motherfuckers of shit
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zero of my so-called twitter pals gave me a phone call or offered me any aid during my harrowing ordeal iwth the hacker. may god punish you.
dril avatar
George W. Bush (1946 - ... )...2007
dril avatar
trolls have found a terrible new way to antagonize me. it is called "retweeting" and it works by exposing my posts to scammers & crumb bums.
dril avatar
i sit on a throne made out of dead Freshmen and drink wine from a Freshman's skull. all this can be yours if you become a cyber bully.
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*circles "become gay" on a whiteboard*
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i think that turning myself Gay in the summer of 2013 would really impress my overseas investors
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i can tell how beautiful a man`s soul is by putting both of my hands on the hood of his car and thrashing my neck around to awaken god
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@gerkygatzos fuck your ma ma!! you piece of shit
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@gjonad eat a god damn bug
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@fuckj1_2 Go Fuck Your Self You Son Of A Bitch
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whenever i elevate my professional vitae through mind-blowing, dynamic content, i reward myself by fucking a book of carpet samples #Toonami
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dont come on my account and lecture me about manual transmission until yoauve gotten BOTH of your balls snug up inside of a sweet sugar babe
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The absolute shit Im forced to put up with as a content Producer. Ive sacrificed my basic human rights in order to placate U fucking people.
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my meme dissertation should be "put into the toilet"?? perhaps the only thing that should be put into the toilet are your harsh criticisms.
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MetalGearEric: You are being tried in the court of gamers for calling Ninja Gaiden "Weiner Gaiden", even though it is not called that at all
dril avatar
ME: I Sure Hope Nobody Poisons My Dick
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with advancements in technology we will someday be able to watch a 3d animated version of larry the cable boy go to vegas & get into trouble
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someday mankind will evolve beyond "jokes" and i'll be allowed to paint big ugly dicks all over my house without suffering derisive laughter
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sometimes i gaze towards the beautiful endless sky and wish that i was a bird. so that i could piss and shit out of the same hole
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@PizzaDetective a tshirt big enough to cover my ass hole up
dril avatar
Im here to addmindister beatings to all of the liars and cowards in this hot tub
dril avatar
waving flags, honking horns, trying to coax the kfc golem into shitting all over my mouth and my picnic
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i love to build illegal temples around town. i love scrubbing my pitbull down with big piles of soap bubbles. i love to fuss and raise shit.
dril avatar
it is extremely fair to say that my entire pelvic dick area resembles the singular breast of a pregnant European
dril avatar
@lowtax @BestOfWeirdTwit i look forward to purchasing this work of fine literature at perhaps the zoo or the circus
dril avatar
@SexCarl This is the most fucked up sentence that has ever been uploaded to a web site.
dril avatar
Yeah, some of us like to network with successful brands on twitter. The rest of you want to join hippy communes and suck the hippys' dicks.
dril avatar
.@Budweiser Check out my tweets. I like the stuff you post on here. Please, have a look at my page. Love the 'Weiser. Bye.
dril avatar
yes. i can confirm that craigsli$t will flag your job listing for removal if you accidentally title it "buffalo wild wings toilet fuck".
dril avatar
assault on liberty: the local farms have begun smearing dragon blood on their pig troughs to keep me away from them
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@Porn_Moth @ELLIOTTCABLE yeah im about to go to the library he works at and knock the fuckin books off the shelf
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the dj who makes crude dog noises on my radio every day should listen to my rare metals podcast & learn how a real content producer behaves.
dril avatar
i'm just like you, pal. eivery morning i put on my straight hetero jeans one leg at a time and pour myself some straight hetero raisin bran.
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@ELLIOTTCABLE in order to fully grasp the "weird twitter " zeitgeist, i woud recommend reading 1 of the many articles publiSuck My BaLLS 666
dril avatar
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need nonviolent methods to knock out these security cams fucking up my protest of public toilet
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just installed 500 security cameras around my compound & my sony wonderstation refuses to interface with a single one! hungry grab a snicker
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how could a man with $0 get one of you 3d printer eggheads to print up some wild runestones for my daddy-daughter astral ascension ceremony
dril avatar
im 14 year s old and im already more psychic than my dad
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how dare you fuck with me. how dare you fuck with me , on the year of Luigi
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cursed pair of google glasses adds world star hip hop watermark to everything i look at and cannot be removed from face
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as someone who receives the middle finger daily, i have the authority to state that using both hands is superfluous and absurd. doesn't help
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if the twitter man is reading this: i don't like the fact that people are "following' this account and i would like that feature turned #OFF
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"rat rod shit shack"
dril avatar
Q: are nerds allowed to read your tweets
A: no. absolutely not. only businessmen and christian women are permitted to read my tweets.
