Dril Archive top likedtop retweeted@drilDownloadGitHub
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@GregWHoward I agre. Obama is gay as fuc%. Im not gay either. Thank you
dril avatar
mint wine
dril avatar
ill vote for the candidate who promises to make masturbating in haunted houses illegal
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"the ass show me that i can only fuck it." - a legendary fireman who died
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@WholeFoods Thank you so much, after feeding my grandson your ALL NATURAL, ORGANIC food & grain we have noted a sharp decrease in his autism
dril avatar
#4wordsthatleadtosex BEST custom license plate
dril avatar
please god my lord let thtere be an all beavis spin off
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@AGentleBrees gogle is in deep trouble since they used picture of my patented 2012-ready wiccan runestone arrangements without permission
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evry young man MUST receive a cupbox at the age of 17 to carry his favorite cups around and to give him a valuable lesson in responsibility
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@hambeef i love him thank you
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#ourfriendshipendedwhen you laced my oatmeal with shrek glasses
dril avatar
pigmail will replace email in 2010
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im inventing a new kind of bird seed out of sand and waste
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Another Jeans Rant.
tonyhawk avatar
Going to JoBerg to give a speech on new marketing & social media. They like what I'm doing here. Little do they know I'm fully winging it.
dril avatar
@Huggies are there any plans to release The Jeans Diaper in an adult man`s size. thank you #jeansdiaper
dril avatar
im making this canon whether u like it or not
dril avatar
revamped. reloaded. ready to roll. austin 4.0. blasting directly to dvd may 2016. too randy for theatrers
dril avatar
all t he babes from the old movies will be in it. the dad from the third one will be in it. austin 4.0. do i make you oscar baby
dril avatar
we got myers. seth. verne. all ready to put on their costums and entertain u. think youre ready?? absolutely not. austin 4.0
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careful. this three ring binder contains mny gentleman's disquisition on moé ass and cunt
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#ghettospellingbee spell Ownage C-A-R-L-O-S-M-E-N-C-I-A (rip)
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if u consider yourlsef part of Grit Culture just because you r dog shed all over your shirt then get the F.O. and dont comeback
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magichdetective avatar
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cadmium? i drink cadimum all the time. perfectly natural. maybe those 100000 children died because theyre too dumb to deserve shrek glasses
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fail blog has gotetn WAY too political for my tastes
cartman avatar
getting an acount on twitter
dril avatar
congress members fighting over who can scream "halo 5" the loudest, until a senior member stands up and yells "halo 6", infuriating them all
dril avatar
" my arthritic balls and cum "
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i licked a pumpkin dtoday #thinspo
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i have been advised not to ascend to the spirit plane in my sissy dress and #diapers
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the very best on line wife`s ass
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tgifridays has temporarily taken the "dennis poppers" off of their menu. out of respect
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aide to BArraack0 "Virgin" hussame nobadman cuaght buying toilet paper... wow ! wonder whatz going on in the white house. T Cot. #tcot
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barak "diapers" obama too busy scrubbing the litle oil spill birdies to wipe the tar of disrespect from the souls of our mem day troop #tcot
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all new simposns this week. theyre finally gonna tackle Tim Allen. with guest star tim allen. this ones tv 14 so watch out
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ababyduck avatar
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legalize pubic hair in playstaton (PSX) games
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im going to watch homer simpson sing the beer song on you tube. does anyone care to join me
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check out these Pig Kickers *rolls pant leg up to reveal an elaborately decorated cowoby boot that goes up the entire leg*
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"100% Percent Too Bad" wont fit on my license plate, will it. well i think ill be buying license plate elsewhere than. *hangup*
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Grief Stricken Babe Ass
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us siamese twins need to stick together
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myabe the people WITHOUT fetal alcohol syndrome are the ones with the so called "disorder"
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i have a life, thank u.
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@glennbeckgirl dont you dare insult ebert chicago.
