Dril Archive top likedtop retweeted@drilDownloadGitHub
dril avatar
@Saddam846 did you see his dick through the clown pants he was wearing. Oh Man
dril avatar
@Arr my favorites list is an extremely important art project and i'll thank you not to interfere
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dril avatar
painting an exquisite 12 foot mural of martin luther king jr dressed as a cop, entitled "The Dream Realised", to prove im not racist at last
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llove "Driving Um Wild" with my trade mark wrong opinions
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*does something fucking stupid or embarrassing in between tthe asterisks and doesnt expect anyone to wonder why im typing it out* im normal,
dril avatar
Im Very Upset with girls *impossibly low-res bikini babe robo-posting about heartworm meds follows me* Just kidding. Im only mad at the boys
dril avatar
out with dentists, in with mouth gurus
drymouthguru avatar
Wow....Everyone was tweeting about FREE Biotene Gum at Walgreens. #biotene #drymouth #dental #freestuff #dealseekingmom #dentist #deals
drymouthguru avatar
Biotene is by far the #1 dry mouth product in the world !!
dril avatar
evolution of doritos: cool ranch --> cooler ranch --> cool ranch again --> epitome ranch --> lousy ranch --> apotheosis ranch --> shit ranch
dril avatar
some names for potential new nintendos, after the super nintendo: the good nintendo, the nice nintendo, the helpful nintendo; more to come
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#SeedPig for podunk nit wit
dril avatar
((pulls gun out in bank) NObody MOVE OR ILL BPLOW YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF (empties a shit load of free lollipops & dog biscuits into big jeans
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The Brand Ayatollah
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gaining a new followefr.. that, to me, is a real "A-Ha!" moment
dril avatar
Let it be known that I am the sole proprietor of the "Ren Stimpfani" joke, and that all attempts to replicate it are for the garbage can.
dril avatar
alright netheads, Click the damn window out. Go outside. Mnake a grilled cheese sandwich with tomato slice. "Thank me later"
dril avatar
stop flooding the #stolenvalor hashtag with army man shit and only use it to report plagiarized @ Dril content, please and thank you
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too much pressure from society saying we all got to learn how to self suck. iwill never self suck my dick and im unfollowing anyone who does
dril avatar
The Two Steaks Bastard .
dril avatar
dril avatar
im seated down, and Ready to get pissed off.........
dril avatar
(i descend from the heavens) I'm uh, netflix is good (i go back up to heaven)
dril avatar
@ElishaMarin the church of nice post,s
dril avatar
@ElishaMarin let me finish,
dril avatar
@ElishaMarin i live in the church
dril avatar
ah folks i do delcare i am a dumb ass southern gentle man who wouldnt know a re tweet from a ragdoll in this court room to-day
dril avatar
@SniparsNiall only if it's on tv
dril avatar
Well, it'd better damn friday
dril avatar
@marcorubio im sorry for calling you "Unelectable" just because you changed your name to "The Incest President"
dril avatar
@marcorubio help me team marco. please defend my rights
dril avatar
special thank you to that one guy who is really upset about some marco rubio incest joke i made on here and keeps sending me scary emails
dril avatar
@respected_loner Well, thats your opinion.
dril avatar
shutterstock has hit hte concept of "A young atheist" out of the damn park with this one. bravo
dril avatar
theres a 3rd babe movie where he turns into a human at the end. beautifully done scene. the pigs dream comes true. the government Blocked it
dril avatar
(after hearing the library has games , i arrive at the front desk, disguised as a non-gamer) er.. im here for some.. book's
dril avatar
Hhm, Nope
dril avatar
dril avatar
university lost accreditation when nickelodeon slimed the dean, degree is useless, 200000 in debt & back in diapers, love getting ass kicked
dril avatar
prince hussein...wheres my goodboy bailout
dril avatar
my annual "Cum tribute" to the Ford Focus will no longer be archived in the library of congress due to partisan gridlock and meddling taxmen
dril avatar
dril avatar
sen larry craig(R): DuRr I have a wide stance
Me: Cmon. If this guys for real. Then I got a bridge to sell ya.. and I just ran outta bridges
dril avatar
TWITTER APP: THree different guys you know just faved the same damn tweet. This is breathtaking. What are the odds
ME: please locate my wife
dril avatar
dril avatar
dril avatar
ME: waiter...give me a shitty joe
WAITER: (wow..this guy just ordered a sloppy joe in a bad ass way i never heard before. powerful move.) Ok
dril avatar
cold butter popcorn. tjust throwing that one out there
dril avatar
@Insane_Cultist soon we shall all be meme 's, graceful and dignified on the net, our crude human forms long forgotten
dril avatar
[UmbrageLiker has joined the chat]
KindBarber: FUCK OFF !
dril avatar
i got in the newspaper twice. once for my good posts, and once for screaming while still in the womb somehow
dril avatar
"the online web. truly a touching testament to the power of... deeply Human connections." -what Abe Lincoln would say if he were alive still
dril avatar
ill take.. the whole damn lot !!!!!!
dril avatar
@shrekpissslave @BronzeHammer @robdelaney i was going to reply that it was actually written in "mike judgement" but I backspaced it out
dril avatar
@dwayne846 don't you dare make me type
dril avatar
@dwayne846 get to hell you shape-shifting finagler
dril avatar
telling secretary to hold my calls so i can spend some time lookinh at girls' avatars with a loupe
dril avatar
accidentally severed my spine due to some bogus info i received on the computer
dril avatar
Unamused by trash behaviour .
dril avatar
i fairly tend to use "Sarchasm" to destroy liars mentally, and if that's not yiur cup of tea, i have the 2 words for you which is Suck it !!
dril avatar
@nataliejmooney pleasde do not air out our dirty laundry in front of the good people of twitter
dril avatar
dril avatar
@nataliejmooney i will protect you and all girls frrom roughhousers
dril avatar
@ElishaMarin hes good in heaven
dril avatar
horseplay is morally indefensible
dril avatar
howling james dean lookalikes circling their choppers around me, swinging chains while i sit in the gravel and borwse the nintendo 3ds eshop
dril avatar
@picture_thinker yeah, i think peices of shit for breakfast likeyou
dril avatar
Sword's. The only blade known to man
dril avatar
if i wasnt constantly debilitated from online-induced stress i could probably kick off the ass of any guy on here
dril avatar
another thing that fuckin sucks is the gerber baby
dril avatar
ME: why am i just the man for the job? lets see. i love hamburgers, i love to help,
HAMBURGER HELPER CEO: Leave these hallowed halls at once
dril avatar
@noahleegerman its just onne of those things you look at and say "oh its nice"
dril avatar
dril avatar
im all about getting out there and putting the posts up like im bad outta hell
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@ElishaMarin a piece of crap
dril avatar
I will be your Father. I will take you as my Son and teach you the ways of online. We will hold hands as our follower count reaches infinity
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@_Hermit_Thrush_ i said im sorry. ive taken my lashes upon the cross. my brand is still good and anyone who cant see that is worthless
dril avatar
Sigh. Mistakes were made, folks. http://pastebin.com/5KcDJdiz
dril avatar
this account is now 100%, fully unbridled, Racist. Fuck you !!!
dril avatar
my reaction when people react to pictures of my reaction when im reacting to something good
999dhali avatar
@Georgiejackk i m single man looking for gf
onley_tom avatar
Im singel bissness owner looking for gf leading to marriage no games
Petersangma avatar
All girls are beauty
Petersangma avatar
Beware of touching my gadgets

All my gadgets is encrypted with full security system so that no one can leak my personal files.
Petersangma avatar
looking for communication Builder partnership with professional skills in Information Technology
dril avatar
@respected_loner and so you shall also be thrown out of my mentions for replying without Faving.
dril avatar
plrease go to the salad bar and get me a plate full of bake and bits
dril avatar
@ThriceNightly @sixfourimpallah @Sadieisonfire yeah i just give my password away to people all the time because im dumb as shit
dril avatar
dril avatar
@zeroprospects he closed his account due to childish people.
dril avatar
do not tell my friend/colleague @PregnantSeinfeld how to make his fucking posts. hes a really good account & ahs been suffering from bedbugs
dril avatar
@CeliaPienkosz @OnlineDwayne the girls on this website are villains. all of then.
dril avatar
dril avatar
@OnlineDwayne how dare you satirize my beloved fan base, the Lovely Boys of twitter
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dril avatar
i ruminate over a scrapbook full of middle finger pics to keep myself demure, respectful and humble. "i deserve these", i utter shitheadedly
dril avatar
tge nicest thing about me is i have excessively dry balls which basically start flaking apart like a piece of strudel whenever I walk around
dril avatar
james bond learns how to do cartwheels from a wise eskimo on top of mt. everest and uses them to roll through a nuclear blast unscathed
dril avatar
@Whistla @DJSpooks pleae look at the facts.
dril avatar
@nataliejmooney mature of u to post this. here's some real shit
dril avatar
"thw word 'good'... when you hear it, you're almost guaranteed something nice" - TheTrendingBoy
dril avatar
kfc commercial idea: a man is trying to get into kfc but he is too small to reach the door handle. he tries and tries and nobody helps him
dril avatar
i want "Damn KFC" nearly most of all the time !!! if it's not "Damn KFC" ill drop it like a sack of fuckin potatos !!!!
dril avatar
me and my laywer are discussing possible challenges that may arise from me asking a net girl to run me over with her car while i "pound off"
dril avatar
FOlks, please, do not hesitate to send me twitter content before you publish it, so i can tell you if it's acceptable, or if it's bull shit
dril avatar
listen., pal, if you think im the kind of guy who doesnt wipe his ass, you're barkin up the wrong tree. my ass needs all the help it can get
dril avatar
dril avatar
world record: stupid ass hole drinks cup of coffee underwater
dril avatar
ARMY: your nickname reflects poorly on us all. we're changing it to something like "raven" or "switchknife"
ME: no. "hostage killer" is good
dril avatar
Who Ever Left Their Pear Here. Come Get Your Pear
dril avatar
playing Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training (2006, NDS) 15mins a day gives me, i believe, the edge required to successfully deflect troll attacks
dril avatar
maybe the ski mask guy who blasted the "Doge" dog across the room like a rag doll.. maybe he was all of us. my opinion. unfollow if u must.
dril avatar
REVIEW- EROTIC SILHOUETTE MUD FLAPS - 1 STAR: piece of shit. drags behind my Honda Accord and gets messed up. too long. not wortg the hassle
dril avatar
the dog from "Doge".. was assassinated today.. at the Pittsburgh Marriott durinng a "Meet & Greet".. point blank with a sniper rifle.. Weird
dril avatar
Houly shit !!! The posts just keep on coming
dril avatar
dril avatar
@PersianFarrah im tweeting the news.
dril avatar
"Worthless" county treasurer in hot water after releasing list of famous cartoon apes he would like to fuck
dril avatar
dril avatar
@dogboner @ahuj9 thank you. it hasnt been long but i can already say that having 200 k followers is exactly like being god from the bible.
dril avatar
think im going to start incorporating the word "Gadzooks" into more of my tweets, to punish my followers, for their constant insolence,
dril avatar
lumbering dick head told off by albertsons cart boy for trying to siphon gas from a moped while dressed like a blues brother
dril avatar
chaplain era silent motion pictures where basically the first subbed anime . click to read more
dril avatar
this guy was driving around with a decal of calvin pissing on nothing in particular. you missed the point entirely wwith this baffling setup
dril avatar
i did it. i posted like a fucking cartoon character instead of a human for 7 years and finally got my free light bulb
dril avatar
@adamsteinbaugh i already doxxed all his anagrams and the best one is "tract disease"
dril avatar
get this fellas. i just doxxed MetalGearEric and his real name is: Ted Staircase. he lied about being an eric and his last name is staircase
dril avatar
whether its that Hot rock N' roll or Cool jazz, well we can know what the one thing is that we all can agree on, is that it is "Pretty good"
dril avatar
my idea for a car, is that it looks like a normal car., but right next to the steering wheel Blammo. theres a hose you can suck beer out of
dril avatar
@DinkMagic @CeliaPienkosz i love all the guys, from that show
dril avatar
@OhIshItsGill Chheer's, and thank you, and good luck
dril avatar
floks... whether you're young or old: Star wors. Does it every time
dril avatar
(in slick Dennis Miller cadence) guh,
dril avatar
ah! ive had my ass put to the terrible kingdom of hell, also known as "the devils playpen", and also "Satans Playpen"
dril avatar
im out here in the yard trying to clean up my turds with a hair brush
dril avatar
one of my neighbors kicked my big flaming barrel of shit and piss over & spilled burning waste all over my yard just because im an irish man
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dril avatar
(to women at party) Im probably the top most crapped-on guy at twitter. My options get trashed constantly and Im best fit to shut my mouth.