dril avatar
@RobSchneider what about the wind? i think it's the wind
dril avatar
i was also goig to make a joke about how putting a dry rub on the vaccines makes them cause less autism but the science is still out on that
dril avatar
that's the end of my dry rub rant. it's just my opinion. i have already received 20 death threats. i fucking dare you to block and report me
dril avatar
i cannot eat this bowl of rice until i've personally applied a louisiana-style dry rub to each grain. i refuse to eat like a peasant
dril avatar
hell ill dry rub anything. an unpeeled banana. fruit gushers. all contain a latent power which begs to be unleashed by a superb spice blend
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it's that time of the year when my father sends me pictures of jails and tells me that i must learn to Respect a good barbecue dry rub
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sort of bullshit that im not allowed to be the wendy's mascot just because im repugnant to most people & woudl negatively impact their sales
dril avatar
i scan the docs & id the perp. "The Radio Shack Masturbator". bounty on his head. i put 100 bullets into my pistol and hit the god damn road
dril avatar
click this post to worship Everlasting Slime until your cold, lonesome death, the uncleansable taste of Shit ruining your throat and tongue
dril avatar
click this post to devote yourself to Zesty Ranch from now to eternity , the cool, crisp satisfaction that all good mouths adore
dril avatar
click this post to spiritually align yourself with Hot Nacho , the devilishly delightful blend of actual nacho spices imported from DarkNet
dril avatar
*stealthily dumps an entire bottle of gnc 100% pro performance whey protein into the dog's food dish * oh hey what's going on i was just uh,
dril avatar
i am about 50% certain that the doctors who took turns punching my egregious chode during my eye exam violated the hippocratic oath
dril avatar
obama and his crack team of nsa crooks watching me shit: "sir, he's scooting backwards so his dick doesn't touch the rim" "Thuis guy's good"
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i spend 2hrs on my back with my legs spread so it looks like the sun is setting into my ass from my perspective."haha the sun fucking sucks"
dril avatar
ever since i had that srtoke at cold stone creamery i feel as though i am more in tune with spirits, and the like
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a quick e3 prayer: i call upon our lord in heaven to ensurre that these perfect video games are not lambasted by criminal journalists. aman
dril avatar
i will gladly purchase the Horrifying new xbox for each room in my home and expose my nude body to its mandatory camera daily for kfc points
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maintainig one of the last serious accounts on this fucked up website is an emotional burden that could be likened to the trials of christ .
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pikced up some arcane yoga tech that will suck my balls up behind my gut and allow me to achieve a marvelous Thigh Gap #ProAna #GapBoyReal
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my cousin was charged with arson(Bullshit) , and i was thinking we could all help out by drawing up some memes to display in his prison cell
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"☆ ★ One day, Miss Hannah Minx escaped from an anime cartoon and started teaching Japanese on Youtube. ☆ ★ ヽ(*゜▽゜*)ノミ" me too. that;s me
dril avatar
caught my son running a google search for " shit stain pussy ". i am beyond distraught. we are strictly a Bing family
dril avatar
when i was young, i always dreamed of becoming an artist. at age twelve, my father taught me how to tie a Square Knot. Now i hate art,
dril avatar
i summarily reject the notion that i derive R-Rated pleasure by having jack-booted meatheads from ACORN kick me around like a chewtoy
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sorry for drawing this out but its important to note that im in Full Submission Mode, waiting for CIA's pig-faced cronies to whip & chain me
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i hereby hand this twitter account to Obama's Thugs aand permit them to beat the crust outta me screaming and to piss on me. no trial. amen
dril avatar
if cops can see this account already: im sorry for all my posts ,t force me to lick your boots CLEAN sir, im a bastard who needs punishment
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@CNNSlowNewsDay Take me off this service. I don't want people to look at and see my posts.
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trolls using "#ff" to add me to cruel watchlists for oppressive police beasts; ONCE AGAIN fucking me over, ONCE AGAIN making me shit myself
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@bumf_online onyl if i get 100% of the revenue and also a $250 fee for eating up my twitter bandwidth by Mentioning me
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i am taking my 34-year-old son into town to buy him his very first pair of clip-on suspenders and we are both very excited
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i've been publicly unfollowed by "lawyer ron" because of you fucking people
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@lawyerron hy bud kiss my FUCKINAZZZZZZ and get your ass back to http://yahoo.com. itsr really hard to write these
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@911VICTIM What are u saying. Am i dead
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theres an inherent sense of nobility, or perhaps honor, in the Shit that i post, that distinguishes me form my peers. undetectable, but real
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this gradient they applied to the iconic kellogg's logo is of no use to me. i think i will write them a nasty little letter
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the audience is encouraged to sink bullets into my protruded red baboon ass while i struggle to recite prose written on a toilet paper tube
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@Ketherbound when i change m y name to "@QuickenLoansLLC" in Q4 youre going to be Fucked. sorry
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i show my son the mandated GMO labeling on a pair of jeans at the store. "that's how you know it's a good cut. this is a good cut of denim."
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The offending article of clothing read "Big Bird Sucked My Dick & All I Got Was This Lousy TShirt". I have blocked this person from my life,
dril avatar
if e3 does NOT #ShowUsTheGames, KeyBladeWalter, "Epic" Wayne Briggs and I will engage in disciplined self-immolation on the disgusting floor
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@TalesOfGames dunther, twang lad, gunbelt, Holbo, daemetreus costco, fallen gordo,
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who are my top creative influences? easy. the geico cavemen. where do i draw the majority of my inspiration frpm? easy. the geico cavemen .
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#e3rumors a stodgy executive wil get on stage, spread his legs, and officially "give birth" to the new xbox. millions will detest this stunt
dril avatar
and then there was PreCumGary, a remarkable man who, despite his name, never allowed ihmself to release pre-cum during sex and masturbation.
dril avatar
@ClassicsOfGame Despicable As Always. Thank You, Classics.
dril avatar
i was promised awful, screaming cicadas by the millions. i am starting to think i busted out my CICADA MAN 2013 t-shirt for nothing.
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@adamxii im not into that hippy stuff
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hah. i just read the entire bible and i'm still a lost., confused idiot. nice try, God. #BIbleFails
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my step dad is apparently too busy kissing his shitty wife to attend my 55+ senior rugby league games. OH and guess what, we lost. Fuck tyou
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there is absolutely no greater account on twitter than @DinoMiteBarney. consistently on point , no guff, what else can i say . check it out
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everyone please stop fucking posting for a second; i think i just inhaled a hair
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i for one will be taking the high road by reserving judgement for the really good grumpy cat movie until ive seen it and bought the blueray.