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turn on howard stern. he is talking to a policeman habout how tough their job is and that we are proud of him
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we;ll its time for me to pick the scabs off of what i not-so-affectionately refer to as my "Fail Dick"
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holy shit... this pug is to fat !! i am sorry with him...
3 months ago
dril avatar
are u ready for mothersday i am. http://tinyurl.com/2chgrdp
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when i changed my name from "jared" to "jaryd" it was a declaration that im done following the rules. many tears, but also strength
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uk elecitons in full force!! lib dems vs Chavs; vote now and google the HECK out of ron paul
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"the only way to go is retro." - demonius dark blade, 30 minutes ago
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level 55 arcane stevia eater
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if my Marmaduke internship doesn't pan out i will have nothing. Nothing
dril avatar
wearing a belt + big texas belt buckle as necklace?? why ahasnt anyone thought of this before. i must be the smartest man on earh
dril avatar
im just a Hispanic male who loves looking at pictures of bluejeans. i have a tough road ahead and a long ways 2 go in my life
TheBabbyLion avatar
I have been advised not to go to the #teaparty in my sissy dress and #diapers :/
dril avatar
imma newmedia grassroots teen marketing consultant prick fucek. ah a new tcot friend.! ill just ignore his goatman avatrar
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can we all please affix "#justforfun" to the tweets that aren';t meant to be taken seriously. this would really cut down on the mishmash
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im ganna get all indigniant and huffy like a BItch anw way!!!!!!!! dont wanna eat This Dinner!! im a Teen for life
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@Zoomie2000 agreed. i live in az and my islam handicape neighbor is always asking me about his welfare check. and all i do is sigh #tcot
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http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs32/f/2008/222/a/5/RIP_Bernie_Mac_by_Miserycat.jpg close my eyes and start 2 pray if only god could let u stay
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justin bieber's puckered asshole nurses a fat turd as he squats defiantly at the edge of a sulfurous crater labeled "the recording industry"
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#TshirtSlogans all musliums boycott dogfood
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@Eukanuba post twitter update on ramidad but not easter Sunday???? its obvious now where your alliances lie, i wil boycott your subpar grit
SarahPalinUSA avatar
Unbelievable, Outrageous“Whether we like it or not,we remain a dominant military superpower”-Obama
YES,Mr.Pres,we LIKE knowing we r strong
dril avatar
mate...ya got a hole in your head
dril avatar
stevejspencer avatar
kwwrr avatar
#7165279" target="_blank">http://translationparty.com/#7165279 #tcot
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#Zodiacfacts if yourre a #taurus! get a life
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#ZodiacFacts black people are all #Gemini
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#ZodiacFacts #Saggetaearrius (sp? i dont know? the crab one?) are the best golfers but they can't drive or something
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#Zodiacfacts #scorpio women have two ass holes
discofeverrocks avatar
Jesus I Love You is a trending topic??!! wow i guess there's more hope than i realized..
dril avatar
Thirsty Men Dot Coum.. Finally A Place Where I Can Meet UP With Local Thirsty Men And Boys
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@kfc_colonel i hate to bother u mr colonel, but could you please tell me where kfc gets the famed Bucket
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kfc avatar
loves April Fool's Day. Just loves it.