dril avatar
folks.. when isay I'm "Getting my nails done", im talking being hammered to the cross, by those infamous trolls we all think poorly of,
dril avatar
reduced my weight gain goal to 300 lbs at the advice of my doctor
dril avatar
a social network to help cops with dirty boots meet browbeaten civilians who want to Spit`s shine the boots for free.. my one true vision
dril avatar
@respected_loner in that case i retract my offer and immediately call the mayor of wendys to warn him
dril avatar
@respected_loner i can donate shit to fill the toilets with. thats all
dril avatar
"Stick It" to the bastards of Washington using this hot new WendysTrick: Bigtime WendyScam for Nonviable Bun Bargain; Pitiful & Effective
dril avatar
Hunter S. Quiznos
dril avatar
bblast my dick with Pet Dander
dril avatar
good news folks, today i dreamt about buying Furniture w/my girl followers so i punished myself by slamming the toilet lid on my fat fingers
dril avatar
this weeks "Mother Fucker" award goes to BabePigMovieMan for saying my dick looks "Crumpled up like a napkin"
dril avatar
(listening to a wolf howl off in the distance) do you hear that. thats the sound of another fav star trophy in the bag
dril avatar
Nmot a single one of you has given me your account password so i can make posts about top airfare deals on your behalf, especially the girls
dril avatar
for $500, i'll follow oyu on here and steal your best posts. this is an excellent way to get your foot in the door if you ask me
dril avatar
@tetradugenica some peopl just have vile black hearts twisted by hatred and bad opinions about life
dril avatar
dril avatar
the Digimon Otis peace treaty will hence be frozen in piss and thrown onto the freeway where itll shatter into one million despicable pieces
dril avatar
Fuck Otis. I will never follow a bastard such as this.
dril avatar
thbe new Digiman game looks like shit for children& 2015 will NOT herald the Digiman renaissance tht Otis desparately needs to stay relevant
dril avatar
Well, the time has come. But before I officially grant DigimonOtis the coveted @Dril follow, I would like to say a few words.
dril avatar
@DigimonOtis im running to your house
dril avatar
@mattjohnchrist go suck burger kings dick rsome more you fascist fan boy sewer hog
dril avatar
@DigimonOtis we rehearsed this for 7 hours yesterday. you cannot do this.
dril avatar
@DigimonOtis Get online immediately and prepare for this yiou fucking idiot. Only 25 minutes left. Answer your phone
dril avatar
The ceremony will begin at 12:00 EST, wherein DigimonOtis shall unblock my account, and I will Follow him, officially ending this turmoil.
dril avatar
pleased to announce, on the april of 9th, that i have signed a Truce with DigimonOtis, ending a feud that has persisted over several years .
dril avatar
@palecur @nihilist_arbys @JussiMarttila i get hacked constantly everyday because i am a Clod with zero technical prowess
dril avatar
@DinkMagic thank you. that is the correct thing to do on this page right now
dril avatar
Whua?? No sponsorship disclaimer? no my friends. im saying all of these things for free, because i need to
dril avatar
enjoy your hot burger while children Piss freely in the colorful plastic tubes mere inches from your dinner, watch it flow down the slide
dril avatar
"Soda is back" Only at Mcdonald
dril avatar
the new meat ball sub's sandwich at mc donalds is a home run and between you and me the taste is sensational and almost good
dril avatar
do not show me this
dril avatar
i''ll peruse the web at my own damn leisure and thats a fact jack
dril avatar
yknow folks, not many things tell you theyre good right there in the name, so if you see things like Good Friday or Goodfellas i say Take It
dril avatar
@beelzeturnt im talking about main lobsteer, as in the good part of the lobster, like prime rib is to steaks
dril avatar
going nuclear on smart asses today, with the block button, Whilst enjoying my normal life with a cup of Porter Brew and eating Main Lobster.
dril avatar
@BassoonJokes im talkin normal mustard a nd would also go as far to also implicate Gouldon's "Spicybrown"
dril avatar
whicghever media wizards decide what you all are currently angry about should consider the grievous crap of people putting mustard on bagels
dril avatar
((restrained by cops and forced to watch a man put mustard on a bagel) nno!! you're ruining it! That's quality bakedgoods
dril avatar
i am a cot and pickin "tells it like it is "son of a bitch
dril avatar
a visit.. from the easter man
dril avatar
"Why should there be only one good friday. Let's try our best to make all the Fridays good. Thank you" -a quote i invented which made me cry
dril avatar
some times it takes a little bit of Free thinking to be able to look at the bull shit of the world to step back and say "Damn What the hell"
dril avatar
ME: These days everyone wants to suck their smart phones dick if u ask me.
HIPSTER: Is that a new feature?
ME: ((making bitter beer fsce)
dril avatar
my plan of my walk of life is always making one million smackers (dollars) to get rich, and to pick up all the money I find on the floor
dril avatar
im the reddit guy hwo ranted about an existential crisis i had after realizing all of jeff foxworthys "you might be a redneck" jokes were me
dril avatar
@AndyRichter so sick of these strained gags,
dril avatar
wghen other people do jokes, they get the big buzz feed office, allowed to kiss girls,etc, but when i do it im treated like a Crook. typical
dril avatar
you know what. im dropping the subject and going outside to sip some cool lemonade. Enjoy your circle jerlk
dril avatar
look at the calender. I'm not explaining this further
dril avatar
its a joke you nit wits. Fuck all of you
dril avatar
ah ! your feeds going to blowup! loug out, quick!!
dril avatar
dont try to tell me it's spelled "clarence"./ i will not be april's fool
dril avatar
forced to commit suicide on live tv after 50yr old post comes to light in which i claim that scotus clarance thomas jacks off using his feet
dril avatar
the trolls: please Followback, and also Yolo
me: HUh?? Shit for brians? Whuuuaa?? Egads. Homina Homina. Sweet Baby Crap. You're a fool
dril avatar
dril avatar
if anoyne sees a blue thermos on I-95 that is a container of Stress Vomit my wife threw out of the car and i need to show it to my doctor
dril avatar
daily reminder to wrap your Shit in tin foil before flushing so it doesnt touch other people's shit
dril avatar
coax me into the toilet like a big bu g
dril avatar
one more. good night
dril avatar
auh yeah ! !!
dril avatar
@sequeltime might get it tomorrow i think
dril avatar
CLERK: Do you have your reward card
ME: Absolutely I do not. I shan't be taking money out of the hands of Best Buy using insidious exploits.
dril avatar
clown college is bnot a real place. it is a location imagined by trolls so they can claim that i'm from there or that i should go there.
dril avatar
@shrekpissslave the newest, shittiest one possible , owned by dick Cheney & hipsters, tweeting for pepsi bucks to promote abcs sitcom lineup
dril avatar
funny that s.bucks suddenly wants to talk about race right after they throw me & my 7 service dogs out of their restaurant for being White
dril avatar
dril avatar
lost in the Maze...
dril avatar
scrolling down my feed..lauguhing my ass off at my own trade mark "Knee Slappers", my mouth stuffed with bread making beastly noises
dril avatar
how do people know how big their dicks are. is there an online quiz you can take
dril avatar
im at the point in my life where i cant relate to any popular fictional characters unless they use massive amounts of hair gel and steriods
dril avatar
109 year old man attributes long life to uncircumcised dick, no vaccines,
dril avatar
sorry bartender. if i order the wrong beer the trolls will have a field day. lets play it safe. fiji water for me, with a Hint of pepsi
dril avatar
@Genericjoey i had to fix the typo since they're probably going to print this tweet in Harper's
dril avatar
at around 36:29 in the steve harvey fleshlight vid you can see a single tear rolling down his cheek, crying for the lost souls watching him
dril avatar
@kcfrodahl i should hope that people do not search "steve harvey fleshlight" after my repeated callings for the boycott of this video
dril avatar
the steve harvey fleshlight vid now officially has more views than the critically acclaimed masterwork "Boyhood". we can do better people
dril avatar
once again i will take the path of honor, i will pledge NOT to watch the steve harvey fleshlight vid, no matter how good everyone says it is
dril avatar
3 reasons to join the jackinf off without a condom movement:
1) Its good
2) Its free to join it
3) You dont need a condom to jack off
dril avatar
you see this..? *taps computer monitor with finger* this is not just a bunch of mixed up numbers and digits. this is a kingdom of Minds..
dril avatar
im he nice man.. who celebrates all the saints who DOnt have holidays... and not just 1 day a year.. #Bless
dril avatar
im a pleased as punch spoon-fed bitch and thats a bottom line
dril avatar
nothing like pouring a fresh bag of kitty litter down the ass crack after another liberating diarrhea shit
dril avatar
pplease let me join mensa. my IQ is essentially, zero, but i have very good, clean hands
dril avatar
all young men Must be fitted for a good Italian suit, ideally by age 4. i will not fucking apologize or back down from this
dril avatar
dril avatar
@palsux @fart Look everyone. Im replying to this one too
dril avatar
@fart a lot of stores are selling them now
dril avatar
dril avatar
Why am i smilin tonight fellas? Just got my hands on that new good treat to sip known only as simply "Bber".
dril avatar
concerned about people posting false lunches. lying about the food they ate on here. fraud meals. please start putting the receipts up
dril avatar
humbly Genuflecting myself before my girl followers, at the end of another red-letter sunday night on the comptuer
dril avatar
fuckin online fuckin idiots
dril avatar
hu... now im a man who likes his garlic butter.. let me tell you. in fact, im prone to saying that regular butter needs to step it up a tad,
dril avatar
dril avatar
@Regal_Seagull triscuit. beggin strips. and who can forget hamburger helper.
dril avatar
its true. my father owned slaves in the 1980s but he has since apologized & been forgiven with love and support. he's a nice man now.
dril avatar
@JoshThorne Puh?! you're dangerously close to mmy blocker's list pal
dril avatar
@JoshThorne Guh? my father owned slaves and was extremely poor. stop portending false nomenclature
dril avatar
@JoshThorne if your going to come on to here and PigeonHole the facts & embarrass your self you can go fuck off until you learn actual truth
dril avatar
dril avatar
the 1st rule of my twiter account is read my posts with an open mind,. the 2nd rule is the fight club rules. the 3rd rule is simply Have Fun
dril avatar
the other son wipes his ass too much. goes thrugh absurd amounts of tissue & has effectively thrown any respect for my household to the Dogs
dril avatar
my 35 year old son is howling because he clogged the toilet without using any toilet paper again. the neighborhood despises my howling boy
dril avatar
@respected_loner dplease promise me you will respect statues from now on
dril avatar
tokyo of nippon. the big apple. it is here i will forge my destiny selling printouts of my most Fucked Up posts. i sip off my beer cup & nod
dril avatar
do the " Macarana "? Ha. No thanks
dril avatar
i highly suggest using hash tag #HuckleGate if you're a Journo who wants to print my tougjh but fair opinions regarding huckle berry hound
dril avatar
huckleberry hound... talk about someone who needsto get his act together, pronto
dril avatar
judge dredd kicks the doors of the wtc mosque wide open and says "Well this looks like a big bunch of crap to me "
dril avatar
please hire me as an actor if any of you are filming a movie or somr shit. my forte is making extremely comical faces while being strangled
dril avatar
the jduge orders me to take off my anonymous v mask & im wearing the joker makeup underneath it. everyone in the courtroom groans at my shit
dril avatar
"There is something to be said for being able to bring that Wow factor., into mediums that make use of Social. Mm. Just incredible" - @ Dril
dril avatar
I.m taking a break from people who think it is good to make a fool of me for drama purposes. Basically dont look at my page until im not mad
dril avatar
sign em off log em out
log em out sign em off
sign em off log em out
Raw Hide (whip noise,)
dril avatar
When and Rome...