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the champagne-sipping hipsters are constantly begging me to make my account more "INDY"... but i got 1 thing to say to ya― NOT A CHANCE BUB!
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the advent of nanotechnology will eliminate sex when the tiny robots learn to massage our prostates and drink every drop of our terrible cum
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imagine a guy whose desktop computer is an integral part of his drum set and he posts by tapping the keyboard with his sticks and it's me
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@robdelaney @SexCarl completely off the mark. i have stated repeatedly that brands are BIG in 2013 and i stand by that mantra. Remove this.
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@SexCarl i knwew it. i fucking knew it. twitter culture can suck my dick *RIps up $59,000 check from dairy queen*
dril avatar
twitter to me, is a Collaborative Experience. ergo,when you shit on my posts it creates a rippling effect that corrupts the souls of all men
dril avatar
see?? it's happenig again. people are blocking me because i'm posting my opinion. @Doritios is sending me crude messages again. fuck twitter
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@threeboy twitter should verify me because i invented the simpsons
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@fart i want too live their. i want too smooch them
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who is that vile man lurking around outside of "ROFLCon" with a notepad, standing on trashcans trying to peek inside of the windows and shit
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@ebrawley nice setup
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i got a booth set up outside of the casper, WY red lobster to promote & expand my brand presence. if you speak to me i will call the police.
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@juniperjulip double stuf oreos
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you all can send me breast milk now. thank you
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my dick is satire
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think you got it rough? try engineering blog posts while trying to suck down two whole baby bottles full of muscle milk before Solstice ends
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feel obligated to inform TL: i accidentally touched a girl dog's nipple while petting it— deep apologies but ready to grow & learn from this
mikecankiss69 avatar
I think the world should be in diapers and toilet should be thrown away
dril avatar
my hype man is notable. someone get the president of wikipeda on the horn and command him to resign for this shit job #Notable_hype_men" target="_blank">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hype_man#Notable_hype_men
dril avatar
mmy "hype man", if you will, is a tiny 80-year-old guy who follows me around and apologizes for everything i say and do in a pitiful voice
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claiming reserved table for "uncle clean jeans." not on the list? hmm. what about "big uncle clean jeans." no? shit. try "kurt." ok ggood
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my booming voice echoes from the depths of your recently flushed toilet. "NICE TURDS IDIOT. HA HA HA"
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#momsandbrands now were talkin. can i network here. i'm a normal, real person. i think youre all good #LonelyWantuingDates #GoodAtBrandsAlso
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i do in fact keep a trash can under my desk so i can spit up a few nauseous loads whenever i get publicly humiliated by people retweeting me
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phew. just served 4 years in afghanistan and not a single person saw my dick while I was over there. not one. hope they got a medal for that
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it is official. im taking my football to prom and im going to kiss it and the nerds will never stop me. i cannot wait to savor their anguish
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I have just obtained a historic deleted segment from Disney's Fantasia. It features a middle-aged man in an NFL jersey buying light bulbs
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@ernest_borg9 @RichardDawkins impossible. for he has already denounced the neologism "OWned", and i cannot own him, nor him me,
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"what are ya.." i said to his face. "some kind of a FReak cop?" he desperately reached for his badge but it was fused permanently to his leg
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I'm Sorry For Raising Cain At The Out Back Steak House Even Though It's Still Bullshit That They Refuse To Serve Me A Plate Of Just Croutons
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so if the admin posts pictures of his varicose vein clusters it's ok, but when i do it my avatar is replaced with hands gripping prison bars
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whats the deal with people handing me receipts after i buy things!! i dont want this!! fuck you!! fuck you!! fuck you!! fuck you! #Stand #Up
dril avatar
i'll find it
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there's a twitter room where people with verified accounts go to talk shit about me and shit on my good name and make me look like shit
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@brian_hanson oh absoluteyl
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As a Digimon fan for over 10 years, I never heard of someone named DigimonOtis in the Digimon community, so his input is also invalid.
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http://imgur.com/a/iwGlg icant believe this is happening
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@diaper_wolf post the rear view you coward
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there are rifts in the Frankenstein community regarding whether or not igor was tasked with jacking the monster off to keep it docile
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wish Obama would authorize some drone strikes against my ex-wife! *the act takes a more serious tone* Instead of doing Benghazi.
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#GooglePlayMusic ha ha some guy spent a billion dollarsr to put this boring ass hashtag on the trending list. fuck you idiot
dril avatar
PRANK: say The Simpsons got cancelled and tape everyone's reaction. alter the footage later to make it look like their balls are hanging out
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received some very important secret documents regarding the Masturbators. not only do they enjoy touching their dicks, they also worship sex
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mayor unveils a huge tombstone engraved with "Incest". i chain my jeep to it and rip it down. mayor surrenders and names town "Incestville"
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"Ah!! Lunchtime, Boys!" i snort several lines of Hamburger Helper, tilt my head back and shake with unbearable agony as my head turns purple
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me and some extremely crude boys in a pickup truck scream "hipster" at some kid's lemonade stand then crash into a turtle and eat shit hard
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guess what smart guy. cavemen didn't brush their teeth either, but look how strong they were. they also detested sports
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now i will be the first to admit that im an irredeemable son of a bitch/. however, i am also a piece of shit with no brain.