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shit hater
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the mayor has erected another insulting effigy of me (myself) foir the local children to hurl stones and urine upon. lost my vote bitch
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iran suports team coco or what have you. goodnight
dril avatar
Pope Fuckes 200 Deaf Boys. Bet ya hes tired..! #justforfun #gags
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no soup for YOU gaben newwel
dril avatar
i have it. the ultimate pushup
dril avatar
like these curtains?? 100% japanese denim. like my shoes?? 100% japanese denim. wanna bite of my sandwich? 100% japanese denim. #tcot
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because of the RECESSION, "Ice Capades" has been cancleled and replaced by SHITcapades and PISScapades. just kidding
dril avatar
gah. the decal maker fuckged up my order again. now corey haim will never rest in peace http://tinyurl.com/yh6r2eg
dril avatar
bob costas found hung with the word "FED" carve in to his chest #iamamotherfucker
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AVATAR didnt win enough oscars, please supporrt independent film maker james cameron b y cutting your oscar statue in half (if you have one)
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@Snapple "Phenylalanine"? Hasn't that been proven to cause autism in lab pigs
dril avatar
@Iams why should i pay $9 a bag for miscellaneous slaughter grit when my animals seem to thrive off of my leftover pizza crusts
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just found out tthat cultural revolutionary Bill Maher is just another worthless pothead. is there any hope left in this earth
dril avatar
Coach Klein: Nice suit! #WaterboyWednesday
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Bobby Boucher: Now that's what I call high quality H2O. #WaterboyWednesday
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[Bobby chases Grenouille, screaming, then ramming and tackling him hard to the ground]
Coach Klein: [in amazement] Wow! #WaterBoyWednesday
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Dan Fouts: The waterboy just needed some water!
Brent Musburger: Wow Dan, did you come up with that all by yourself? #WaterboyWedesnday
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My Regular Life And My Ocean's Eleven Fanfiction Life Have Collided In A Horrible Fire Ball
dril avatar
the IRS plane man died so that people like doug would stop taking $ from the average joe citisen.
dril avatar
if your in anonymous please help me destory "zepplindoug777"s life with a meticulously devised terror campaign or somethig
dril avatar
do not buy handicap parking decals from "ZepplinDoug777", they are fake and the cops will still bust u!!!!!
dril avatar
petition to invalidate benchmarsk that're located precariously close to dangerous ethnics #geocachingmishaps
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every time indie film maker rick james gets kick off an airplane i boycot anohter fucker hollywood mainstream garbage pot
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"i am deeply sorry but do not let this freak incident fool you, the uroclub is still a fine product a nd it is a 'hole in one'." -tigerwoods
dril avatar
im gonna eat this whole sack of potatoes by my self #AntiLent
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kev smith i support u and that air line had no right to charge u for the poopstain u left smeared across two seats
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a gun that is also a boomerang
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missed connections: the bone - head who dropped an entire slice of pizza on my brand new Craig Martin`s ( wow yourw a tough guy )
dril avatar
justin biber STILL hasnt wresponded to my Gonzo literature concerning the false link between hiv and aids
dril avatar
rip dr phil
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i found a pill in the grass. i think it was a drug pill. i called "911". good luck all
dril avatar
dril avatar
Super Boll Picks??? thoguht youd never ask. gonna go with "The Burton Bigbirds" and "Horse"
dril avatar
#2wordsforvday @@@ NO CHAVS @@@
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#2wordsforvday Watch Bruce (willis)
dril avatar
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/526364 ground hogs day stink and i hate that animla.
dril avatar
heres a good joke i just heard liborant equals deodoranf for liberals because they stink
truthstampede avatar
Liborant = deodorant for liberals, they stink
dril avatar
dril avatar
cant wait to get back to iraq and blast some ragheads-- itll be just like halo but with less lag #tcot #nowTHATSghetto #nowplaying #bun
dril avatar
outrage in the midle east as wealthy oil barons trade daughters for new 3d tvs only to disocver that glasses are required for full experence
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petition to remove 'nude" from the curseword blacklist on teenzone cyberscrabble
dril avatar
does anyon know if robert mugabe have a twitter site
radiometricx avatar
Listening to a podcast.
dril avatar
obama's ban on clove cigarettes has affected me Spiritually
dril avatar
http://tinyurl.com/y8acs8j donated several hundred of these badboys to the haitian gov in their time of need.. do your part #iran
dril avatar
vin diesel as the Tooth Fairy??? Now I've seen every thing.