dril avatar
Gotta See This: tenets & facets of sears tyrannical mattress return policy ridiculed Skeptically by man with more than enough to eat at home
dril avatar
the bastard of downloads
dril avatar
you know what. im going to just come out and say it. i think that we should let the geico geckco go into hospitals & entertain the bedridden
dril avatar
when your feeding trough is clear of Debris.. that is the shit i like to happen
dril avatar
the cold damn truth of it is that all of your dads have probably owned slaves at some point. im sorry but that is just simply the true shit.
dril avatar
christ... just suddenlty hit with the realization that what im doing here is truly important. . thst behind each "Impression".. is a smile..
dril avatar
@DopeMomJeans put the damn coat on!! it's really comin down out there. Thank you for this opportunity.
dril avatar
please follow my dril page
dril avatar
need 800 more dollars to keep the unofficial "$h*! My Dad Says" tv show wiki up and running for another month, yiou fucking worthless toads,
dril avatar
let's leave politics in the hog pen and debate the real shit, like which 90yr old restaurant owner invented the original chicken cheesesteak
dril avatar
then they donate the hair to corrupt criminal organizations isntead of mixing it w/ rotten fruit & feeding it to the dogs, as wa s customary
dril avatar
aand barbers had such good names then too,. like "Floyd " or "Erasmus". now they have bad names like "bozo the clown" and "nazi"
dril avatar
back in the nice days, youd go to th e barbershop and theyd serve you a full seven course meal during your haircut. not like today my friend
hanging_Chad avatar
Home Depot cust serv line...URGH
dril avatar
dril avatar
Biber done it
dril avatar
#ThingsIWontApologizeFor eating dog shit out of the toilet like a low down snake in the grass
dril avatar
im the guy who asked the baten kaitos forum if i should bring a condom to hooters
dril avatar
dril avatar
basicly a sniper rifle that can switch gears and turn into a baseball bat if the situaiton demands it. an armymans ultimate tool
dril avatar
i was once known on youtube as Epic "PLease stop recording me" Man., now im top influencer Gary Faves, making $500 a year posting from home
dril avatar
my friends, theres nothing i enojy more than a capsule of beer , while tasting beer with other 18-34 year olds, at the beer store
dril avatar
justl had to unfollow about six people for tweeting during the official Beggin Strips Moment of Silent Reflection
dril avatar
please remember that im in charge of this website before you try to drag some toughguy shit all over my good page
dril avatar
cmon peopl now
smile on your gamers
everuybody get together
try to do good with your Gamers right now
dril avatar
the twilight zone episode where the guy blocks everyone on twitter and becomes startled and bewildered when no one is left to give him favs,
dril avatar
THIngs other people like: being bastards, being Uniformly tasteless
THINGS I Like: Being reasonably kind, and trying to help, when i can
dril avatar
vvvvvvv U see that shit?? That`s what we call in the business "Another satisfied custoumer". Locked down.
TravisMcKenrick avatar
dril avatar
CollegeHater: Ur arms aren't getting enough sunlight
CollegeHater: Did u use the cream I sent u
CollegeHater: Ur dead. At the flagpole. 3pm
dril avatar
the dress Color? (grins Intelligently at the hell about to be unleashed upon naive content consumers) its brown, because i wipe my ass of it
dril avatar
ISIS MAN: It's Jim from Montana... He says ISIS should "Cool it" and that we're "Crooks"
ISIS CHIEF: Damn. Were finished. Dismantle the nuke
dril avatar
Eatinh a 26 dollar hoagie.
dril avatar
Retweets Against Adam Lanza
dril avatar
hell no i wont wear a sleeping cap. what the fuck is that shit. how does a hat help you go to sleep. looks like, a Fools hat.
dril avatar
dril avatar
I shoudl. Just bring back the fucking TexMexBoy shit. Thats all im good for
dril avatar
It didnt work. Leave it
dril avatar
dril avatar
@birdbrain1989 Wow u really are a bird brain.
dril avatar
"If it doesn't have that ZING , it ain't Tex-Mex." - TheTexMexBoy
dril avatar
"You don't know Jack, unless you know Pepper Jack ." - TheTexMexBoy
dril avatar
"dinner portions.. for lunch? Absolutely. Absolutely." -TheTexMexBoy
dril avatar
"I love the name of honor, more than I fear death." -me to my boss after he found a picture of me with a big shit stain on my sweatpants
dril avatar
they should rename twitter .com "the dignity website", because i swell with pride when i think of the 200,000+ things ive posted on here
dril avatar
sylvestetr the cat: sufferin succotash! Terry Schiavo was murdered
dril avatar
@robdelaney my life motto is simply the words "james bond"
dril avatar
if you go to a nascar rally carrying a clipboard and wearing a hard hat people will just let you go on the track and kiss all the good cars
dril avatar
@greggturkington glad to see james, friend to cinema, returning to us at long last. thank you
dril avatar
and the final word i leave all of you pitiful cowards upon this sinful night is "Truth".. hold it clos.e.. use it.. thank you
dril avatar
@Harrawesome whocares. theyre both fake. everything on this fucking web site is fake
dril avatar
i was uninvited from the oscars for trying to sell "oscars brand bear bile" to everyone who stopped their car for me while i fake hitchhiked
dril avatar
oscars for exrtraordinarily subversive, insightful, online textual Musings?? unsoiled by MOneymen?? Thats what my shit particularly would be
dril avatar
dril avatar
my son got on my tablet and posted something truly unworthy of the institution of oscars but i wont delete it because theyre his first words
dril avatar
Duty And Honor
dril avatar
A Man's Sense of integirty.
dril avatar
laying in the car, hiding firom my malicious Wife because im in trouble for buying too many toothpicks to fit into the tooth pick holder
dril avatar
tried to make an fps in the 90s but i only got as far as naming the difficulty levels "YA MOMMAS BOY", "PUKE" and "TURN THE GAME OFF DIPSHIT
dril avatar
took some pics of my new satellite dish, but im not posting them until hatred annd cynicism are eradicated
dril avatar
youve heard of the trail of tears, well, if the boys in the white house had their way it would be the trail of taxes, and we;d get the shaft
dril avatar
every one always says they would use x-ray goggles to look at womens asses and get horny and wild. Not me. I would use them to help doctors
dril avatar
everyone cuts their arms and legs off in the future because all you have to do is say "computer fetch me my Posts" and itll do it
dril avatar
Politic's is back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (wolf Howl)
dril avatar
if i ever accidentally posted something relatable or good enough to trick you into following this account, i truly apologize. im crying also
dril avatar
sand blast my damn ass or go to pig piss cop hell
dril avatar
@shrekpissslave I dont recall authorizing this #ff .
dril avatar
man encased in lethal amounts of body oil and skin bronzer preserved for thousands of year.s.. beautiful
dril avatar
@brendlewhat an uncharacteristically cruel accusation, brandle .
dril avatar
1) My finger nails are clean
2) Sorry that i fucking use my hands to work for a living & dont care about finger nails
3) Peastebin incoming
dril avatar
@SlightlyBirds theyre not relevant .
dril avatar
requesting hand critiques. please be honest , but fair
dril avatar
if any of oyu crude boys want to come after me *room lights up revealing collection of r/c helicopters behind my outspread arms* be my guest
dril avatar
Ghuph,.Being called a "Bastard" on here by someone with a sexually explicit avatar is the bigguest laugh ive had on this website since 2014.
dril avatar
i accept all your apologies you sad mother fuckers. YOu all have a lot of work to do when it comes to critiquing my meme style. Foul animals
dril avatar
my good new plan is to aquire a storefront, name it "please dont come in here" and jack off inside of it, alone, until i run out of money
dril avatar
ready to help all cops .
dril avatar
question my alligence to the dod damn twitter website and get swiftly block buttoned to childish hell, nincompoopts
dril avatar
as a Parent.. the thought of somebody attacking my sons with some sort of weapon, is just not good to me
dril avatar
@shrekpissslave @kanye i just think of them, and then, i post them. it's insanely bad ass
dril avatar
fellas. do n't forget to do something special for that lady in your life on valentine's day! none of you deserve love
dril avatar
hoping for that big promotion from mounted, tormented beast to rodeo clown
dril avatar
doctor: i can say with absolute certainty that if you do one more weird trick youll die
me: CAPTAIN TIGER's Miracle Corn. LOok it up bastard
dril avatar
im a journelist now. gi;ve me free monster engery or ill Eviscerate you
dril avatar
my godfather died of urine poisoning while cleaning out a mcdonalds playplace tube and that's why drama makes me upset
dril avatar
please dont make whimsy of the popes ass while I am on-feed. ive more inportant things to do than indulge myself in hearsay of the popes ass
dril avatar
may the wind carry my tweets and soothte the sick, the wounded, the downtrodden of both man & beast, across the savage shit earth of trolls,
dril avatar
JUDGE: i'll commute 10 yrs from ur sentence if you kiss my gavel
ME: no. i will do the time i deserve and thats the truth and also nuff said
dril avatar
@_Hermit_Thrush_ @DryDickRando takle it to dm.. this thread,. this thread where i declare my respect for girls, is a hallowed ground
dril avatar
@coolgothsweater I'll Never will
dril avatar
im the good man whorespects his followers, i respect the artistriy of tweeting and i respect my girl followers also. nuff said dip shit
dril avatar
my critics say that my unconventional ass wiping techniques are no good. that i am seriously wounding my ass. that my ass is dirty. bastards
dril avatar
dril avatar
catching a ton of flak for my "how to fuck a Cadbury egg" web log series. sorry dim wits. your dick needs to be really small for it to work
dril avatar
if youre looking for good movies about grease, do not watch the nmovie "grease", because you will get swindled
dril avatar
sometimes i think thnings would be easier if i would just bite the bullet and relinquish my real name for my meme name, "epic Couch Bitch"
dril avatar
shocking: "racism is the light of my soul. racism is the air that i breathe, and racism is what i like." -RacismMario @cnn @msnbc @foxnews
dril avatar
pass the savings onto me mother fucker
dril avatar
Q: Dear @Dril, friend to all online. Do Good people die?
A: Good people absolutely do not die, and you have bveen blocked for asking me this
dril avatar
# i will never bring dishonuor to the web by lowering my self to the point of placating the lowest common denominator witht "Joke" or "Gags"
dril avatar
dr phil disciplines 2 year old toddler demon hog with cow boy boots live on crackle
dril avatar
<<<<< The Web Site Of Rat People >>>>>>
dril avatar
I'll nmever click on anything. Never
dril avatar
marked for death after lays used my idea for steroid flavored potato chip and put my god damn name and location on the bag
dril avatar
i just hacked into the church and made god REal
dril avatar
@rad_milk disloyal. beasts
dril avatar
im still noob after all these years, after 20 years of the computer im still noob, unbelievable
dril avatar
@respected_loner i get the ref. please retweet me getting the ref
dril avatar
the secret fruit that oprah eat`s to become more psychic can now be ordered "ONLINE"
dril avatar
for my money.. nothin hits the spot quite like Food, or Drink
dril avatar
(in highly rational and cool voice) i have the higher follower count than them. i wiont let them undermine me
dril avatar
favorite crood haver , online now
dril avatar
thte content man fails once again, and walks home to get trash talked by his 34-year old son who refuses to eat anything without ketchup
dril avatar
like this if youre one of the 3% of teens who remembers when music was just guys saying "my name is kid rock" over and over
dril avatar
becoming a meme after confessing that i left my gf at a 5 star restaurant to spray my dick with compressed air taught me the pain of Slavery
dril avatar
cyber bullied at k mart
dril avatar
ill come on to the computer when i damn like to, and ill post what i damn want to, and thats the facts of it
dril avatar
dril avatar
@69tane you got it, from the mirror
dril avatar
on March 14th 2011, user "AIDS_Wanter" maliciously paraphrased my alt-luit witticism regarding birdseed which turns into birds, when planted
depressingman avatar
dril avatar
TIME: Why arent you live tweeting the big game. Why
ME: id never forgive myself if i killed someone by pushing vital info off of their feed.