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the problem with some things today is that they arent good. but when you say that, Oop! Surprise! i'm being argued with and shitted uppon. h
dril avatar
im being TROLLed because of my pro-nascar beliefs for fuck sake!! why dont any of you care!?! why are you all just posting more jokes!?!
dril avatar
there are dead guys with verified accounts, yet i am barred from consideration due to the actoins of my enemies, or "Haters", on this page .
dril avatar
@leh0n thw most important 'win' button i have ever clicked
dril avatar
@Rad_Bug That's not me, Rad_Bug.
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@Estebandagreat That's not me, Estebandagreat.
dril avatar
dril avatar
get me some of that fuckin Travolta denim
dril avatar
@VNDtoLAD this is a serious account. no jokes
dril avatar
i cast 1million holy spells on my yankee candle and now it never burns out and the flame grows taller when rowdy celebs appear in the news
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the guy who put up this shield to prevent me from pissing on the public toilet paper should have considered my personal liberties beforehand
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to everyone talking shit about my fine motor skills: *gives the Finger, checks to see if correct finger is extended, it isn't, tries again*
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@Sizzler_USA please stop posting political message to my feed
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#blogcon2013 waddling around the auditorium trying to find a place to set up my custom pc tower with "BOYS BOYS BOYS" painted on the side
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#blogcon2013 im here and if you so much as look at me without having a Verified Account my devices will emit an ear-piercing defense screech
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looking forward to getting in some #YardWork today!! *trims 200 square feet of lawn with a riding mower and collapses like a sack of shit*
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dril avatar
stop FUCKING calling me "EPIc Divorce Man", or i will terminate my pogo account and take my tokens wiht me. i am not a MEME, im a HUMAN BEIg
dril avatar
@harej the funniest one., rest assured
dril avatar
on my deathbed, surrounded by loved ones, i bid farewell. i explode into 1000 totino's pizza rolls and everyone in the room tries to grab em
dril avatar
this needs to be addressed. if you see me along the road, please do not intentionally ram me with your car. this is the 4th time this happen
dril avatar
best is when you're shopping for bedsheets and you see one with a lousy thread count and you say to your buddies "this poiece of shit sucks"
dril avatar
#WalgreensLatino please stop posting my username
dril avatar
@Lowenaffchen also Skittles
dril avatar
i refuse to conform to typical standards by being "clever" or "funny ". i will never betray my spiritual honor by "posting good things"
dril avatar
summoner draws a venn diagram on the floor with circles labeled "rude" & "illegal". my fat face emerges from the center and begs for treats
dril avatar
@prodigalsam you blocked me by accident again
dril avatar
@prodigalsam GOD DAm right you were confused, im all about top-tier content, ive been blocked by the sheikh of dubai for christ sake, Fuck u
dril avatar
@prodigalsam this is the most bullshit thing ive ever gotten blocked for
dril avatar
@prodigalsam Feel like this is appropriate. Again. http://i.imgur.com/OqTc3eL.jpg
dril avatar
instagram?? thats a laugh. if i wanted to see pictures of things i'd pray for eyeballs
dril avatar
i hope someone steals my tweets. because.. theyre bad! haha load them up in a big chuck wagon and take them to criminal hq where they belong
dril avatar
#freejahar friends, i have just learned of another passionate freedom fighter who was betrayed by the us government http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Rader
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ibm scientists place two atoms next to each other to create "world's tiniest ass." government orders them to return grant money immediately
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The wine imparts a foreign bitterness. How could he betray me? We were brothers. I fall to the ground. Execute a partial curl. One last rep.
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if you have ever disagreed with anyone about anything youre a sociopathic piece of shit
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please stop posting unofficial crabby road strips. i a m sick of seeing our beloved maxine being used to denigrate the lord and our troops .
dril avatar
my next 4,000 tweets are dedicated to all the good babes of japan and beyond
dril avatar
few things about this account. this is no gimmicks, strigaht from the hip, real shit. i dont "DO" pranks or gags. logged on, at your service
dril avatar
there should be a policeman on the premises when they're naming these damn horses so they stop giving them names that aren't serious or real
dril avatar
"ey!! im walkin here" - me getting waterboarded by the us government
dril avatar
BIG Bible Town is a multiplayer online game set in a 1st century world. The objective of the game is to create your own unique BIG Bible Tow
dril avatar
next issue: should miserable, long-winded diatribes about what constitutes art be considered "Art" ???
dril avatar
@Hermit_Thrush This is the most fucked up thing you have ever done .
dril avatar
the villagers gather at the summit to hear my horrendous impersonations of futurama characters and grant me offerings of ivory and fruit
dril avatar
@brendlewhat thw worst actually, but thanks
dril avatar
hm?? sorry, didn't see u there. i was just digesting a fascinating piece about how reading twitter for 9 hrs a day makes you a BEtter person
dril avatar
#unpopulargamingopinions games are, in fact, NOT art, with the sole exception being Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle (1989)
dril avatar
#unpopulargamingopinions nmario and luigi are Virgins
dril avatar
i am notr, nor ever have been, a nerd, and i have used some very powerful swear words on this website that would blow most nerds socks off
dril avatar
i have performed の祈り<mouth prayer> in all 4 directions of the compass to stop ShirtlessClyde94 from leaking photos of my ghoulish pud to TMZ
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#FreeJahar New DHS rule bans Jahar's mom from giving her son a hug. Im crying. Everything is so fucked up.
dril avatar
#FreeJahar knock knock. who's ther.e? jahar's innocence. the us gov wants to spend $5billion on a helicopter but cant afford jahar's trial.