dril avatar
can;t believe people still try to rile me up in the year 2010
dril avatar
im a millionair and im going to pay blizzardgames $9.9bil on the stipulation that they put pornos in diabo 3
dril avatar
@rekingb u are a Coward of the lowest ordr, in Usmc we owuld poison dogs like u, trolling alter my heart rtyhem and i can die from it
dril avatar
i jsut indie developed a hot new tiwtter mod that lets u put more than 140 characters in a post, if u want it sen me $9, my email is craig@b
dril avatar
dril avatar
http://tinyurl.com/y9cg7dc I AM very exicted to be living in a 3-d world in the yr 2010. the OFFICIAL start to the new millanium
jbl_anzai avatar
dril avatar
boycott hanes underware #boycott #GonzoTweet #activism #iran
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Hanes dumps Charlie Sheen ads... fuck you hanes, you never battled a real d emon have you, you dont know what life is, make me sick, fuck of
dril avatar
boot rust
dril avatar
god shaped hole found on piss stained miracle mattress
dril avatar
absolute mustard ass
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neurotoxic pig bone spores
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legitimately undesirable mousetrap grit (wasn't asked for)
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mostly forgettable pinecone remains
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unemployable crab husk shit
dril avatar
so, noobs, any last words beofre i officially change my first and last name to "Logen" and drive my car off a cliff? I though so.
dril avatar
http://cornbird.com/goods/kfcbird.htm shocking expos%nbsp(5. lets see big gov. sweep this one under the ruck.
dril avatar
michael CRAPSon
dril avatar
wait i fucked that up. its suppose to be "good cheers to my friends, and this Year - best luck and thank you" and then i raise my botle
dril avatar
@kwwrr no it very good.
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@the_ironsheik please humble comedian Robin Williams for his mediocre performance in the heartwarming family comedy "Old Hogs"
dril avatar
happy birthday " horus the sun god"
dril avatar
dril avatar
for christmas i got a broken pair of "tweezers" and a "tweezer repair kit", which is also broken
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took failblog to court for putting puicture of my dick up, settled for $6. a victory, because im worht far less than that
dril avatar
#threewordsforyou lucasarts is my ass and toilet
dril avatar
#threewordsforyou starwars is my ass and toilet
SarahPalinUSA avatar
In Calif,had blast w/William Shatner,gig w/him airs tonite on Conan.Honored 2 have Wounded Warriors in studio audience=TRUE American heroes-
dril avatar
"I love him. Thank you" - fucking idiot senator Chuck Grassley (IA-R) on the death of the honorable Mr. Ayatollah
dril avatar
more trouble in the middle east as the islamic world struggles to find the new muslim pope
dril avatar
Grand "Ayatollah" Montazeri found dead on bathroom floor, among playing cards and discarded insurance brochures with conspicuous tooth marks
dril avatar
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@Leiigghh i dont like fuckers.
dril avatar
donate $78 to the " micropenis" awareness fund for a orange micropenis ribbon to show your support for micropenis. i have it
dril avatar
@hambeef love too get a bite on that. thank you for sharing
dril avatar
i am renouncing my status as" south park republican dad" inorder t o embrace a working form of dre3w carey libertarianism ( dad)
dril avatar
just like the time my buddy " chustin " Ate Shit on that ramp we made out of horse bones
dril avatar
#uknowuneedlotion not only does it smooth you put it on your hands to prevent, swine and bird; amoung other things, thank you
dril avatar
bug off my posts
dril avatar
youll know whehn it happens
dril avatar
fuck of
dril avatar
#youbeblownwhen you run into some five figure intern in the executive washroom
dril avatar
its official - beloved entertainer "bernie mac" has passed away at the tender age of 17. goodby
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#AmexAlicia prray for my aids uncle
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#AmexAlicia prray for my aids uncle
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Cart Man
dril avatar
Cart Man
dril avatar
#AmexAlicia i HATE the aid bug
dril avatar
#AmexAlicia i HATE the aid bug
dril avatar
#red for aids tuesday i will guarantee a 5% decrease in worldwide hiv infections by kkeeping my filthy dick out of the pacific ocean
dril avatar
@Leiigghh meat is murd .
dril avatar
i think its terrible that criminals are encouraging our more gullible members of society to celebrate the propagation of the vile aids virus
dril avatar
I just generated a #TweetCloud out of a year of my tweets. Top three words: jackson, 1958-2009, michael - http://w33.us/3kq0
dril avatar
consumeralert: at least one butterball turkey has been stuffed with the shrunken head of an assassinated african dictator. be care full.