dril avatar
@Plankfan thats the worst bowl. the dogs shit everywhere and the referee makes like its a joke. its not a joke its disgusting.
dril avatar
@rigamarock @respected_loner only a post has the power to make you laugh.. or cry.. or even smile. thats the official quote of me
dril avatar
im NOT going to live tweet the damn super ball game, and im NOT going to respond to any DMs asking why. i care about the integrity of Feeds
dril avatar
@respected_loner the reason people cant come together and post compliments about each others posts is because theyre scum, just 0% of value
dril avatar
@jrindyk your looking at 9.11
dril avatar
@fart get the hell to crap
dril avatar
@jrindyk Fuck to hell
dril avatar
looking to get on some rowdy boys bad sides tonight mother fucker.
dril avatar
sex worship i;s a mental condition that is worse than liking the super bowl
dril avatar
@cide_o twittetr should recommend. a bath
dril avatar
the professional youtube reaction man who pays me $3 an hour to scrawl his account name on the walls of womens toilets just died of cholera
dril avatar
aggressively joyless oaf hhere. painfully obnoxious respect demander checkign in. extremely dim witted frowning man looking for pals
dril avatar
DICK DOCTOR: have you been using protection
ME: yes. i put an entire towel in my ass
dril avatar
seems like nowadays are more like nowadays than they were thenadays and thenadays were less like nowadays than they were thenadays, nowadays
dril avatar
in talks with twitter execs to make my account unblockable, and also Worse
dril avatar
@tsayvs bite my shiny metal
dril avatar
glue man here, poking in to this site. big glue guy. just seeking atlanta house wife, miss Right Lady, to Glue me, to the glue
dril avatar
just enjoying a noticable uptick in Favs and Followeres ever since my sworn enemy, Osama bin Laden, was brutally murdered in his rumpus room
dril avatar
to my hawaiian pen pal from like 4th grade; sorry for sending you a pinecone. if someone sent me a pine cone in the mail i'd beat their ass
dril avatar
@HairySkeletor @Mike_Bianchi @_Hermit_Thrush_ eat shit mother fucker!!! **throwing massive amounts of cash* art is dead bjtch!!! art is dead
dril avatar
ISSUE: is the road runner wile e coyote's son
FOR: thhey, seem to respect each other, on some level
AGAINST: one of them is a dog
dril avatar
appreciating every post online is akin to acquainting oneself w/ each earthly grain of sand..and i absolutely intend to do both these things
dril avatar
like i always say; sewage is just shit in a pipe
dril avatar
big pharma. if youre reading this i have an idea for a pill that makes you tinier so you can fit into secret zones. i will let you invent it
dril avatar
another Twisted observation—Where the fuck does cinnamon come from. it just appears on food sometimes. Do people buy it at the store or what
dril avatar
dril avatar
dril avatar
Ha ha ha its me. It's me. Yeah, good jok.e. No
dril avatar
@_Hermit_Thrush_ but i suppose people could indeed misconstrue that one quote unironically. ill consider that when composing my next piece
dril avatar
@_Hermit_Thrush_ assume in this scenario that i have lungs,. and am able to breathe the oxygen required to yell at the actors about wi-fi
dril avatar
@_Hermit_Thrush_ of performances, including b ut not limited to tragedies, comedies, recitals, speeches, and concerts? it's also naive to
dril avatar
@_Hermit_Thrush_ on another note,. why undersell the establishment as an "opera house" when it could certainly be used to host all manner
dril avatar
@_Hermit_Thrush_ my ass is out?? out of where? i cant shit? or i wont shit? was i psosibly referring to the mezzanine instead of the balcony
dril avatar
@_Hermit_Thrush_ i thougt this quote you've selected was pretty self explanatory, and perhaps the least objectionable aspect of the tweet;
dril avatar
my ass is out again,. this time at the opera house. "no wifi!! turn on the wifi!!" i yell from the balcony. im trying to shit but i cant
dril avatar
@dril isaid comments off mother fucker and i mean it!
dril avatar
Comments off until the children go to bed.
dril avatar
hakuna mycoffee. .. #Understandable
dril avatar
@BenCravery im not allowed to comment on anything without the poermission of Conde Nast and Barqs Root Beer
dril avatar
shocking wiki leak #WikiLeaks #ObamaChewingGum
dril avatar
Clown Disregarder
dril avatar
@whatitdoux me when i get fuckin unfollowed on this site !!!!!!!!!
dril avatar
me when theres not enoujgh fuckin coffee or beer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dril avatar
looking to spice up my marriage with pg13 comedies about camping
dril avatar
dril avatar
@pimetarado @nikki_walker413 this guy knows the shit
dril avatar
Shut the fuck up abuot Greece
dril avatar
@DuncanIdunno the dunkin donuts era
dril avatar
Thank you to all USERs who have engaged my web space regarding Super Bowl. You have increased the Social Power of myself and the NFL forever
dril avatar
hey now, its super bowl
dril avatar
congress passes law to make every character in every show go to jail on the final episode like in seinfeld
dril avatar
im somewhat a bit of an expert on *looks around cautiously* girls, as i have convinced many of them to beat the shit out of me on craig list
JohnTravolda avatar
follow for upcomming movies updates
kevincosner avatar
Hoammm,so sleepy
dril avatar
wiping out an entire archaeological site by drifting in my 1500-ton big rig truck with "piss up my ass bitch boy" on the side in neon lights
dril avatar
nuke obtained by renegade AssFreak
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dril avatar
dril avatar
Thank you for your time, Elon. I know youre very busy but I appreciate you coming onto my feed.
dril avatar
elon: the tesla milker will run by taking ordinary chemtrails out of the air and tuirning them into, milk
me: wow. Tastes great. Ha ha ha
dril avatar
enjoying a conversation with my friend elan musk,.
dril avatar
im sorry for claiming i was going to "flip the script" on dry rub barbeque. that was wildly irresponsible of me
dril avatar
U would be superbly fucking remiss to not click on my link of top 10 reasons that Vuvuzela s are The Dog's bollocks
dril avatar
@collatingbones2 dont its important
dril avatar
@AspieThud i feel obligated to inform you i have a normal looking man's face, and i only have one of them
dril avatar
@darsh5001 watching simpy slide up the fireman pole
dril avatar
some times.. i need my coffee fix so bad.. i gotta grab TWO mugs!! Im the mockery of all my co-workers and i fucking suck
dril avatar
watching stimpy slide up the fireman pole traumatized me and made me want to become a united state marines
dril avatar
the News;
- death cured; immortality real
-on-line ghoul given plaque; recognized as "loudest human alive"
- bird infiltrates macaroni grill
dril avatar
im the guy who is famous at the hospital because i had to have two catheters put in since i piss so much
dril avatar
@steveyknight i say that, let the MOds decide. i trust their decision and i will not attempt to sway them one way or the other.
dril avatar
@colin_labk i would have to say that, given the option, id take the blue check mark. i would sacrifice my indie status for that privilege
dril avatar
i just talked to all of my celeb friends on this site and they told me that the blue checkmark is good to have. personally, i believe them.,
dril avatar
please help me to obtain my fair share of royalties from the video " caterwauling jack ass shot with cannon '", which is now viral with hits
dril avatar
dril avatar
another stir-up at the office when relatably handsome professional refuses to remove sticker from khakis that says "my other pants is jeans"
dril avatar
pplease remember to turn your location on so the buffoons on this web site can have an easier time finding you, for whatever horrible reason
dril avatar
@m2qm1g yeah im one
dril avatar
the american sniper murders 8 people with one bullet 2000miles away from a beach chair in hawaii, winks at the camera and says "Its A Livin"
dril avatar
4k tech will enable the viewer to see my dick hole fully accentuated through my jeans as the media hunts me down in a carrabba`s parking lot
dril avatar
5 bucks will get you 1 minue access to the "Peck cam" where you can watch all sorts of wild birds peck me while i force myself not to resist
dril avatar
people enjoying a meal outdoors., disgusting. horrible. inadvisable
dril avatar
@shaneleavitt good, you cant see this then
dril avatar
*steps up to mic; booed immediately* geico commericals are tthis generation's pink floyd **boos get louder** can anyone help me find my car
dril avatar
everyones always using selfie sticks these days instead of attending lectures about string theory and shit and im so mad i could crank off
dril avatar
@neonwario go ahead and have your precious "laugh". just know that little guiy has saved my life countless times
dril avatar
wow theyrre releasing more of these already
dril avatar
get the fuck out tof there!! get the fuck out of there you god damn idiot!! asshole!! i need that oil!! i need oil!!
dril avatar
someone please verify rumor that petsmart is turning all animals loose (lizards snakes rats dogs) because of the scoundrel obama care
dril avatar
im pretty sure the neightbors can hear my keyboard clicking at 4am and thats why they throw chemicals at me
dril avatar
truthfully, i do believe that, now thatm the gas prices are low, i think that theres going to be a lot less BULL S#!T on the commute !!
dril avatar
@NancyGraceHLN my 2 year old son is drawing swastikas everywhere after seeing a toddler smoke weed on your show. thanks #Irresponsible
dril avatar
@PriscillaLajza warm pics every day
dril avatar
id love to be 1 of those purple espn guys who puts boulders on descending columns but id probly get all sorts of penut gallery comments here
dril avatar
@stephenhebs thank ytou for the Fav
dril avatar
jack`s off to the super bowl for business, jack`s off to the bitter beer face commercials for pleasure
dril avatar
im sorry for getting bonnaroo 2015 cancelled b/c i used the hashtag to ask ppl to put teeth in my ass. but im Not sorry for defeating trolls
dril avatar
@tjdru @IndianaPopovich @jzxpl thank you for putting these kind thoughts underneath my flawless posts
dril avatar
dril avatar
@IndianaPopovich @jzxpl no. this is just a nice thing for me
dril avatar
@pokthepenguin i would love to speak out against jokes twitter.. but im afriad.. i dont have the strenght...
dril avatar
WOw. Sorry. Like i give a shit. Wiseguys on here
dril avatar
@Deck_Plate be very nice
dril avatar
i mostly just need help getting the teeth. i can handle pouring them into my ass by myself #ParksPremiere
dril avatar
some one help me put hundreds of human teeth into my ass hole #bonnaroo2015
dril avatar
pour teeth into my ass #SpyMovie
dril avatar
top me off, beer man. here's to bottoms up **gets kicked out of the fucking establishment for putting my dirty coat on the bar*
dril avatar
in honorable protest, i will abuse my ass cheeks with radio waves until the Olympics forces all of the swimmers to wear shirts
dril avatar
isis man: please! you gotta follow back! you just gotta!
me: no can do my man. i respect your right to be in isis, but I can not follow you.
dril avatar
folks it's me, the guy who said that hit & run drivers are actually good on a blog once. anyway I want to get on CNN again so please retweet
dril avatar
looking at Mars Bar
dril avatar
@BrooklynJuggler i do actually this
dril avatar
@NeutronDre waiting for the ma mas out there to put all the little trolls to bed so i can post controversial material without repercussion
dril avatar
@dethgrpz " dont forget to fav and retweet . always always "
dril avatar
@ConorTripler crap off wise guy
dril avatar
@respected_loner you forgot the worst disease of all which is. star bucks. fucked up , but brutally truthful
dril avatar
did we end sars yet. good job every one, if we did
dril avatar
not ashame.d of my posts. my messages help people
dril avatar
if you have a problem with my mouth, i'll be swniging a sledgehammer in circles outdoors for the rest of my life, so come try do crap to me.
dril avatar
REAL REAL REAL "The @Dril Drafts Folder: See it BEFORE he says it" take a L@@k #ForbiddenContent
dril avatar
seems to me. like, well, these days, people are more interested in Instagram , than telegrams, which are better because theyre the first one
dril avatar
@justin_m_martin this is bunk. this is low
dril avatar
im the guy in the incognito browser icon who jacks off wearing a trenchcoat and sunglasses
dril avatar
me: nobody has to get owned today. please, please put down the keyboard and step back
9 year old child: Fuck oyu
dril avatar
does anyone else think that @DigimonOtis has been going downhill lately.? wouldnt be surprised if he sold his account to some reddit guy.