dril avatar
#FreeJahar this is the $5billion helicopter obama wants to build instead of giving jahar fair trial. http://i.imgur.com/naqOeQj.jpg billion with a b
dril avatar
#FreeJahar obama smirks as he signs the order for a $5 Billion Helicopter while the boston police beg him to pay for $2500 Jahar trial. sick
dril avatar
#FreeJahar obama jsut ordered construction of a $5billion helicopter but no trial for Jahar because "we can't afford it". this is FUCKED UP
dril avatar
one thing I will Not tolerate on this site is users organizing and planning "Orgies", also known as Group Sex.
dril avatar
going back to switch the auto-capitalized 'i's in my post to lowercase so people don't think im some fucked up nerd
dril avatar
hmm. myaybe we should tax Stupid People. and hipster. *the nation stands and applauds, I enjoy a successful career in legislature for 60yrs*
dril avatar
i invented the "bacon is good" joke. i invented the meme of people liking bacon. all sorts of people are copping my gag and im pissed
dril avatar
@DerekRickers listrn pal, im matt, and i love Too fuck
dril avatar
@DerekRickers you started a whole account just to ask me if i'm matt? leave matt alone, he hates you, you dope
dril avatar
@extranapkins my father will be donating his dimple to me.
dril avatar
a man in argentina is willing to surgically transfer hair from my Buffoonish ass to my weak, infantile chest and tattoo a jawline to my neck
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@vandelayin i clicked the checkbox next to "Keep Me Logged In" so that's not possible
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dril avatar
@diaper_wolf @degg its 69. just kidding
dril avatar
@diaper_wolf @degg the only thing this proves is that youre a doorknob
dril avatar
@gunghokitty no. i believe in the desert
dril avatar
ok. so apparently rap did exist in the 90s. and i apologize. all the other objectionable bullshit i post here is real, though
dril avatar
@ayne_sof thats not rap
dril avatar
dril avatar
@ayne_sof dead wrong buddy
dril avatar
the good things i like about 90s is there were no hipsters, no rap, and your odds of getting an infection at a hospital were slightly higher
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still got my holographic Alan .. this sucker would go for $40 on eBay but i prefer kissing it every night and whispering "90es" #TopShelf90s
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best 90s memory is gathering around the old oak tree with the boys and passing around trading cards featuring all of our dads #DamnGood90s
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love, friendship, beauty– it all crumbles into dust. but Memes are eternal
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@MrSpoonicorn im gay for 2 things. clean shirts and women
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it i s a DISGRACE that these people are finding exciting, new ways to get horny without my express written permission
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im one of the best supporters of gay on this site. but. the top priority of the nba is putting the numbers up. we cant let players get horny
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what if all the locker room heteros want to kiss the gay player & it messes up their performance on the court? can we truly afford this #NBA
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somehow my "JOKE HATER" sweatband gets me more compliments at the gym than my decidedly ripped form
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if you receive mail from me and it isn't posted with personalized stamps depicting my dog's pregnant gut then it is fraud. please rip it up
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@LAYS can I vote for the flavor that makes me feel like a depressed, nauseous slug after I eat a whole bag of it?? or is that all of them
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im laughing at this really good ad http://imgur.com/gz5Rgk0
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i once sent DigimonOtis the dismal metacritic scores of his favorite digimon games and said in so many words "look pal, these are shit games
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when I see how far the repulsive DigimonOtis brand has come after I chose to disassociate myself from it I sweat profusely and dry heave
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my gym teacher is outside my house right now screaming about how I owe him 20 pushups from 1973 and that my torso sucks
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@Cheesegod69 btecause I was a detestable imbecile in life, and death has only made me stronger
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me and my lawyer just tricked my ex-wife into signing an agreement which orders her t o wear a dumbass cowboy hat to work #FuckU #LifeRuiner
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my agent said i'm not allowed to post in all caps anymore so i threw all of his award-winning birdhouses into the fucking driveway
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@barfcaptain otis is criminal and a liar
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@pepboysauto enjoy your circle jerk, tyrants
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@hialysa im Shit efron
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apparently im not good enough for the pep boys to follow me on twitter. apparently the pep boys fan fiction i poured my soul into is a waste
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principal surveys the premises from his shitty Dodge Caliber, sees the jeans dealer trying to peddle his stash on school grounds & calls 911
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lknow what pisses me off?? people who drink milk and spit the milk back into their glasses while making a smug expression. also teenage .
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when people upload pics of misc.electronics and the shit just is covered in dust, crumbs,etc i usually have to sign off for a sec &cool down
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#PeopleIReallyWantToMeet #oopsiforgot #Celtics forget all of this garbage. when are we gonna nab Osama
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all the trolls talk shit about my profession as an artisan ass wiper. but when they see my fine selection of towels they beg for my services
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ok publicist says i gotta do one about the zach braff kickstarter ok uh uh*claps hands* alright–– what if instead of money he asked for PIss
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@dhoodstr so what's the deal with benghazi. are you benghazi???? why is potus hiding from benghazi
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obana. i know you're reading this. where's benhgazi. what did you do with the benghazi man. release the benghazi gems. #YouJustPulledAnObama
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@TimmyFelch @fart @dogboner ive alwas wanted my name printed beneath a mummy's head
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my muscles begin to glow with the intensity of 100,000 sun` s. this can only mean one thing–––– there's trouble at the gym
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i probably spend the majority of my leisure time punching a hideous effigy of the caveman who invented sex
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now, bear wtih me here, what if, hypothetically, a teen reacted to "Yolo" **a massive sack of $$$ materializes in front of me for no reason*
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if a tree falls in the forest and a Teen Does NOt React, does it make a sound? ?