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@kwwrr im glad you quit Aim You FUcking Shithead
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#worstfeeling dying of dehydration caused by diarrhea in a third world nation ravaged by warfare with no doctors #bestfeeling halo 4 odst
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#worstfeeling When Its Just To Much #bestfeeling Justright!
dril avatar
dril avatar
@MomLogic Child rape is never ok.
dril avatar
http://bit.ly/4hwzxV bblame the Owner not the Breed
dril avatar
http://bit.ly/1vIUb7 end racisn. black power
dril avatar
who cares about patrick swayze he hasnt even done anything for like a year
dril avatar
video footage of obama taxing an innocent dog. shameful #kanyewest
dril avatar
Sept 11: it is a testament to the resolve of our nation that the nine one one towers are still standidng upright and intact to this very day
dril avatar
please join me in welcoming the great "miles davis" to twitter.com http://twitter.com/milesdavis
dril avatar
in melrose, new mexico a young woman found a 'cursed' mouse skull in an unspecified variety of "utz" brand snack foods. beware of this
dril avatar
the air is rusty and im dead
dril avatar
dril avatar
nasty trap spray
dril avatar
"jamie lee curtis" #signedtoyoungmoney
dril avatar
maybe when hte myth buster finally decide to tackle blood diamond slavery, maybe THEN ill bother to tivo their shitty show.
dril avatar
in the end, i dont even care if the movie "Alladin" was made up. It was a stupid movie anyway.
dril avatar
im talkin about Boy Shit, stuff that lil peenypoppers like you wouldnt understand, no w go home before you done get hurd!!!!!!!
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dril avatar
im finally fat as hell Its About Time "Its About Time" #itsabouttime
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#itsuckswhen stupid presidents hide there birth certificate...
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#itsuckswhen my daughter gets mad at me for refusing to pay for her dental work
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@cupcaek congratulatons on your $80. tool
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#InterestingDevelopments:do not purhcase Hatfield Quality Meats as they contain a rare pigment alloy that turrns your skeleton bones black
dril avatar
WHo in their right nerve is selling M Jackson ticket to the funeral, le tthe man rest in peace, Relax!!!
dril avatar
police are finding lots of Bad Food, theyve been yanking it otu of the ocean for about 10 minutes now on the news, i pray for the families
dril avatar
i was recently forced to sell my eyebrows to a cancer patient just so i could afford a string to tie my broken skull togehter #freemarket
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covering my floors in industrial strength dog poison concocted in some rapists bathtub in south africa and sold for 0.002 USD per litre
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@casino666 i signed up on twiter to fight for proud causes; YOu signed up to find another venue for your pathological waste speech; And you
dril avatar
@casino666 Whered YOu Get Such a moth
dril avatar
if youre sick of Incest, please support Anti Incest by changing your avatar red. if your avatar already has green tint then please remove it
dril avatar
once again i apologize
dril avatar
ue to shit on them.
dril avatar
M Jackson Your Rapes Are Forgiven, in death you are no olnger bound by your disgusting criminal actions, Also I Like "The Moonwalk"
dril avatar
badboy Michael Jackson Rip 1958-2009 "Deth" http://tinyurl.com/l7atle #dead #iranelection #michaeljackson
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RT OFFICIAL: Michael Jackson (1958-2009) RIP - http://tinyurl.com/nlm7r2 #michaeljackson Suport Iran Fucker
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RT OFFICIAL: Michael Jackson (1958-2009) RIP - http://tinyurl.com/nlm7r2 #michaeljackson #michealjackson #deadrip
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OFFICIAL: Michael Jackson (1958-2009) RIP - http://tinyurl.com/nlm7r2
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