dril avatar
dril avatar
@H0L0C4U5T my opinion is good because im nice
dril avatar
that last psot was damn good enough to count as the 12th day of content if i say so my self. #The12DaysOfContent
dril avatar
(struggling))ok i figured it out: all opinions are good, except for the opinions that say other peoples opinions are bad, because thats rude
dril avatar
watch the first 45 minutes of the film, read the entire beeteljuice manga, then watch the rest of the film, or fucko ff
dril avatar
heed my words ,cyberfilth, i may bvery well be a thirty eight yr old kindergartner, but im fairly average when it comes to eating female ass
dril avatar
eat shit , jc penney skeptics
dril avatar
@steveyknight at least 1 ,000
dril avatar
proudly announcing to the barber shop that i got through my entire haircut without screaming or touching my dick underneath the smock
dril avatar
and i find it kind of funny
i find it kind of sad
the dreams in which im Beavis
are the best ive ever had
AssGamer avatar
-/-/--/—/—/-|_—-_|-\---\—\—\-\ -
dril avatar
#The12DaysOfContent theyre back boys. the good posts i used to make when iw as an Indie account. the Classics series,
dril avatar
your video "stuart little: Why I dont buy it" has been removed due to hate speech against islam and pepsi
dril avatar
@digitalsqand please be mature about this subject
dril avatar
i feel like getting shot would;nt be that bad if you knew how to properly "body spin " away from the bullet or slap it away with your hand
dril avatar
somebody please haul my ass to the ultimate breast worship championship's. i made the top 16 bracket and my car was impounded, due to lice
dril avatar
lunchboy avatar
Sometimes I like to get in my car and see where it takes me. Tonight it's @PeiWei
dril avatar
hipster.kiss my usa ass
dril avatar
@brendohare absolutely, and i wont get into heaven until everybody on this site unblocks me
dril avatar
im not cut out to be a content producer!! fuck thtis!! i want to go back to just looking at everyone else's content and nodding if its good
dril avatar
#The12DaysOfContent making these is as torturous as every concentration camp combined, including hell, which god made
dril avatar
unbelievable. another muffler man statue had its big plastic jeans stolen late in the night, whjile i was busy having an alibi at my house
dril avatar
do not be afraid to talk to that lonely boy on the train ... with the rosy red cheeks, sun glasses & big cigar... he just mmight be... angel
dril avatar
ME: when committing to a project like "the 12 days", you are forced to bear your soul to countless vicious cannibals
GQ: crhist. its true
dril avatar
@imscum there is no meme i have not looked at.
dril avatar
next year itll be the 3 days of content or something. i cant handle 12 whole days on top of stress & trouble brought to me by gimmick memers
dril avatar
@BronzeHammer im losing hundreds of dollars per post but the economy will improve soon
dril avatar
#The12DaysOfContent somone tell me what day im on please because i lost count
dril avatar
@AulisVaara your taking my post out of contexts, but yes
dril avatar
i am the damn good boy who always gets his dinner egg
dril avatar
i pour my Blood into my tweets, and seeing all these random 4chan reddit Monkey Cheese tumblr teens get more favs than me is the great 9/11,
dril avatar
dril avatar
searching for bastards .
dril avatar
you see; most of the piss were exposed to in our day-to-day lives is immediately diluted by toilet water. pure piss is a monster all its own
dril avatar
shit head with hog DNA takes cardboard pennzoil display hostage
dril avatar
@extranapkins you might as well flush your toilet down the toilet as well, if youre using it to flush money down
dril avatar
im delighted to see that people are waking up to the fact that Masturbation is fraud, and turns all of the T in your body into germs
dril avatar
just call me george watchington. beucase im watching tons of nice shit appear on my computer screen
dril avatar
#The12DaysOfContent im sorry again
dril avatar
#The12DaysOfContent here comes baby new year . . .
dril avatar
my 2015 new years resolutions is to go to hell less often, and raise $99 by selling stolen mulch to buy my account back from lockheed martin
dril avatar
just keep on, pulling that old Chain #The12DaysOfContent
dril avatar
@STREETFlGHTERII im going to have to post it at least one more time so the late night crowd can see
dril avatar
What if the guy who jumped over the white house fence thought it was the gamer gate.
dril avatar
what if the guy who jumped over the white house fence thought it was the gamer gate
dril avatar
ah (sees the good low gas price while driving, spit takes hot coffee all over dick & the sharp, sudden stimulus causes me to ejaculate) okay
dril avatar
(crawling out of rocks in dystopian future where all the good posts have already been made) uehh.. im the big.. denim.. sock loop(??).. man
dril avatar
@dril oops im owned ,fav thi s one instead
de blasio is jackin off in public and none of the cops are looking at him... the perfect crime....
dril avatar
goign to new york disguised as the Mayor so when the cops turn their back on me i can jack off
dril avatar
actually the barf bags on airplanes are for shitting in. they call them barf bags because thats gross to some people
dril avatar
theyre probably going to show my dick on cnn soon. hopefully on split screen with some dick expert from minnesota saying how normal it looks
dril avatar
dril avatar
after muchf bullshit, screaming arguments, i have finally procured the $80 usd necessary to begin development on the face book of gamer.
dril avatar
JAILBIRD: Whatre u in for
CROOK: I headbutted an ambulance
JAILBIRD: Hm., Thats good. Well bye
CROOK: Bye. Thank you
dril avatar
@911VICTIM klout was supposed ot send me a bottle of spices but they didnt
dril avatar
@JakeKomara the thursday nite rant is murdered by me for being a source of tyranny in my life
dril avatar
dril avatar
and another thing: im not mad. please dont put in the newspaper that i got mad.
dril avatar
know what. im not fucking sorry. the "12 days" project has been fairly solid thus far. as if the shit you people post is better?? get fucked
dril avatar
Im sorry that the 12 days of content feature isnt as good as I planned it to be. I will try to to better of it, in the remaining days. -Dril
dril avatar
@dril my reasoning behind this content is that theres a large version of the mask and a tiny version of him as well. something for everybody
dril avatar
@scraeming suck it bigtime champ
dril avatar
my follower count nosedives dramatically each time i do this but #The12DaysOfContent must continue
dril avatar
(ccrying) its jst not good. nothing online is good. we will ne ver top 1999's "monicka lewinsky craping" vid from back when jokes were legal
dril avatar
yeah , just take this big metal trash can ive strapped to my dick off and just spray piss everywhere. just take it off. great idea fuck face
dril avatar
dril avatar
#ThreeWordsSheWantsToHear always Handsome gamer #ThreeWordsSheWantsToHear loud but Nice #ThreeWordsSheWantsToHear COrdial, and unafraid
dril avatar
@Brian__Leo i looked at the keyboard and there isnt one
dril avatar
invoke my big ass with satan noises or go home
dril avatar
im like a mean old Rattler rwho types on the keyboard by repeatedly striking it with my poisonous mouth and teeth, and youre.. the dead guy,
dril avatar
Bog Off, Fuckazoid. Im Cramming Packets Beyond Digital Light Speed ,Injecting Pure Fire Into The Blogomedia SuperFrame For The God Damn Lord
dril avatar
@MilkBone milk bone is 666
dril avatar
dril avatar
beginning tomorrow .. for #The12DaysOfContent... that's twelve days of top-shelf posts just in time for santa.. as a "Thank You" to the boys
dril avatar
may god help you if you trip your feet against my handsome bulk while i am sitting on the floor looking at Depression things on my tablet pc
dril avatar
@sus_as_hell well, its very good that you did that, and i hope your family members consider giving me a follow even it made them mad
dril avatar
thank you,
dril avatar
tomorrow im going to fill up on bread befoore 10am and get waterboarded by my seven identical uncles
dril avatar
i will not post on xmas day out of reverence for the lord christ. that is only. my opinion, and if youre going to kill me for it, thats fine
dril avatar
absolutely read some of my god damn tweets while opening gifts with loved ones at the tree tomorrow & bring CULUTRE to this ass of a holiday
dril avatar
i fucking love logging in and out of things at incredible speed
dril avatar
it ius abundantly clear that my entire online presence is like a big toilet shaped pinata that people bludgeon with sticks & take shits into
dril avatar
@Coregan i wont fuck off
dril avatar
@robdelaney this is superbly against all laws
dril avatar
buddy youre ten pounds of shit in a ten pound bag, of shit
dril avatar
Saying you want to put your dick in the keebler elf house is one of the fucked up things i will block U the mostly for .
dril avatar
@_Hermit_Thrush_ i should not have to press 2 for a male ass. this is america
dril avatar
upgrade my ass to a human's ass
dril avatar
sometimes i love to be able to want to be the man who is able to want to need to have his wants and needs able to be fulfilled sometimes
dril avatar
please pray for my sons Thursten and Gorse who have just glued themselves to a curtain,
dril avatar
dril avatar
https://twitter.com/karlcompton this short online exchange between Karl and his friend wayne hooter might just,. chane your life
dril avatar
change your godgdamn name clown @WayneHooter
dril avatar
i destoryed my balls with uh, enhanced interrogation techniques sir
dril avatar
i agree with all party `s involved
dril avatar
dril avatar
@daze_gaze @yerpalmildsauce every one in that convo is dumber than rats shit & my posts wer terrible long before it became popular to say so
dril avatar
@kwwrr @hambeef looks like lunch is for me today
dril avatar
the numa numa man just bougt a $70million house and im here at the library trying to photocopy a fruit roll up
SiKuter avatar
@dril Follow @freshcooltwit &Ikut #UndianPSM berhadiah gadget.Cek
primasolusimedikal•com *97
dril avatar
dril avatar
dril avatar
#WorstDateIn5words a bunvch of blades arranged to spell out" 9/11". the worst date, in swords
dril avatar
Let's cut the crap—regarding iTunes. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like you gotta be from NASA just to get half these features to work.
dril avatar
(in perfect astronnaut voice) bleep bloop even I cant figure out how to use damn itunes and im from Nasa
dril avatar
heads up hotshot. gonna drop two fuckin cents on this fuckin itunes. yeah you gotta be a fuckin nasa astronaut to use this shit. yea alright
dril avatar
@BAKKOOONN funny you should ask. im actually having a lot of problems getting it to do just that. its like you got to join nasa to learn how
dril avatar
i gotta tell you, itunes is running me ragged. i reckon it would require the expertise of a NASA astronaut to operate this infernal program.
dril avatar
ME: itunes, play some sinatra
ITUNES: Youre not authorized to operate itunes. Please insert NASA identification
ME: what hath ,been wrought!
dril avatar
folks let me tell you about the content platform known as "itunes". its so poorly conceived its even got nasas top men scratchin their heads
dril avatar
some times I have a hard time playing my favorite songs on itunes, and I wish I had my astronaut's degree from nasa to help me play it !!
dril avatar
itunes has more buttons & clickers than a space rocket, its like you got to be an astronaut from nasa to use it and not a normal man as I am
dril avatar
the itunes program is so complicated its like you gotta have a degree from nasa just to play sweet home Alabama.
dril avatar
itunes.. what a mix-up. its like you gotta be a NASA astronaut just to work this thing
dril avatar
@vegetablefarmer i dont care about "get laid". i want my tweets to inspire girls to have dewep and meaningful relationships with me
dril avatar
GIRL 1: only 25% of @dril's followers are female. lets get that to 100% by 2015
GIRL 2: I agree
dril avatar
dear horseshoe crab,: you are neither of those things, and yyou look like a damn rat in a hat
dril avatar
yes,. i;m the guy who eats handfuls of salt to dry myself up so i never have to wipe my ass, and yes, there are several wars declared at me
dril avatar
@911VICTIM im going to pin you to the wall by th neck with my damn rifle
dril avatar
@pussyotoole blatant disrespect. no fav.
dril avatar
@eroticdelivery who let this guy type under my post
dril avatar
dril avatar
the usd dollar will explode into complete dust next year . pelase strongly consider growing an apple garden
dril avatar
@adamsteinbaugh WuUoohoah thats so good. not. the colors are all wrong, and if you look up close the cards are all fucked up looking also.