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i will nbe referring to a certain soda brand as "p*psi" until i receive the $16 they owe me for years of aggressive social content strategy
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Teens React To Noise. Teens React To Bugs. Teens React To The Normalization Of Warfare. Teens React To Teens Reacting. Teens React To Fritos
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do nOT buy "grab bag" option at the Onion Brothers' Onion Emporium. it is a trick devised to sell you undesirable onions
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if our lives were like a highschool cafeteria the cool kids table would be occupied by those guys who mess up their dicks for body mod blogs
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@TriciaLockwood the way i talk ids really good and normal as hell
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if a terrorist tried to get me. i'd just say like, "gods fake dude" then punch the gun out of his hand while hes contemplating the hereafter
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@OneDragonZ i went to a long john silvers once
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i would really like to attend my grandsons funeral but at the same time i just want to sit in bed and explore my body with a peacock feather
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The SHeriff's Department Denies Your Request To Be Sat On By Muscle Ladies As Punishment And Would Like For You To Pay Your Ticket With Cash
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you know the ancient sumerians regarded men with wide-ass necks and tiny-ass heads as divine beauties and gave them gifts of gold and barley
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http://wint.co/kfc.htm Here's That Fucking Awufl Kfc Page People Have Been Asking Me To Re-Upload
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despite this being the 1 day that allows the legal use of "Ghanja", i will isntead opt to absorb the celebrated works of Foxworthy & Engvall
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@MuscularSon i wan't to get all my straight uncles to flick spoonfuls of sour cream at them leathers
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@glennbeck I was a big fan until you decided to get all Political on us. Unfollowed.
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@poopiest more than god
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i hope to increase my respectable klout score of 99 by punishing the demons that plague my account in the form of unfunny post s
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so which corporate twitter accounts are the best for hurling abuse and vile insults towards in exchange for coupons and. deals
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i walk by. my shirt has the words "ALL I NEED IS" written on front. you're confused until you see the back of my shirt which says "MUDBIKES"
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if death regulation affects my god-given ability to put holes in garbage and animals really loudly i will kiss the toilet 1000 times and die
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@robo_junkie @CNN @Reuters @infowars @gameinformer i can post sex things in times of crisis
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my uncle called me a Loser on television way before this guy';s uncle did it @cnn @reuters @infowars @gameinformer
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reddit user "IncestVader" has just confirmed that @RicinElvis is thbe culprit , is on the loose, and is going bonkers. please yell at him
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mmph *dips another tostito into an ashtray full of ketchup * ah it's so good *licks salty residue off of my bloated purple fingers* mhmm
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@tropical_dave red lobster kidzone and this one
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i cna list numerous occasions where i have been discriminated against in a racist fashion just because i am a content creator .
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i stumble into a nameless town and see an ass pressed up against a screen door. i instinctively turn around and walk back towards the desert
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cant deal with people who have such an utter disregard for brand integrity that they would log on without a shirt. this is not a pornno.
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apparently shirtless people are interacting with me on this site. please put on a tasteful button-down top if you want to fav or retweet me.
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my wife gives birth to a beautiful vintage schlitz beer tap handle. i kiss her softly on the forehead & put it on display next to the others
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http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/make-pampers-huggies-luvs-create-size-7-adult-diapers.html were u there the day DragonBlaster laid down his arms & surrendered to the deranged corporate interests of Big Diaper
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i have still not ruled out the possibility that the jellyfish i stepped on while collecting seashells at the beach was a False Flag
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if youre following me for vids of me smearing chocolate syrup all over my chest. i dont do that anymore, and i suggest u read the holybook .
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been driving in circles with the wife & kids since 3am trying to find a place that will service my denim and we're all yelling at each other
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if you work with compute,r, if you know Code, if you do Code, please, please design a hot tub app that i can use in the hot tub
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yeah whatever pal; im such an asshole for feeding my nail clippings to the birds at the park instead of sending em off to the dunp. fuck off
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we have just been informed that more and more teens are buying "wax lips" from candy stores. do not be fooled. these are not their real lips
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i have posted severla high-res images of my teeth & gums for the inspection of the trolls. they will find that they look like a normal man's
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search "crash bandicoot is real"
>> Did you mean "Crash Bandicoot Israel"?
search "no"
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unlike the rest of you clowns, i want to watch dog the bounty hunter's entire body morph into a fingerless leather glove for ASEXUAL reasons
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i have been carrying my prophet mohammed body pillow everywhere since i was 14 and i will never forgive the coyote who yanked it off of me
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the artist formerly known as "BubsyFucker" is no longer banned from israel. please keep the wiki up to date anmd withhold your judgments
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blooper: it is implied that james bond 007 engages in sexual contact. this would never happen in real life because sex is revolting and rude
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@Mike_Bianchi @Second_lunch why did he remove th arby's reference though. arb'ys is one of the most influential brands of 2013. hes a madman
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i am nude, shaved, & ready to be submerged within the digital chrysalis where i will generate bigcoins by doing ki warrior poses until i die
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plop all feeds with adult content on them right straight into the trash can. twitter is a businness site .
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@KloutSupport i demand that you send me my bottle of "Spice Islands Beau Monde" for no reason whatsoever or else i will post my diseased ass
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@KloutSupport "There was an error getting your Perk. Please try again or contact support." what the heck. im a Top Influencer for christsake
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in veneration of the right honorable baroness my six komodo dragons will be rewarded one etxra " DIPEY CHANGE " and allowed to eat spaghetti
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absolute horseshit that im being written up for painting "JORDACHE BOYS" on windshield when i can see the road between the letters just fine
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i want to see james bond do steampuck, i want to see bat man do steampuck, i want to see spider man do steampuck, and thats the bottomline.
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my agent sent me a list of my followers & circled all crude avatars in red ink. if i dont block these people it WILL cost me the Arby's deal
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@clxrk i use some offbrand shit that my father boaught 200 cases of in 1998. dont know the name, the labels just a picture of a cobra. sorry
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i will go to great lenghts to prove that i take real showers. i will send pH samples of my flesh to th trolls. i will take pics of wet tub.
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indie punk rock band "THe 9/11 Forgetters" wanted by police after imploring their audience NOT to watch ABC's wednesday night comedy lineup
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if you insult the tiny pepsi can at the bottom of the buzzfeed article your'e fit for the bathroom. i will never let you look at my posts.
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number three. the footage of me struggling to shove a barbell into a toilet stall that isn't wide enough is " FALSE " and must be earased.
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number one. it is my right as a gold's gym member to bring barbells into the toilet stall and get my extra reps. number two. its not cheatig
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@pepsi die from dehydration
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@pepsi how many pepsi points will I score if I change my avatar to pepsi logo
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going to prove once and for all that trolls are Bullshit by having a narcissistic meltdown on my tech humor wordpress & logging off for 5hrs
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Cynical zombie nerd. Diabetic meme dynamo. Country gal. Mustard guru. Unrepentant photo blogger. Bacon dipshit. Entrepreneur. Goalie.
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@BenCravery who is doing that. give me his ip adress
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the digital man takes a sneaky peek around the library,. activates his darknet chakras, runs a Grid search on "dale earnheartd wackin it" ,
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my cigar rival just posted another vid.... time to leave the kids with nana , switch it to hell mode and outsmoke this BAStard
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i have never looked at my own dick in my entire life. not once
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RufusPussy. PussysRufus. RufusPussyLord. PussyManRufus. PussyWhizRufus. RufusPussyExpert. Pussy_Rufus. PussyEnchanterRufus. PussRuf.
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death to false muscles
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i roll a massive barrel labeled "Gangnam Content" into a lavish nyc party attended by high profile artists and accidentally crush a mans leg
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i am now pregnant with my own shadow form and i am looking forward to feeling it move around in my belly as it explores mme. this it real
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@anhonestmess my huge legs and a vile hunched back
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my big april prank: scream about my dick for 5 years on a website that people normally use to socialize with friends and loved ones
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despite google's bullshit-- today is National Criminal Log Off Day. if you're a criminal then log off
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#TenLiberalCommandments thou shalt kiss the dicks of our troops and lick their dicks also for disrespecting them and making them sad
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@Hexjackal onl;y if i'm allowed to pray 15 times a day and drink coffee and suck dicks
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IGN: "octomom caught Gaming" Gawker: "octomom is a gamer and i want to smooch her" TMZ: "ocotomom GAMES? hhuUWHAAT??" Wired: "octomom game"
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http://www.jackdaniels.com/whiskey/sinatra-select calling all my dubai followers to step up and pour a bottle of htis down my ass crack
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"Master Distiller Jeff Arnett explains what makes Sinatra Select's character as smooth and bold as the man himself, Frank Sinatra." it piss
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people always talk down on the Zoo but if your'e a shitty animal like me it is a great place to network and be gawked at for zero pay
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a bunch of cops knock my colostomy bag on the floor and begin stepping on it with high heeled shoes while i jack off and ask them to stop it
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@hehu42 thats why im a bing man
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they want to build a masque on the sunken remains of the titanic; dont let um
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ever since i read a life changing book i have desired the ability to morph into a Policeman at will. i will not divulge the name of the book
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@JakeMcPartland im The Pepsi Eunuch Bitch!!! i don't give s FUCK !!!
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thte name "ThePepsiEunuch" was taken. to clear up any confusion
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my youtube account "ThePepsiEunich" has earned me $48 in ad revenue throughout 2010-2012. id rather die than let the GOVT take a cent of it.
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i want to be wearing google glass when i see my wife in her wedding dress fofr the very first time so i can turn it into a big dorito
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@castinemachine only if u respect muscle
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before the holy ghost died--- there was the father, the son and TacoBellMaven
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please keep my denny's coupon gender rant off of wikipedia's list of notable tantrums-- it is NOT notable
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log off., you piss covered reptiles, youre turning good bandwidth into shit
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MOSQUITO cannot breed inside of faucet if it is running constantly... use this infor wisley
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i can't tell you how many serious UFO vids i've seen ruined by the slow zoom out and reveal of a man jacking it
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maybe one of my followers could donate a tonsil or something so i can finally upgrade my dick
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halfway through the work day and my boss STILL hasnt noticed im stuck in a pair of handcuffs. ur dealing with the Master. #FuckU #BaldPrick
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please stop calling my home with fucked up three stooges noises. my nine daughters no longer respect me after seeing me get mad at the phone
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i sense a demonic presence clicking x on my usless posts...........
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@iRespectGmail @dril_replies normal garfield, water garfiel, shadow garfield, are all straight and i want that written down right here today
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@Lowenaffchen trolls have cost me the Dairy Queen deal. Dairy Queen will not take my account seriously because of these people.
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petition to change the twitter bird into a shittier, less noble animal, l ike a pig or an ape
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@Ant_Water @surfercat @glennbeck to his credit, doctors are often too busy counting their blood money to learn anything smart about body's.