dril avatar
the dogs playing poker painting is ranom wacky bullshit, it is now considered not good by me, and i have made the decision to not look at it
dril avatar
mister one million dollars
dril avatar
@VJ_Ostrowski Thank you. Im glad that youre one of the people on here with a real brain who understands this.
dril avatar
im going to close my account for uhhh 90 seconds until yyou fucking people learn how to engage content creators in a meaningful handsome way
dril avatar
@SplendaCowboy Its not the aids quilt now. Its a regular quilt
dril avatar
Fuck off. Thats in poor of taste RT @SplendaCowboy GUess its The AIDS quilt now
dril avatar
well im sad to announce that the meme quilt project has been cancelled. someone has already jacked off on it instead of adding their patch
dril avatar
makimg a Meme Quilt, where we send a quilt all over the world & each person adds a patch featuring their favorite online meme . a bit of fun
dril avatar
paper towel ?? Huzzat ?? is it a paper or a towel. more to come
dril avatar
FRONT: If u dont like the posts
BACK: Get out of the kitchin
dril avatar
im an exhausting person to be around but once you get to knnow me im actually a giant shithead with irredeemable mouth
dril avatar
thank you inventor of bibs. every one else, off a cliff
dril avatar
i put years of hard work into getting my torture degree at torture college & now everyones like "oh tortures bad","its ineffective" fuck off
dril avatar
@jvnk_ messages like this; i dont even look at it. i dont look at it
dril avatar
once agian the posts sent to me by screwball accounts have caused me to spit up and defile my big belt buckle which contains my son's ashes
dril avatar
dril avatar
dril avatar
@fart I can confirm absolutely that filmmaker George Lucas is bringing our dear star wars back to us.
dril avatar
Star wars is back baby . . . Confirmed by @Dril
dril avatar
@respected_loner Are u done? Have u made your point? Hm?
dril avatar
i challenge us all to experience one another in a greater over all sense of adult maturity, in the year two thousand of fifteen, next year.
dril avatar
concerning my messages on here: typically pretty good id say. if theyre bad its because i have a life instead of thinking of crap to upload.
dril avatar
this. this fauil. fail this
dril avatar
@BAKKOOONN thats a good vehicle to be trapped in for eternity i think
dril avatar
ijust had to block like 3 people for using the word "gargle" as a noun
dril avatar
i can only save one
dril avatar
@bug_deal the sattire is lamentable and gross. theyre doing bad of it
dril avatar
@_katvondemon nobodyd on here is capable of talking to me like a normal goddamn human because theyre pricks and dimwits with incest
dril avatar
dril avatar
@_Hermit_Thrush_ @swimming_baby @nataliejmooney being 0 inch tall keeps the judgementle shallow people away so its fine.
dril avatar
im the dumb mother fucker who sucks on my computer monitro like one of those aquarium fish; to bond with ceelbs, brands, trends, what have u
dril avatar
@nataliejmooney im 0 inch tall and its fine.
dril avatar
im the dumb mother fucker who uses a dessert fork to cut up my spaghetti
dril avatar
im the dumb mother fucker who has permanently fucked up abs from wearing a pair of suspenders backwards for three days straight
dril avatar
im the Dumb motherfucker who holds a 21 gun salute in honor of pizza huts old brand on the quake server & fails to get the boys to cooperate
dril avatar
im the dumb mother fucker who puts the ice in after the drink and calls the soda fountain a "bastard" when it splashes at me
dril avatar
it will be good for all of us when i shorten my name from "the ebay boy" to "eboy"
dril avatar
i feel a good balance of nice energy & rude energy cioming through the monitor at me, and i think i will stay online for about 3 more hours.
dril avatar
hte shit people type at me "Yap yap yap"
dril avatar
my ass cheeks have two giant finger nails
dril avatar
me & the booys are riffing on 78 hours of stolen walgreens security cam footage. this guy on here just bought a toilet brush. bitch!! bitch!
dril avatar
i msay be woefully ignorant, but at least im good at justifying my existence with trite remarks
dril avatar
CELEB: Love that Moolah baby
ME: Did u see that shit. Did u see that shit. He called it moolah instead of money. God damn! Only in hollywood
dril avatar
the sheriff has ordered me to return the "Helpful Boy Award" i earned at age 8 after seeing me at the local swimming pool begging for towels
dril avatar
@Favstar_NSFW thank you favstar nsfw.
dril avatar
SCOTT PETERSON: i unfollowed you in 2011 and your shit gets retweeted into my feed constantly. it sucks
ME: I apologize sir!! I've fucked up
dril avatar
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[please let Miley join the USMC]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[She will do good]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
dril avatar
hoagie prreserved in peat bog for 30 years - "It's Still Food" - "Oh it's nice"
dril avatar
targeted advertiosng helps me connect with the Brands I Need
dril avatar
ridiculous to believe that someone would risk the careers of themselves & their colleagues to put a secret ass in the trailer of a starwars.
dril avatar
again i've been asked to comment on the hidden ass in the new star wars trailer. it's time to put this cowardly rumor to rest. theres no ass
dril avatar
as the authority on being tge guru of tech, i think that, "searchs", are going to be an important part of web life, in the year 2015
dril avatar
herees what I say to those who think im having a goof on here (presses button on wristwatch & tiny pair of shades launches onto face) im Not
dril avatar
diseased hogs pissimg everywhere but the toilet. wads of hair covered in piss and smashed into the floor #SponsoredContent
dril avatar
(cop inspecting his new body cam with huge pepperoni fingers) what the fuck is htis. where do i pack the ammo. is this a new type of grenade
dril avatar
threres a rumor master chief will take off his mask and reveal hes the btk killer.. do not do this.. it would be disrespectful to halo
dril avatar
"Give me an App that will make me say, 'Wow'" "Apps will help us in our lives" "An App is always just a download away" some good app quotes
dril avatar
are you having a crap of me mate?? Are you, having a crap of me mate
dril avatar
christ.. ive done it again.. ive posted the absolute good truth shit that every1 has been waiting to hear in this sea of lying crap nonsense
dril avatar
ive made an arrangement with the casino. im allowed to yell at the slot machines now, but only if i actually put money in them first
dril avatar
its not normal to get on here and post fake joke shit when the rockefellers, the carnegies , theyre all reading it. theyre scrutinizing it
dril avatar
ijust had one Hell of a steak dinner. i wont post specifics regarding the dinner due to trolls but i would like to get this viral please.,
dril avatar
stare directly into the sun For Free #blackfridaydeals
dril avatar
i just left an enormous pile of vomit behind golds gym for all of you abominable pig clowns to pick at #blackfridaydeals
dril avatar
thats one small Ass for a man,. one tiny jeans for man kind
dril avatar
dril avatar
my intense belief: you should not be eligible for the presidency of the United States until you are at least 89 years old
dril avatar
my friend nasdaq_oscar says they just let all the pardoned turkeys run around the white house and shit on the carpet. disgrace to the office
dril avatar
my big sons have made a mess of the garage again after being riled up by the good word of the Lord
dril avatar
jeopardy should give the contestants guns and make them shoot the categories. i think that this would improve the image of the guns brand
dril avatar
if youre not a fellow big time social buzz blog appreciateor then spare me thhe wretched crap of the bullshit
dril avatar
the essential, Male Ass
dril avatar
dril avatar
all gags and assorted banter aside though I will in fact be shooting the thanksgiving turkey with a gun instead of eating it this year .
dril avatar
cant wiat to see what devilish thanksgiving scenarios me and the boys of twitter can conjure up. "The turkey was taken by spiders? ? Whua??"
dril avatar
all ladys need to shut off the god dam soap operas and put on the vids of me smoking a pipe that ive painted to look like a nascar
dril avatar
slobber, by definition, can only come from a mouth. anyone claiming to slobber out of their ass is a liar and possibly a scammer
dril avatar
im sorry to everyone who has ever wanted me to apologize to them for something, and im sorry for apologizing tio you if you didnt need me to
dril avatar
dril avatar
dril avatar
((sends yoyu an unsolicited 20 image sequence of me morphing into a neopet) i can take u... closer
dril avatar
im moving to israel, where the boys are nice, as soon as i get confirmation that they use the same kind of toilet paper that we use here
dril avatar
"big craps are good". never have is een such a foolhardy sentiment expressed on here. "Big craps are good". Absurd. The words make no sense
dril avatar
every morning i pick up the local paper and read the latest condemnations about my rinky-dink, slipshod Ass & my child-like shoulder blades
dril avatar
dril avatar
hidden camera prank doctor: we got your xrays back. Looks like your brain has been replaced by bugs
me (oblivious): please let me g go home
dril avatar
alRight. no filter. i think that, igf you are a bird, and you get run over by a car, you absolutely need to get your god damn act together
dril avatar
id absolutely love to move to LA with my model g.friend & start my film career, but all my pre-orders at game stop would certainly be fucked
dril avatar
my garbage family is staging an intervention or something for me because i forgot what its called when people have a chin made out of hair
dril avatar
in social media blunders: i post a pic of my new watch without realizing all of my credit card numbers and dick and prolapsed ass are visibl
dril avatar
my rig tower is full of shit parts because i spent all my money on a mouse pad with a screaming human face ionside of it
dril avatar
fbi agents are hiding theur guns in toilets so they can arrest you for shitting on government property. do not be fooled by this dirty trick
dril avatar
@ohwowhi TTNR was sponsored by shitty ruby tuesday, which led ultimately to its downfall. Boy's Thought's is sponsored by salem cigarettes
dril avatar
dril avatar
im starting a new feature on my feed called "Boy's Thought's" where I just riff on the things of day to day life and maybe some surprises to
dril avatar
whats in my cup today? why its that old stand-by known as "beer" folks . thank you for reading it
dril avatar
i nneed constant 24/7 stream of memes and jokes about coffee being good to prove to myself im not living in rthe Fucking matrix
dril avatar
@dr_pizza_MD that's certainly a numnber
dril avatar
once agAin going "Ape" over controversial Classic rock opinions at the super market while my asain gf pushes me around in a shopping cart
dril avatar
someone needs to tell "TimOnline" that his username fucking sucks
dril avatar
there is so much rigamarole and legal B.S. involved around mnaking a comedy central roast of digimonotis that it's almost not even worth it
dril avatar
in the latest effort to distance myself from "Whacky" ;, "Random" bull shit, i will be changing my name from VolleyballCraig to NormalCraig,
dril avatar
things 90s boys remember: vision of themselves in the future being violently ripped apart by unknown energy. that board game thats in a mall
dril avatar
its decided. tomorrow morning im going to speak with the priest after his sermon and ask him to perform the ritual that will turn me athist.
dril avatar
my t-shirts no longer have humorous slogans on them, their purpose now is to display pitiful appeals begging people not to piss on me
dril avatar
dril avatar
mmy monitor flashed before me in dazzling light. for 1 brief moment, I saw every Celeb at once, the good 1s, the bad 1s, crying, jsut crying
dril avatar
originally wanted to keep silent about the "elmer fudd's dick" issue, but BMXWalter's objectionable dickless fudd theory has forced my hand,
dril avatar
ºO•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•.❀•.Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Perfect Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ.•❀.•❤•.¸✿¸.•❤•Oº
dril avatar
in response to allegations that i have beneficial forms of bacteria housed in my digestive tract: 1) Thayt's fucking disgusting 2) I don't
dril avatar
im going to jack off to the comet instead of the ass because im nice
dril avatar
doctor: you have a hoof growing in your brain. like a goat's hoof. its horrifying, unprecedented & fatal
me: is it true they do 420 in hhere
dril avatar
thw man who killed bin laden... angel or demon
dril avatar
@LetsFunHans do not talk of this on here
dril avatar
@devinwzrd college boy . . . woop woop woop
dril avatar
lime and pear is the same "Lime & Pear: Same Fruit" (they are the same) #LimeAndPearTheSame // Opinion: Limes are no different from pears
dril avatar
[transfer of pug_dog_Spectacularly_gored_by_bull.flv completed]
oops. sorry. that's the wrong one. here
[transferring lime.jpg]
dril avatar
i know how to get on all my favorite site`s.