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@surfercat @glennbeck only if glenn back sees it
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i choke myslef with a bra on webcam and my face becomes so purple and bloated that the software no longer recognizes it as a face #sexlife
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@glennbeck harmony korine's "trash humpers"
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i, turdghoul fuckass, swear to uphold the constitution of the united states of america, so help me Piss. ok sorry, now let me do it for real
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@ULTRA_BONG go to bed dad
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my father banned me from taking shits after 8:00pm until i was 19 and this instilled within me a sense of morality and honor and respect
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im not fucking finished deconstructing the god damn diaper concept, and im not fucking finished flooding your worthless feed with shit mouth
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on a rickety stage at some empty roadhouse, a True mississippi blues man is howling aobut diapers, unappreciated by the toilet using masses
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i remark "mummies are made out of diapers" at the egypt museum. some cops jump out a sarcophagus and begin humping me as i roll on the floor
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"diapers are for animal at the zoo". nmever in my life have i seen a more ignorant comment written online and overlooked by the hitler media
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these flawless squats on the roof of my van go out to the bastard who accused me of "going apeshit" a t wild birds unlimited in marietta, ga
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@Hermit_Thrush nboody has ever requested that u log in.
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#q=%22chibi%20girl%22%2C%20%22human%20suffering%22&cmpt=q" target="_blank">http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=%22chibi%20girl%22%2C%20%22human%20suffering%22&cmpt=q absolutely
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ill have what 2005 is having #q=%22the%20short%20bus%22%2C%20%22big%20bubba%22%2C%20%22de%20de%20de%22%2C%20%22for%20the%20win%22%2C%20%22sexy%20time%22&date=6%2F2004%2032m&cmpt=q" target="_blank">http://www.google.com/trends/explore#q=%22the%20short%20bus%22%2C%20%22big%20bubba%22%2C%20%22de%20de%20de%22%2C%20%22for%20the%20win%22%2C%20%22sexy%20time%22&date=6%2F2004%2032m&cmpt=q
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#10ThingsYouHateToDo jack off, not jack off, 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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@babymole78 i can help with this-- you;re supposed to click the "follow" button on my page and leave it clicked on
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(the presence of the sarcasm tag indicates that i do not actually want to suck god's dick. please dont derail this discussion with nonsanse)
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@robdelaney i have made peace in hte name holy christ and will gracefully accept my ban
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a blank one
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i want to fuck a sheet of paper
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@_washu @Peeglass hte beautiful 50,000+ year old goddess Washu Hakubi, rightfull mother of Ryoko and Angel, makes an extremely valid point
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the next big online thing is men who eat Dog Food, schedule meetups to eat dog food together and form rivalries with cat & baby food eaters
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i will never apologize for accidentally dialing 911 in my jeans pocket or accidentally begging the operator for a "cop massage"
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uzbeks found attempting to modify their devices & remove the Croods interface are subject to public lashings and fines of up to 10000000 UZS
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i can confirm israeli android os WILL use a gui based on art assets from dreamworks The Croods & that this is exciting news for Crood likers
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@ROBOT_IRL @jokeappreciator idont know who runs that account but i am most certainly a huge piece of shit regardless
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i thjink i'd know the difference between Satan and a noisy washing machine with "666" spraypainted on the side
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my girl beliefs own, my sex beliefs own, my god beliefs own, my page owns, i m always yelled at, im always hacked , im garbage and thank you
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im sorry but what are the odds that 100 snakes would hatch from that huge egg i found in the swamp. in a way, we pretty much won the lottery
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i turned myself into a skunk using an incantation posted by 11 year old girl on youtube. i should not have done this. please, please help m
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@iRespectGmail viral ??? now were talkin
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if i win that wendy's contest i will do the right thing and choose to set dick vitale free
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yeah lets all j ust sit here and pretend everythin'gs ok while dick vitale sells his body to the wendy's corporation for big buck
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i just heard someone was angry on a website and now im angry and people are angry at me for being angry at him and im angry at them too #hel
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i just looked up the stats and the number of meaningful relationships ive formed is less than the number of public restrooms ive Screamed in
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@dogboner They also have to eat the shit
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haha get this, these people on the crisue boats that get stranded, they have to shit ON the boat, and sometimes they even touch the shit!!!!
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hosanna !! hosanna !! netbooks for dog lovers
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@dril_replies How's your diaper? Want any of my sexy turds? ASS!! holy Fu,ckin ass!! Haha, good shit. Retweet me
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@matchbox_420 BONE DEAD..........
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buck bumble caressed his dead gfs hair. "you will pay for thi s, Bastards." he grabbed two uzis and charged the gym, "Suprise mother fuckers
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MMORPG (massive multiplayer online roleplayig game), FPS (first person shooter), RTS (real time strategy), T2DF ( tactical 2d dragon fucker)
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@RobertMarkEnger yeah those god likers love to shit
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lets ACTUAlly shove atheism down christians throats. cram godless voids into their mouths which nullify the Prayers of their digestive tract
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keelhaul my dick
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@weepysweetmonty my solemn vow of shit
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i'm pepsi rep kevin and we need $12m kickstarter dollars to make a pepsi commercial in true 8 Bit. lets show this new pope what were made of
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@juanitocbueno ---------> GET A BRIAN LIAR< -------
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the audience gasps as i, @dirl, divulge onto webspace, my invalid opinions, quips, and horseshit gags while smoking 2 cigarettes ,simultáneo
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@iamnotaboat i was dying, no one helped