dril avatar
in the nice days, the paper boy would hand deliver the newspaper to its subscriber. now he throws it at my dick and murders me every time
dril avatar
ass ointment seeping through the top of my perilously tight jeans leaving unsightly horizontal stripes on the sofa #Supernatural200thEpisode
dril avatar
as this website's foremost broken human being, id like to annoucne that oysters make me mad now, for some reason
dril avatar
me: let's just say if ur a child who suffocated in a plastic bag, my next rant might just rock your socks off
buzzfeed: Splendid. Phenomenal
dril avatar
@wolfpupy the grenades man doesn't believe in girlfriends
dril avatar
" big-ears bastard ruins another opera after being flung off the balcony by marines "
dril avatar
a good bad -ass thing would be a criminal who throws lots of hand grenades and kisses them each time. they could use this in agent of shield
dril avatar
@anecdoted Please Dont
dril avatar
congress: youre so good at saying the truthful things in a handsome way. we need you
me: Wheres bigfoot. Assholes
dril avatar
congress: it would be an honor to let you join Congress
me: absolutely no. it'd be a disservice to my followers to join the bastard congress
dril avatar
@adamgyoung because im a pig in the zoo
dril avatar
THe,yre going to stop, making twinkies soon. Buy lots of ammo and leather
dril avatar
i want anonymous and police to join forces against the mayor and allow me to have a big pile of dirty towels rot the floorboards in my house
dril avatar
the US army sent my police departmet 100000 hideous robot arms to rip off citizens' heads but heres the thing, we only need like 500 of them
dril avatar
open up thhis portable crapper citizen. im police and im on a crook search. stand down stand down
dril avatar
to counter-act the terrible "ISIS", im starting my own group called "NICEis". what we do is give retweets & faves to the hopelessly decrepit
dril avatar
sorry boys.. im goin A.W.O.L.. !!! Another Weekend On-Line
dril avatar
@obamacare69 its almost to good, i think
dril avatar
@obamacare69 i plan on going to do it.
dril avatar
the pinheads at the post office are all down there whooping it up with my good car mags instead of delivering them to my tent in the desret
dril avatar
@weird_drugs BLu8rehgh kiss my fuckin ass jack off Numbnuts prick
dril avatar
i love ggetting hazed so i can gain access into this exclusive club of people who have been forced to eat dog shit
dril avatar
they were goign to preserve my brain but they decided it would be a waste of a jar. they instead used the jar to store a massive piss sample
dril avatar
once i get the brand surgry i expect dairy queen to come crawling back. to give me back my job of saying "dariy queen rules" for $0.01 an hr
dril avatar
i;m now getting surgery to completely become a Brand. all bothersome human elements (ability to get mad, go to toilet, etc) will be, removed
dril avatar
Have u ever wanted to Kick someone's ass on here so bad but don't do it because you will die if youre exposed to clouds
dril avatar
sttop sending me aprilfools. its not April
dril avatar
dril avatar
the last indie twitter acocunt. ..yeah thats me
dril avatar
i was given a purple heart for being the fox executive who invented the 3d football robot & made homer stop showing his ass on the simpsons
dril avatar
a cement truck pouring its load on a bare ass nude man lying face down while people sing happy birthday to him
dril avatar
(reading my latest death threat ) "from the desk of DigimonOtis..." this is bullshit. digimonotis has never owned a desk
dril avatar
dril avatar
if u follow me. ..and ur display name is "bazinga man".. you had better FUCking be the real bazinga man before I unscrew youre head & SHIT D
dril avatar
as hte real life #AlexFromTarget, i'd like to thank you all for liking the picture of me,aand announce my support for president jeb bush2016
dril avatar
"my posts are more..i think.. self aware than most other peoples posts. Im also nice to everybody" -dril, visionary Disruptor; while smoking
dril avatar
i think it is good to vote, unless it is inconvenient, or boring to do so. then it might be very bad. i'm sorry for doing politics om here.
dril avatar
i don't believe in making beer in huge metal vats. they should make it in cups, for me to drink it out of, when I want to,
dril avatar
i believe in " inject steroids into infants ". i believe in " WAsh your damn car ". i believe in " #PregnantHogGate ". i believe in " koopa"
dril avatar
@iAdam @Odd_Hack @neilkli i actually feel bad for you that you will be drowning in a jail cell full of thick brown piss in about 7 minutes
dril avatar
establishment cocksuckers wiping their a$$es every time they shit, while the windbag toilet paper lobbyist crooks roll around in blood money
dril avatar
Dear Applicant,
We regret to inform you that Guinness no longer publishes the world record for "World's Tiniest Ass", because it was too sad
dril avatar
@Brandon_Heath10 I personally make sure they are good beofre I submit them.
dril avatar
@coffee_liz my mame is jonny goodposts
dril avatar
i would like to remind our nation's youth to burn their mcdonald abd burger king cups after use so mobsters cant hide IEDs in them
dril avatar
Personality: Good friend for anyone, will help someone in need, not foul with language.
Dislikes: People who ridiculize Lucario (I really ha
dril avatar
man wearing nothting but socks doing back flip kicks into his tv because there are too many batman shows
dril avatar
[crying[ i just want to seay.. it takes a lot of courage for the cashiers to thank me for shopping at wal mart.. but it iw well appreciated,
dril avatar
@VlNESAUCE thats a fuckin dog
dril avatar
proud to announce that after 30 years as a slave on my uncle's fishing vessel i no longer wish to fuck the post cereals honey-comb wanter
dril avatar
remember not to die on halloween so you dont turn into w pumpkin
dril avatar
haivng the xbox controller vibrate in my lap for 14 hours a day has rendered me sterile , low - t , and betagender
dril avatar
ive decided that nudity is acceptable if irt's done for artistic reasons, like, promoting a mattress store,
dril avatar
im sorry for doing jokes about the blue checkmark. i need it very badly to protect myself from villains right now
dril avatar
@jenorca thank you daugter
dril avatar
@hehu42 nnastyboy
dril avatar
@wwwdotyoutube i`m not at liberty, to discuss
dril avatar
would like to know why my eBay account has been replaced by dead ladybugs. user name is "good_and_bad_days_haver_1963"
dril avatar
my great-grandfather died protecting his farm from a pack of coyotes. i died from overexerting myself in a money booth at blizzcon
dril avatar
the president has never once been filmed taking a bath. he is presumably very filthy
dril avatar
you walked across the entire great wall?? well one time i pushed my dick into my body with my thumb, got scared about halfway in and stopped
dril avatar
@QU0RN_D0G this is thge greatest post ever made
dril avatar
@QU0RN_D0G my content is good actualy. please retwweet
dril avatar
@QU0RN_D0G isupport having my dick sucked and my ass kissed and my dick kissed and all the other metaphors for liking my posts
dril avatar
farm boss: yyoure so good at cleaning the pigs' ass holes. please let us pay you
me: no. i won't allow my work to be corrupted by the dolar.
dril avatar
pavlov thinks hes good just because he can make dogs drool with bells. mean while I can make dogs howl insanely just by taking my Ass out
dril avatar
Spipe tv
dril avatar
@radiometricx hitler also owned three beautiful cobra's
dril avatar
@zeroprospects Are u going to signal boost me or not.
dril avatar
foflks i want to tell you all about icecold pepsi. its good to drink that & top it off with a crest whitestrip while jacking off in your car
dril avatar
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@respected_loner @duncepud the government cut off my balls too but they told me the president needed them
dril avatar
i wish i had my baby teeth back. those were the good 90s teeth
dril avatar
(being trampled to death by panicking crowd) hah. look at these dumb fucks. they think im part of a floor. they dont even realize im a human
dril avatar
*enrolls in psychology major*
finnally. this will give me the upper hand in dealing with trolls
*fails all courses*
college is fake actually
dril avatar
"Spike TV should put on a slideshow of your most celebrated posts, accompanied by a tasteful, easy listening soundtrack."
well, This is true
dril avatar
sometimes bags of food say the true shit that were all afraid to
dril avatar
i can confirm that the candid photos on Darknet of me eating a breakfast wrap are real. and i will issue an apology for the trouble i caused
dril avatar
rubbinb hand sanitizer all over my loud mouthed pet birds
dril avatar
dril avatar
girl or something: wtf did you jUst say. sounded like "xbone fail". did you just say"xbone fail" at me.
me: (purple-faced refusal to answer)
dril avatar
a 38 year old man who is dressed like a school shooter is here too pick up his vitality supplements .
dril avatar
@junestahls only if you are fine with being refused admittance into the kingdom of our lord
dril avatar
i tried to open a kissing booth where people spit in my Fucking face instead of kissing me but they eventually started refusing to pay m e
dril avatar
convinced that about 98% of my followers and favs are all from one awful man who is taunting me becuase I spoke ill of orange julius in 2011
dril avatar
if any of you have any tips or tricks about how to make the queen ant shit ant honey into my mouth, email me at LongLegsGustin@bisquick.com
dril avatar
which film or work of art rujined my life the most. im going to have to say men and black 2.
dril avatar
i envisioned last night an older, wiser austin powers engaging a group of young adults about the evils of sex. hollywood, the world is ready
dril avatar
that three stooge thing where you run around in circles on the floor horizontally is actually a vital component of my yakuza training
dril avatar
@LeetahEveeSparx no. the murderers isis. this is a Topical one
dril avatar
all dressed up in my little tuxedo and ready to sacrifcie my self to isis
dril avatar
@Halowary @MrTrollham Ouh..!! Fascinating ! **Nodding a lot*
dril avatar
@HugeActman im sorry. its simply too long. game in piece my friend
dril avatar
@GenericJoey I have never not been real. Aspecially during the time of this crisis, the 9/11 of enthusiast game play.
dril avatar
dril avatar
in conclousion, there's some action packed heavy hitter s in the world of games being released soon, and I hope you all buy them. Bye
dril avatar
maybe sometimes both sides... are good and bad at the same time??? im sorry if im doing this wrong. it is difficult to write
dril avatar
to truly under stand the #gamergate ... we must first ask ourselves.... "What.. Is.. Gamer..." **gazeing into the fire place*
dril avatar
ass someone who owns BOTH next gen consoles, as a actual murderer with every halo displayed on my mantle, i've the final word of gamer gate,
dril avatar
night time falls. im "corie latin" now. a man of intrigue. i place a bird feather into my glass of scotch and i never do posts about my dick
dril avatar
@BevisSimpson everyone on here would rather give $20 to their idiotic gfs. its discusting
dril avatar
dril avatar
it is important to remember to empty the recycle bin on your desk top every once in a while if you delete a lot of files
dril avatar
male model: washing my luxurious long hair is so boring. i wish my entire body was bald like you
me: Now the healing can begin
dril avatar
its sunday morning which means u boys better either be in church or staying home because of another gynecomastia flare up like the poster me
dril avatar
Auh.. Beer! Theres nothing LIKE it! 123 cups of scalding hot Beer on my office desk. Dont spill it now, it's good.
dril avatar
JAMES BOND: (Shoots his gun at the screen in the intro and murders me)
ME: Now that;s cinema
dril avatar
@ryannichols7 thats the worst one!!! dont say it
dril avatar
difficult 4 average joe like me to schedule some time to "Jack Off" arounf here; with all these tragic anniversaries fucking my calendar up
dril avatar
dril avatar
@CoolHandArash @gabrielroth did you see the twteet about dog piss i just did. its good
dril avatar
@CoolHandArash @gabrielroth that woul,d be the exact opposite of interesting
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dril avatar
@gabrielroth engage my turds doofus
dril avatar
dril avatar
who wants t o read some extremely embarrassing opinions about how i believbe the @mtn_dew twitter account was taken over by a false dew fan
dril avatar
**instnatly teleports 1000 years into the future where theres millions of new things to have good opinions about* HUUhhauih, .. Uh.. BLuahgh
dril avatar
pleased to report my custom beer tap that makes a dramatic diarrhea noise while filling the glass is a hit with the boys at the fondue club
dril avatar
(sees parking for electric vehicles, does the smug grin/shaking head thing) what's next? ? parking for circus clown cars?
dril avatar
for my dedication to the brand. . ive decided to treat myself to an affordable vacation package in ssplendid, extraordinary "quicksand hell"
dril avatar
i click online expecting praise from mny contemporaries. instead i get an ass pic on my monitor and i immediately start wheezing into my lap
dril avatar
im going to urinate all m y damn cum out.. dont read this if youre Male
dril avatar
some children get really angry if you tell them that all nasa astronauts are cigarette smokers, but its true
dril avatar
i would really like to wipe this spilled chili off of me but all my towels are fucked up right now
dril avatar
You Won't Believe How Many Legs That Spiders Have
dril avatar
@onlinernet no. im tim crap
dril avatar
FBI AGent: We have given u a new identity because of the death threats your bad posts get you. Youre Tim Crap now
Me (as Tim Crap now): Cool
MrPosts avatar
Ever felt so annoyed to the point where you just say fuck to everything ?
dril avatar
please donate medicine to my boy son kim jong-un, who was assaulted by a fawn & became too sick to attend the royal korean spaghetti banquet
dril avatar
please pray for the safety and health of my beautiful child, supreme leader kim jong-un
dril avatar
The Impervious Millennial: im Gay sir. I eat shit. Bazinga
dril avatar
hello unionized jackhammer fuckers. could you please go repair some other road?? im trying to suck my wife off
dril avatar
@robdelaney i feel as thouggh ive been tasked by a greater power to keep the riffraff of twitter in line, through my gift of words
dril avatar
the "Seems To Me" collection by @Dril. Thank you for reading it
dril avatar
seems to me.. sometimes... you just have to say speak the true things which remain unspoken.
dril avatar
seems to me like im more and more the only person on this site who tweets wiht Integrity.
dril avatar
huge amounts of vomitting hav.e, made me good at howling
dril avatar
i want to become a master plumber so i can make shit rain on my enemies
dril avatar
please enter the wooded area behind hardee`s when you are ready to be lectured about using corn cob holders by a fervently diapered imbecile
dril avatar
@tyler_belisle a god damn beer and some salt water
dril avatar
dril avatar
i wear the crown of thorns before every time i click submit . . .
dril avatar
if a sniper shot me i owuld run over to where he is and kick the gun out of his hand and kill him because hes not specialized in melee fight
dril avatar
ah, i can smell it,. its just about ready. *opens the oven up and pulls out a sshitty burnt up ritz cracker* my perfect boy's lunch
dril avatar
nice shoes idiot. nice pants. nice head. nice face. nice legs. nice feet and mouth. nice eyes. nice dick, ass, hands, tongue, ears, uh, neck
dril avatar
stonehenge actually sucks and i hope someone pushes those rocks the hell over real soon
dril avatar
the massive pair of black angel wings that i wear to the gym fucking stink like shit now and they wont fit into the washing machine either
dril avatar
it may not be necessary for me to reply to every post on my feed with "I Agree" ,b but it is appreciated and nice, and I will never stop
dril avatar
@Clint_Bing go fuck your selve
dril avatar
pleasse read the article "Why I Choose To Masturbate" by Mutant Turd for truly valuable insight into the mind of the common masturbator
dril avatar
@TamKox i will try to, but hes home
dril avatar
@TamKox tim went home
dril avatar
hello folks. country singer tim mcgraw here. thank you for listening to all of my songs
dril avatar
whuh?? isis is good/? **slams face into monitor leaving a head-shaped hole* Whammo. Fuck off
dril avatar
looking around with high-tech goggles that display everyone's raw denim stats on a sleek HUD. i'm screaming because they're fused to my head
dril avatar
@BasedAnap the onion av club shoudl review my tweets so people can make graphs about how good i am
dril avatar
Im at town hall getting a permit to have e xtremely bad opinions about guitars
dril avatar
now im a man whos been eating his fuckin spaghetti, i tell you what for damn sure. tghat being said, toilet paper needs to be about 3x wider
dril avatar
dril avatar
(pics of hole in wall) thats what happen when i got very pissed off by the sports radio caller saying the football players should run slower
dril avatar
@sl2c i dont tweet either
dril avatar
i dont follow anyone on this site, my feed is the pinnacle of cultural purity, i look at the blank goddamn page& blow kisses at it furiously
dril avatar
1.Let me take my gallon bottle of pepto on planes
2.The Catholic Church is on some Mike Jackson shit
3.There is too many restaurants
dril avatar
judges are bullshit, your honor
dril avatar
@BronzeHammer @duncepud im too busy frowning at the computer to eat
dril avatar
my timeline.. is my empire. oftentimes i find my self scrolling through it and just taking it all in;, feeling little to no shame whatsoever
dril avatar
im rwriting a script about a smart and handsome army man cop who murders civilians but wants to stop murdering civilians because hes in love
dril avatar
@90sPleb they are all crooks
dril avatar
@MrBlanchat andrew is very intelligent and handsome and i will continue reblogging him to my 390000 followers because of that
dril avatar
@lowtax the forum that murdered "ravioli_dad" and "basedgarfield2"??? no thank u
dril avatar
Why is there anger on this world. In year 2014. You savage , hateful, ugly thing's
dril avatar
everyone giving me shit over the teen things I said is mad because im able to conSistently put up the good opinions before them &get the RTs
dril avatar
youngsters are all fucked up due to elevated levels of incest that occurred during reagan-era protests. thats why theyre hooked on cellphone
dril avatar
as a 46 year old teen I would like to apologize to all old dudes on behalf of the teen generation, for decades of gangsterism and nonsense,
dril avatar
some people say that area 51 is a jail for aliens. i say its where the army keeps their best guns
dril avatar
i am not going to post pictures of the oilive oil after i shit it out, as that would be unsafe for work
dril avatar
to my mates online: im raising $1900 so i can drink a ton of olive oil to see if it turns to shit when i shit it out or just stays olive oil
dril avatar
remember to always have samples of urine, shit, semen and blood attached to your belt to avoid wasting the doctor';s time if you get sick
dril avatar
@MPRodney theres a new dril in town and its me, the millionaire who buys twitter accounts to make them less funny
dril avatar
@MPRodney i dont know how to make the good tweets anymore, like thte one from 2012 where i piss on a ferret in a pyramid or something
dril avatar
watch what happesn when a man with nothing to lose collides with 4000 "babe the Pig" commemorative plates piled next to a sears dumpster
dril avatar
@CocaCola Damn. The blogs confirmed it
dril avatar
is it true that the ebola man works at a @cocacola plant. it would be fucked up if he touched the cans and shit,
dril avatar
later that night, i post "the btk killer fuckin sucks" on the official guestbook of peep marshmallow. my opst is then removed by a moderator
dril avatar
the btk killer spits in my god damn face. the impact cuases my neck to whiplash and separate 2 of my vertebrae. i flip him the bird but good
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underwhelm by social media..posted 6 pics of my clean mouth, fresh from dentist,but ppl are more interested in yapping at their shit friends
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@Dreamking89 im a good man, a respectful man
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@Dreamking89 what about i take a big jar, i shit and piss in it for like 3 months and then sneak into your house and dump it on your bed
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@_Hermit_Thrush_ theyre fucking horrible, they suck
dril avatar
every little thing that U do......
Baby im amazed by U...
dril avatar
@DrewBroj glorified mud
dril avatar
my putty stance. fuck all putty
dril avatar
i vow to continue improving my Posture uuntil my chest consumes the earth
dril avatar
no. no it is too soon. ignore my previous tweet please
dril avatar
society is changing, constantly ggrowing and improving, and i think it is time for spider-man to show his dick
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when the war ended, my grandpa was spit upon but kept his pride—it is in this spirit that i choose to carry the burden of Gamer . #GamerGate
budweiserguy avatar
have a lunch
dril avatar
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mmy appreciation of pat sajaks wardrobe is extremely well known; and is the only aspect of my life that is not shrouded in complete disgrace
dril avatar
THERAPIST: your problem is, that youre perfect, and everyone is jealous of your good posts, and that makes you rightfully upset.
ME: I agree
dril avatar
@sanxbile @911VICTIM whos this. Whos this guy. whys he saiying this here
dril avatar
@911VICTIM thats very sad
dril avatar
@Nytzschy @DecayDJK @djfilippone @nickLbrothers i was buzz feed until i sold th account to jiffy lube for $100. this is common knowledge
dril avatar
maybe instead of a toaster they shoul call it a "Toast cooker" #normalMansThoughts
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please stop sending pictures of girls urinating to my house. it ws funny when i was 16 but now it is affecting my standing within the church
dril avatar
worse than goldman sachs: secret tapes of me bleating like a shit-covered animal because time magazine refuses to publish my meemes
dril avatar
plaese help my loathsome son find a professional who will tattoo the cheesecake factory logo onto his chest with no backtalk or jokes
dril avatar
im so insanely hyperintelligent from spending 14hrs a day absorbing Twitter knowledge that im no longer amused by nmovies about 3d animals
dril avatar
my name is Destyn. i build crossbows and sell weed to all your dads and im 15
dril avatar
listen son, if someone calls you a horses ass, you look him in the eye and tell him "horses asses are actually incredibly strong, and clean"
dril avatar
i love haivng my face and head spit shined by army men while i am trying to play rpgs professionally and efficiently in my beanbag chair
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measure to approve massive depressing statue in the center of town depicting an emaciated mayor carrying a boulder that says "My Sons" on it
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@BileCube some guy snatched my name up already, its garbage
dril avatar
@BileCube i dont cotton to tthat shit
dril avatar
"peppa pig" is the latest children's TV show that my followers cant wait to see ripped to shreds by my high IQ intelligence, live on my feed
dril avatar
@NeutronDre well im doing uh, the angry face meme
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"Device Lets Fully Paralyzed Rats Walk Again" -bunkum. i for one will not put up with this resurgence of walking rats and my followers agree
dril avatar
@ermannociao @duncepud ((crrying) im sorry
dril avatar
@siilverteeth its either anonymous the hacker or an angel
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@siilverteeth i dont remember how this image got on my comptuer and theres 0 results when i try to image search it
dril avatar
yell prayers to the lord our god
dril avatar
it is with a heavy heart that i must announce that the celebs are at it again
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((frowning) cause im the Apps Man (depression) YEah yeah im the apps man
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dril avatar
@HiImBleep too each, there own
dril avatar
@HiImBleep the anime web turnpike girl is like 50 yearsold now
dril avatar
everyone on this site thinks they're hard core but i bet if they took poison to weaken their bodies i would win fights against them handily
dril avatar
@BigMoney_Morrow every one of my tweets puts me about $500 deeper in the red
dril avatar
Your YouTube account has been suspended for the following reasons: Extortion, Treason,
dril avatar
"i think that, if every American had a math book in his hand, instead of the big gulp, we would be in a better place, of the country." -Dril
dril avatar
@BongVivant yeah but hes really smart
dril avatar
hank williams jr fired from his new job of yelling in front of a chrysler dealership for calling esteemed justice sonia sotomayor a Swindler
dril avatar
@BongVivant hank william jr is not horse shit
dril avatar
"All My Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Tonight" is a song written and recorded by American country music performer Hank Williams, Jr
dril avatar
my dick hits all the wrong notes and smells like newsPaper
dril avatar
==ultimate mom pics==
dril avatar
@SRN_lol i used flash but toonboom is probably better
dril avatar
@kcgreenn someone compared it to family guy alredy. Im finished
dril avatar
@vtlynch yeah im a fake piece of shit now and im rich ha ha ha
dril avatar
dril avatar
"[Tipping] is...the last refuge of toads" - Thomas Jefferson
"Do not tip the waitress" - Monroe
"i dont tip bitch. Reblog this" - John Adams
dril avatar
i see this well has run dry. time to saddle up and mosey along #TheProcess
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fuck you. dont you know who i am. im the big palooka who eats frozen dumplings on 24/7 live cam while people clal the swat team on me
dril avatar
@acrosstheaether thank you for being the first one
dril avatar
Monsanto Yes #MonsantoYes
dril avatar
Beat the shit out of the football. Beat the shit out of the football. Beat the shit out of the football. 11 43 22 36 hothothothot
dril avatar
im about to get my piss tested for steroids. if they find steroids in there then ill start drinking it instead of going to the steroid store
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dril avatar
dril avatar
twittter posts a net loss of hundreds of millions of dollars each year just while i post highfalutin messages about my dick and ass